Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4648 High Technology

Zhang Yu saw the four old Taoists looking at each other, seemingly undecided. He looked at Rego's body. He originally planned to let Guan Ying take everyone to Rego's residence first, and then take the opportunity to ask who the gold was given to. Now, fortunately, it turned out to be the task of finding the truth about Rego's murder. It's time.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu said: "Since Butler Guan wants to find out the cause of Mr. Lei's death first, I think this is normal. After all, Mr. Lei's bones are not cold yet, so we can't say that he died in an unknown way. Otherwise, let's first Let’s see how Mr. Lei died..."

"Didn't he die from poisoning?" Guan Ying asked.

"That's what I said, but there are inevitably two problems." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Which question? Which two questions..." Guan Ying said in confusion.

"Did someone force the poisoned tea into Mr. Lei, or did Mr. Lei drink it himself?" Zhang Yu said directly.

" really a can we tell the difference..." Guan Ying said.

Zhang Yu stretched, then walked towards the desk and came to Lei Ge's side.

He then looked at Rego, grabbed Rego's hanging arm, looked at both his left and right hands, and then looked at Rego's collar.

After checking, Zhang Yu said: "There were no signs of struggle on Lei Ge's body. It was obvious that he was not forced to drink poisonous tea. However, there was a trace of tea on Lei Ge's collar. There are traces of drinking tea by oneself. Although it may be spilled on the body, it is rarely on the collar. From this, it can be concluded that Rego should have been fed tea without resistance. In the process , the most likely possibility is that Rego has fallen into a coma."

"Mr. Lei fell into coma first, and then was fed poisonous tea... How is this possible... The door of the room is locked, and the windows are also locked. Anyone who can enter Mr. Lei's room must first Mr. Lei was knocked unconscious and then fed poisonous tea..." Guan Ying said with some disbelief.

"That's the problem... In addition to the possibility I mentioned, there are two other possibilities. One possibility is that someone poisoned the tea in advance and poisoned Mr. Lei to death. The other possibility is that Lei Mr. Lei committed suicide... But would you believe it if I said Mr. Lei committed suicide..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Of course I don't believe it!" Guan Ying immediately didn't believe it.

"I don't believe it either." "I don't believe it either." Zhu Changzhi and Zhou Qingyun also said.

"That's it, you don't believe it, and I don't believe it either. In this case, there are only two possibilities left, one is to poison in advance, and the other is to knock Mr. Lei out and then poison. These two It's possible, it's very easy to determine." Zhang Yu said confidently.

"How to judge?" Guan Ying asked.

"Let me ask you first, do you know where Mr. Lei's tea is placed?" Zhang Yu asked.

"It should be in the drawer under the desk..." Guan Ying said.

Zhang Yu immediately changed his hand and reached out to open the desk drawer. There are three drawers under the desk. After opening the left one, you can see a round tea bucket inside.

The tea barrel is made of wood, very delicate, and obviously carved. Zhang Yu took out the tea bucket, unscrewed it, and found tea leaves inside. Zhang Yu then said: "If someone poisoned it, it must have been in the tea bucket or in the water. So, we might as well see if there is any poison in it."

After saying that, he glanced around and saw a jade cup on the antique shelf. He simply took the jade cup over, pinched some tea leaves from the tea bucket and put it in. Then he walked to the hot water kettle, picked up the kettle and poured some water into the jade cup. After waiting for a while, Zhang Yu took out the silver needle and put it in it.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the silver needle at this moment. When Zhang Yu took out the silver needle, everyone almost said in unison: "It's not poisonous!" "It's not poisonous!"...

Zhang Yu shook the silver needle in his hand and said: "There is no poison on the silver needle this time. In other words, the poison in the tea was not put into the tea bucket in advance, but was worn by the murderer. Wait. After Mr. Lei was knocked unconscious, he put it into the tea and gave it to Mr. Lei to drink."

"But...if that's the case, how did the murderer get into the boss's room..." Guan Ying said in confusion.

"Let's first assume that Guan Guan, the housekeeper, really has nothing to do with this matter. In this case, the murderer can't go through the door, but through the window. If he goes through the window, he first needs to knock on the window and let Rego put the sticker on the window. The door must be opened before you can come in. In this case, no matter who knocks on the window, Rego will be careful and alert, and it is absolutely impossible to be easily knocked unconscious. It is not even possible to open the window for the other person, including acquaintances, unless it is this person There is an ulterior secret between you and Lei Ge." Zhang Yu said, walked to the desk and picked up the remote control on the table.

Ye Buli had picked up the remote control before and then put it back. After Zhang Yu picked up the remote control, he pressed the button to open the window.

The window slowly opened outwards. Seeing that the window was open like this, Zhang Yu looked at it. As he followed, he could find that there were slides under the window, and a bracket under the window door. The bracket slowly contracted inward, and then the door was pushed outward.

This is a very simple principle. Many windows now have this design. The difference is just manual and automatic. Zhang Yu walked to the window with the remote control, then walked out and looked around, including a few glances here.

Zhang Yu knew who owned the room on the third floor, but he still deliberately asked: "Who is in the room below Mr. Lei?"

"It's mine." Zhu Changzhi said.

But then he seemed to realize something and said hurriedly: "You don't doubt that I climbed up from below... After I saw Master, I really left..."

"I didn't say it was you, why are you so nervous..." Zhang Yu said, turned around, took the remote control, and pressed the button to close the window.

The window door that opened to the outside immediately began to close slowly. Zhang Yu soon discovered that there was no handle on the door inside the window, but there was a handle on the door outside the window.

When the window door was completely closed, Zhang Yu reached out and grasped the handle, but only turned it, but did not turn it open. There is a thin template on the handle. You can tell at a glance that a fingerprint needs to be read.

Zhang Yu put his finger on it, not wanting to hear the "didi-didi" alarm sound immediately.

Fortunately, he was not a thief, so he pressed the button to open the window with the remote control. Not to mention, as soon as the remote control was activated, the alarm sound disappeared immediately.

Zhang Yu looked at the window door and couldn't help but mutter to himself, "This is really advanced. If every household installed such a thing, it would not be easy for me to get in... I guess thieves will have no chance of survival in the future... …”

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