Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4638 Tea is poisonous

Zhang Yu, Xing Xuzi, Xing Lizi, Ye Buli and others rushed to the fourth floor. As soon as you reach the stairs, you can see a desk, but there is no one at the desk.

Glancing down the corridor, you can see the open door of the room at the end of the corridor on the right, and nervous voices coming from inside, "What should I do... What should I do... How could this happen..."

Hearing the sound, Zhang Yu and the others ran over quickly. As soon as they arrived at the door of the room, they could see a man and a woman in the room. The woman was about forty years old and the man was about thirty years old. The man looked very nervous, while the woman looked stunned.

There is a desk directly opposite the door. There is a chair behind the desk, and a person is leaning on the chair. This man must be in his early fifties. He was motionless there, his face turned black, and he seemed to be dead.

"What happened?" Zhang Yu shouted first.

When the man and woman in the room heard Zhang Yu's voice, they quickly looked towards the door and were obviously stunned when they saw Zhang Yu and a group of Taoist priests coming in one after another. It was the woman who said first: "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I am a third-grade layman Zheng Yiyuan, these are the Taoist priests of the Maoshan Sect." Zhang Yu said directly.

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, poor Taoist Maoshan Xingxuzi, is this Mr. Lei Ge..." Xingxuzi said looking at the corpse.

"It's my master... Hello, Taoist Master..." said the man in his thirties.

"Who are you and what's your name?" Xing Lizi, who was following Xing Xuzi, said.

"The villain's name is Zhou Qingyun, and he is Master's second disciple." The man said quickly and honestly.

As soon as he heard this name, Zhang Yu's heart moved. That night he came to eavesdrop and happened to hear Lei Ge calling an apprentice's name "Qingyun". It turned out to be this guy.

"Who is she? How did your master die?" When Xinglizi said this, he looked at the middle-aged woman.

"This is Butler Guan." Zhou Qingyun said honestly.

"My name is Guan Ying, and I am Mr. Lei's housekeeper." The middle-aged woman followed.

"Guan Ying...Guan Guan..." Upon hearing the name of the middle-aged woman, Zhang Yu's heart moved again. Last night on the first floor of Lei Ge's villa, Zhang Yu once listened to Lei Ge's instructions to a woman named Guan Ying. The man who was sent to carry the gold.

Not only that, the voice of this woman's voice was the same as that of the woman last night. It seemed that she was the same person.

At this time, Zhou Qingyun continued: "My master died when we came in... His face turned black... I don't know if he was poisoned..."

Zhang Yu, Xing Xuzi, Xing Lizi and others all looked at the corpse again. To be honest, Zhang Yu has never seen Lei Ge's true face in Lushan. He only heard the voice and saw the figure twice before.

Unexpectedly, when I saw myself this time, all I saw was a corpse.

Zhang Yu immediately looked around, looking for any suspicious signs. He then saw that there was something wrong with the door. The door locks were broken and fell to the ground. Zhang Yu immediately said: "Why is this door broken? How did you get in?"

His words immediately alerted all the Taoist priests present. The Taoist priests all looked at the door and discovered the problem. They looked at Zhou Qingyun and Guan Ying together again.

At this moment, a group of Rego's disciples, the manager, and Butler Lu also came to the door. But there are disciples of the Maoshan sect standing outside the door, so how can they squeeze in?

Zhou Qingyun quickly said: "Not long ago, I followed Master's instructions to carve a piece of red jade into the Eight Treasures Guanyin. After the east and west carvings were completed, I came up and presented it to Master as usual. Butler Guan was in the corridor at that time. , he said Master was in the room and just asked me to come over. I went to the door and knocked, but after knocking for a long time I didn’t hear any movement inside, so I told Butler Guan. Butler Guan felt puzzled. Normally, Master never I would sleep at work, and I wouldn't sleep that much, so I called my master. The phone could not be connected. The two of us felt more and more that there was something wrong. After discussing it, we came over and knocked on the door together. After a long time, I still couldn't knock it open, so I finally opened the door... As soon as the door opened... I saw Master... already... like this..."

At the end of the sentence, Zhou Qingyun's face was filled with sadness.

"He died like this, or he died just when we came to find him. What a coincidence..." Ye Buli curled his lips and then said: "You two, one is Lei Ge's housekeeper, One is Rego's apprentice... Why do you have to break the door if you want to enter the room... Doesn't anyone have the key to this room..."

"Taoist Priest, to be honest, the lock here is a fingerprint lock. Only Mr. Lei's fingerprint can match the door lock, so no one can open the door from the outside," Guan Ying said.

"That's it... that... that..." Ye Buli said "that" for a long time without saying "that", and his last gaze fell on Zhang Yu unconsciously.

Zhang Yu strolled up to the desk and looked at the dead Lei Ge. Rego's face turned dark, which was definitely a sign of poisoning. He glanced at the desk again. On the desk, there was a carving knife and a half-engraved piece of jade. Judging from the shape, it seemed that he was carving a Pixiu, but it was not finished. In addition to this, there is a teapot and a teacup.

There was no water in the teacup. Zhang Yu reached out and opened the lid of the teapot. There was still half a pot of tea inside. Zhang Yu took out a paper bag from his arms, took out a silver needle from the paper bag, and put the silver needle into the teapot.

His actions have attracted the attention of many people, including four old Taoists: Xing Xuzi, Xing Lizi, Xing Chengzi, and Xing Yuzi, as well as Ye Buli and two Taoist priests in their thirties, Guan Ying and Zhou Qingyun. Come up. Their eyes were all fixed on the silver needle, and they watched Zhang Yu pick up the silver needle from the teapot.

Just at a glance, the part where the silver needle penetrated into the tea had turned black.

"Poisonous!" "The tea is poisonous!" "Rego was poisoned by the tea!"... Everyone shouted when they saw this scene.

"The tea is poisonous... How could master be poisoned... This, this... what is going on..." Zhou Qingyun said in shock.

"How could Mr. Lei's tea be poisonous... It's impossible..." Guan Ying also said in shock.

The disciples of Lei Ge outside the room were all surprised when they heard what was said inside. They all wondered: "How could this happen?" "Why is Master's tea poisonous?" "I don't know..." " What exactly is going on……"……

Zhang Yu and others in the room subconsciously looked at Zhou Qingyun and Guan Ying. They both seemed a little nervous when everyone stared at them like this. Zhou Qingyun said quickly: "I don't know what's going on... I saw Master like this as soon as I came in. It's definitely not the poison I gave Master... I don't know anything..."

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