Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4633 Dazzling

The fire fell to the ground, allowing Zhang Yu to see more clearly. At the top, he saw four large characters - Tianfang Ba Dao - written in traditional Chinese.

But looking at the stone wall below, it is a mess, with countless knife marks carved on it. The knife marks were messy, as if someone had slashed at them with a sharp blade. However, Zhang Yu had a feeling that this was not chopped randomly, and must be closely related to the Eight Blades of Heaven. As for what kind of connection it is, it is still unclear at the moment.

There was a futon on the ground. Zhang Yu could almost conclude that Lei Ge must have come down here before and sat on the futon to look at the knife marks on the stone wall.

Zhang Yu strolled over to the futon, sat down cross-legged, and looked at the knife marks on the stone wall.

After looking at it for a while, he felt that his eyes were dazzled and he was actually a little confused.

In desperation, Zhang Yu had to close his eyes first and rest his eyes. After he closed his eyes, something suddenly struck his mind. He realized that he shouldn't just look at it with his naked eyes, but should use his mind's eye to look at it.

The reason is very simple. This place is filled with such strong resentment, and I don’t know how these resentments are related to the Eight Heavenly Swordsmen here.

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu calmed himself down completely and used his inner eye to examine the situation here.

Such a picture quickly appeared in the dark mind. Under the fierce fire and thick smoke, Zhang Yu vaguely saw three figures. Immediately afterwards, there was a constant coughing sound, "Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..." "Cough cough cough..." "Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

After a while, a man fell.

"Mom! Cough cough... cough cough cough... Mom, wake up... wake up... cough cough cough..." Another person started crying, and this person was crying and coughing, and soon he was gone. There was no movement.

"Cough...cough..." Just when the man was crying, the other person next to him also fell down weakly. He just coughed a few more times, and there was no movement.

The picture in Zhang Yu's mind disappeared, but strangely enough, at this moment, he seemed to be able to hear a coughing sound beside his ear, "Cough cough cough... cough cough cough..."

The coughing sound was so weak, so desolate, and so helpless.

Zhang Yu didn't open his eyes immediately. The picture that just appeared in his mind was too shocking. This made Zhang Yu couldn't help but think of what the Great Protector had said earlier about the affairs of Liu Gongyan's family. Liu Gongyan's family was burned to death, and only Lei Ge survived. I don’t know if this cellar belongs to Liu Gongyan’s family, but the words “Heavenly Eight Swordsmen” are engraved on the wall. Zhang Yu can almost conclude that this is probably Liu Gongyan’s family. There was a fire in Liu Gongyan's house. Under the fire, he could not rush out and could only find a place to hide. So Liu Gongyan, his wife, and son fled into the cellar. However, by hiding in the cellar, he might be able to escape the fire, but he couldn't escape the thick smoke, and he was eventually choked to death.


Just thinking of this, Zhang Yu immediately gave a negative answer in his heart.

The flames always went upwards, and the thick smoke also went upwards. How could it possibly get into the cellar. Therefore, there is only one explanation. After Liu Gongyan's family of three escaped, someone set fire to block the entrance. In this way, the thick smoke would run downwards and choke the people to death.

"So cruel... This person is really cruel..." Zhang Yu begged in his heart.

Who set the fire? Zhang Yu couldn't know for a while, but he had a feeling that the person who set the fire had something to do with Rego, and it was most likely Rego who did it.

Zhang Yu opened his eyes, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he could see the messy knife marks on the stone wall. If this was the manual of the Eight Heavenly Swordsmen, Zhang Yu really couldn't discern any subtlety from these random slashes. But if this was not the manual of Tianfang Ba Dao, Lei Ge would not have sealed this place so secretly, and would secretly watch it alone.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu thought that he should not just use his naked eyes to see. Would it be better if he used his mental power to see instead?

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu immediately followed the method taught by Gao Xiaomeng, concentrated his energy, and looked at the knife marks on the stone wall.

Looking again this time, Zhang Yu soon saw something different. In front of his eyes, streaks of sword light began to appear. The sword light flashed and the blades moved. Some of the blades looked exactly like the ones Zhang Yu learned from Gao Xiaomeng, but most of them were different.

Gradually, the light of the sword became faster and faster, like lightning, "swish...swish...swish..."

With the flickering of the sword light, Zhang Yu felt that his eyes were getting more and more blurred, especially the flickering light of the sword, which made his eyes sting.

"Uh!" Finally, Zhang Yu grunted and closed his eyes, not daring to look anymore.

Because just now, the flash of sword light seemed to blind his eyes. Not only that, the feeling was so real that it made his eyes sting.

"So weird...what's going on..." Zhang Yu closed his eyes and muttered in his heart.

After a while, the burning sensation in his eyes disappeared. Zhang Yu slowly opened his eyes. Since he did not use his mental power to look at the wall this time, he did not see the flash of the blade just now.

"Huh..." Zhang Yu let out a long breath, and the tingling sensation from before was still vivid in his mind. This feeling was something he had never experienced before. Why it happened was really puzzling.

Zhang Yu thought for a moment and vaguely realized that this might be due to his lack of mental strength. Be it Lei Ge or Liu Gongyan, what they mainly cultivate should not be true energy, but spiritual power.

The mental skills that Gao Xiaomeng learned from Lei Ge only amounted to twenty sentences. Based on these few mental skills, they could only scratch the surface at most. If you want to learn the Eight Blades of Heaven and understand the Eight Blades of Heaven, you almost have to learn all the mental methods.

After sitting there for a while, Zhang Yu thought that he could no longer stay here. There is no use in staying here anymore. I already know the general situation.

But the secrets I know now are completely inconsistent with my original intention of coming here. Of course, there is one thing that is not clear whether it is related to Tianyinqin's disappearance, and that is the people who removed the gold from Rego's basement.

"Who are they...could they be the ones who commanded Lei Ge..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart again.

He definitely couldn't give an answer to this question himself. The answer could only be learned from Rego's mouth.

Rego should have returned to the small building now and continued carving. If he went to find Rego, his identity would be exposed, but with his reputation as a "third-grade layman", he wouldn't be afraid of being exposed. But the key is that once you do something in the small building, you are likely to do it on the spot, which might alert everyone in the small building. Therefore, Zhang Yu believed that even if he wanted to interrogate Rego, he would have to wait until Rego returned to the big villa while he was waiting for an opportunity to act.

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