Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4656 Fingerprints

"Already dead..." Ye Buli walked to Zhang Yu, looked at the body still leaning on the chair, then looked at Zhang Yu, and said: "Before Zhou Qingyun arrived, Lei Ge was already dead... You , how do you know this..."

"Although Lei Ge's cultivation is not strong, his spiritual cultivation is very strong. Zhou Qingyun said that when he came, Lei Ge was sleeping and did not notice his arrival at all. I didn't think much at the time, but then I thought about it. , I feel like there is a problem here." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Then you tell me... who killed Lei Ge first before Zhou Qingyun arrived..." Ye Buli said curiously: "Also, since the person is dead, why didn't Zhou Qingyun find it and still give him to him? Rego fed poisoned tea... Also, since everyone is dead, why does Rego's face turn black..."

"If you think about it, before Zhou Qingyun arrived, Zhu Changzhi came to present the object to Lei Ge. At that time, Lei Ge was not dead yet. The period between Zhu Changzhi's departure and Zhou Qingyun's arrival should actually not be long. In other words, Lei Ge was not dead yet. , when Zhou Qingyun came, Lei Ge must have just died, and the body was still warm. As soon as Zhou Qingyun came in, he would immediately block Lei Ge's mouth and nose with a drug handkerchief, causing Lei Ge to inhale the medicine and fall into coma, and then he would be given medicine. At this stage, he must be in a panic. It is very likely that he did not realize that Rego was dead. As for why Rego's face turned dark after being fed the poisonous tea since Rego was already dead, I think there is only one possibility. It is quite toxic and will show up on people's faces when they still have body temperature. It is obviously impossible for Zhou Qingyun to have such poison and say that he had not planned to attack Lei Ge before... It should be said that Zhou Qingyun had already I just want to poison Lei Ge, and I have prepared the poison, but I just haven’t dared to do it..." Zhang Yu said slowly.

Having said this, Zhang Yu paused, and then continued: "Who on earth would kill Lei Ge first before Zhou Qingyun arrived... This... is really hard to imagine... could he die from overwork? …”

"Didn't you say that Lei Ge's mental power is so can he still die from fatigue..." Ye Buli said.

"I really can't imagine who could kill Lei Ge silently..." Zhang Yu said, looking at Lei Ge's body, and then said slowly: "I have carefully done this before. After careful examination, there were no signs of struggle before Rego died, let alone signs of a fight... Everything looked so natural..."

Ye Buli saw Zhang Yu looking at Lei Ge's body, and he also looked at it. After looking at it for a while, Ye Buli said: "It's really natural, just like he died... After we arrived, we didn't see if there were any external injuries on his body. Do you want to check it..."

"Trauma..." Zhang Yu hesitated and said, "Come, let's move his body down and check it again..."

At that moment, the two people worked together to remove Rego's body from the chair and put it on the ground.

At this moment, Rego's body was already a little stiff. After putting the body down, the two took off the clothes on Rego's upper body.

Because it was summer, Rego didn't wear much clothes. After untying them, his upper body was exposed. Just by taking a casual look, you can see that there are no traces of trauma on Rego's body.

Like a normal dead person, Rego's body skin was white and there were two inconspicuous scars on his body. But it is not difficult to see that this is definitely an old injury and not a new injury at all.

Zhang Yu continued to look at Lei Ge's body until he saw Lei Ge's right hand. He had also pulled up Rego's arm before, but he had not looked at Rego's hand carefully. After seeing it now, he immediately picked up Rego's hand.

Lei Ge's hands were covered with calluses. Zhang Yu saw it and couldn't help but whispered: "That's wrong..."

As soon as Ye Buli heard what he said, he immediately came to Zhang Yu's side and said, "What's wrong..."

"Look at his hands... they are all covered with calluses..." Zhang Yu said.

"Isn't this... normal... He is a craftsman who plays with knives... he has many calluses on his hands... what's the problem..." Ye Buli said.

"He used a carving knife, not a big knife... The knife he used was not big. According to the principle, there should only be calluses in a few places... But look at his hands, there are so many calluses. If it weren't for dry Those who do farm work should be those who play with big knives... They can never be those who play with small knives..." Zhang Yu said.

It has to be said that Zhang Yu’s family is an ancestral carpenter after all, and those who do carpentry work have calluses on their hands because they have a lot to do. However, craftsmen like Lei Ge use exquisite knives, just like Gao Xiaomeng's set of knives. It is impossible for his hands to be covered with calluses.

"This... it seems to be the same..." Ye Buli muttered, and then seemed to think of something, and then said: "That's wrong... If you say so... is this Rego actually Rego..."

"Is it..." Zhang Yu looked at the face of the corpse, and his face turned black. This could not be a human skin mask. Because with a human skin mask, how could the face turn black?

But he still reached out and touched Rego's chin to confirm whether it was a human skin mask. With his technique, he could determine on the spot that it was either a human skin mask or a normal face mask.

"It's not a human skin mask...then..." Zhang Yu muttered again, subconsciously turning his head to look at the window.

Ye Buli followed him and turned to look at the window. He suddenly realized and said, "You mean, try the fingerprints..."

"That's right! You close the window, you close the window, I'll drag him over and try." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Ye Buli agreed and quickly found the remote control put aside.

He took the remote control and pressed the window closing button, and the window door closed immediately.

Zhang Yu lifted up Rego's body and dragged him to the window. He then picked up Rego's right index finger, pointed it at the fingerprint lock, and pressed it.

As soon as his finger touched the template on the fingerprint lock, he immediately heard the beeping alarm sound.

Zhang Yu saw something was wrong and quickly said: "Use the remote control to open the door."

Ye Buli quickly pressed the button to open the window on the remote control. The window opened and the alarm stopped.

Later, Zhang Yu asked Ye Buli to close the window and use Lei Ge's right thumb to try. Generally speaking, fingerprint locks generally use the thumb and index finger, and rarely use other fingers.

As a result, after testing the thumb and index finger of his right hand, he tried it again with the thumb and index finger of Rego's left hand. An alarm sounded every time. At the end of the trial, even Rego's little female fingers tried. None of the ten fingers could open the fingerprint lock, and all of them sounded the alarm without exception.

Seeing this, Ye Buli said: "This person... is not Lei Ge..."

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "It seems that it really isn't..."

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