Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4679 Rego’s Junior Brother

"You yourself should know that grievances are mainly formed after a person dies due to injustice. Generally speaking, as long as the person who caused his death dies and his great revenge is avenged, not to mention that all the grievances are dissipated. It will also dissipate a lot. But here, Rego is dead, and the revenge has been avenged. The resentment here still shows no sign of dissipating. In other words, the resentment here is very powerful, and it is difficult to transcend it unless you are a person of high moral character. . I, Zheng Yiyuan, think that my cultivation is okay, but when it comes to how noble my virtue is, it is not good." Zhang Yu said.

"Then, what should we do..." Zhou Qingyun frowned and said.

"What should I do..." Zhang Yu looked at the carvings on the stone wall again and remained silent for a long time.

Now, he thinks that he has understood the essence of many Tianfang Ba Dao through previous inspections. I dare not say most of them, but probably more than half. More importantly, every time you watch it, you will see more the second time than you did the first time.

If you try to look at it yourself, you might be able to see more.

But after hesitating for a while, Zhang Yu decided to forget it. As the old saying goes, there are only three things you can do, and being too greedy will not end well.

The resentment that poured into his mind for the second time was already much more than the first time. If he did it again, I'm afraid there would be even more.

His true energy has been consumed a lot, and he is not sure how much true energy he will have left after resisting the third impact of resentment. Everything must be done within one's ability, and being fat is not something you can eat in one bite.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu smiled slightly, shrugged, and said: "What else can we do? It's not too early now. We can't wait until dawn to leave Bishui Manor. Let's leave here first."

"If you leave, I won't leave." Zhou Qingyun said immediately.

"What? Do you want to be blocked here by the Maoshan sect and lose your life?" Zhang Yu said calmly.

"I...I'm still not reconciled...I've already killed Lei Ge...Why is this happening..." Zhou Qingyun said bitterly.

"Many things are all about fate. If you are destined to have the Eight Blades of Heaven, sooner or later the Eight Blades of Heaven will be yours. If you are not destined to it, no matter how hard you try, it will be useless, and you will only lose your life in the end. This is just like man-made It is a principle that a bird of wealth dies for food. Zhou Qingyun, let me advise you, it is always better to be alive than to be dead." Zhang Yu said carelessly.

Zhou Qingyun gritted his teeth, hesitated for a moment, and said: "You are right, life is better than death. Then... let's go..."

There was still some reluctance in his tone. But he also seemed to know that even if he stayed, he wouldn't be able to comprehend the Eight Swordsmen in Heaven.

"See if there is anything left behind. Put it away and don't leave any traces." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Zhou Qingyun nodded.

His dagger and talisman, which had fallen on the ground before, were picked up now. The candles on the ground were put back on the candlesticks, the candles were extinguished, and the three of them went up the steps together.

Zhang Yu pretended not to know where the mechanism was and asked Zhou Qingyun to close the stele. He called Agou over again, picked Agou up, and walked out of the turret together.

Zhou Qingyun locked the big lock. It was still dark and it was late at night. Zhang Yu asked Guan Ying to lead the way and leave Bishui Manor first. Zhou Qingyun followed along, looking at Guan Ying from time to time. It seemed that Guan Ying and Zhang Yu were walking together, which really made him confused, but he didn't dare to ask more questions.

Under Guan Ying's guidance, they left the manor quietly.

After coming out of the manor, Zhou Qingyun hugged Zhang Yu and said, "Jushi Zheng, we have come out of Bishui Manor, and it's time for me to leave. The grace of saving my life under the tomb was unforgettable. If I have the chance, I will definitely repay you.”

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu secretly said to himself, "Do you want to leave right after you came out?"

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said, "Brother Zhou Xian, are you going to defect to Master He?"

"Exactly." Zhou Qingyun nodded and said.

"To tell you the truth, I also have great respect for the name of Muwang Qiao's family. I haven't had much to do recently, and I accidentally offended the Maoshan sect, so I thought it would be better to go to Qiao's family with Brother Zhou Xian." Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"Huh?" Zhou Qingyun was obviously stunned for a moment and said in confusion: "How could layman Zheng accidentally offend the Maoshan sect?"

Zhang Yu looked directly at Guan Ying and said: "To be honest, the Maoshan faction wants to kill all the stewards Guan, so I have no choice but to help. Therefore, I offended the Maoshan faction..."

What he said was true, but after hearing this, Zhou Qingyun was inevitably a little confused and said in confusion: "Jushi Zheng and Butler Guan..."

When he said this, he looked at Zhang Yu and then at Guan Ying. He really couldn't understand why Zhang Yu offended the Maoshan faction in order to save Guan Ying.

"To be honest, I have an old relationship with Butler Guan, but I didn't expect to meet here. Because the Maoshan faction is present, it is inconvenient to recognize each other even if we meet. However, if the Maoshan faction attacks Butler Guan, then I have no choice but to take action. "Zhang Yu said bluntly.

He really dared to say that Guan Ying was by his side, and he also dared to talk nonsense and say that he and Guan Ying had an affair.

But when they were in the villa, Zhou Qingyun also saw Zhang Yu's plea for Guan Ying.

"I can't believe that the two of them are still old acquaintances..." Zhou Qingyun curled his lips and said: "So, when Jushi Zheng saw Lei Ge dead, he was eager to find the real culprit, and he also wanted to escape for Butler Guan. . And...since the two of you have left Bishui Manor and then came back late at seems that you have some agenda..."

"Haha..." Zhang Yu looked up to the sky and said haha, which was regarded as acknowledging Zhou Qingyun's words.

Zhou Qingyun then said: "But I don't know, what are you two trying to do? You don't even hesitate to take risks and come back here again..."

"What are you picturing? It seems it has nothing to do with you!" This time, before Zhang Yu could speak, Guan Ying said coldly.

"It doesn't matter what my relationship is, but layman Zheng also said that he will go to Muwang Qiao's house with me. If you don't go with me, it won't matter. Now if you want to go with me, you have to let me know the whole story. ..." Zhou Qingyun said lightly.

After hearing this, Guan Ying looked at Zhang Yu, somewhat embarrassed. The reason is also very simple, that is, how to compile this reason?

Of course, even if Zhou Qingyun noticed her embarrassment, it wouldn't be a big deal. After all, this is confidential, and people will definitely be in trouble.

"Since you asked, I can only tell the truth. To be honest, in addition to my identity as a third-grade layman Zheng Yiyuan, I also have another identity, and that is Lei Ge's junior brother. My real name is Chai Yilong !" Zhang Yu said seriously.

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