Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4630 Huge Debt

Jade unicorn made of mutton fat and field jade!

Zhang Yu only needed to look at it to determine what it was. In Zhang Yu's opinion, this should also be the work of Lei Ge, and Zhang Yu followed and observed it carefully.

Looking at this kind of thing, you need to concentrate to see the clues. Otherwise, you won't be able to see any difference at all.

After looking at it for three minutes, Zhang Yu suddenly discovered that this jade unicorn was somewhat different from the red jade unicorn he had seen before. The difference is mainly in the knife skills. The red jade jade unicorn has very exquisite knife skills, but that does not mean that the white jade unicorn is not inferior. The main difference is that the sword skills on the white jade unicorn seem to be missing something. Zhang Yu couldn't tell where the difference was.

Zhang Yu even had the feeling that the white jade unicorn was obviously imitating the red jade unicorn. Or maybe the white jade unicorn was sketched out earlier, and the red jade unicorn was sketched after the carving progressed further.

Of course, Zhang Yu didn't know what was going on.

Just after he saw Bai Yu's Jade Unicorn, he suddenly heard a voice from downstairs, "Ka..."

The sound was not loud, but it was very quiet in the villa. Zhang Yu could hear the slightest movement with his ears.

Zhang Yu immediately put the white jade unicorn in his hand back on the shelf, then quickly walked out of the room and gently closed the door behind him.

Standing in the corridor, Zhang Yu heard the voice downstairs more clearly, "Didn't he say he would be here soon? Why haven't you come yet?"

The voice was not loud, and sounded a bit old. Zhang Yu thought it sounded familiar, as if it was Lei Ge's voice.

Then another woman's voice sounded, "It must be almost here. Mr. Lei will just wait a moment."

"Okay." Vicissitudes of Life's voice sounded.

As soon as he heard this woman call him Mr. Lei, Zhang Yu could instantly conclude that it was right. The man who spoke was none other than Lei Ge.

There was no movement below, and Zhang Yu slowly walked to the stairs on the third floor. With his ability, he could walk without making any sound. He walked slowly down the stairs, and after a while he reached the second floor.

Once here, Zhang Yu can see the lights on the first floor. He didn't dare to go any further and stopped at the stairs on the second floor to wait.

Only a minute later, Zhang Yu heard footsteps entering the villa. Zhang Yu could definitely hear the sound of a lot of footsteps entering the villa, and it seemed that there were no less than ten people.

"Mr. Lei, we're here." The woman's voice sounded again just now.

Then Rego's voice sounded, "It's better to put the things you want in the basement and move them yourself."

"Have you heard what Mr. Lei said? Why don't you hurry up and get to work?" This time, it was the voice of a middle-aged man.

"Yes." "Yes." "Yes." ... The chaotic voices sounded, and Zhang Yu heard it clearly. There were indeed many people.

Zhang Yu, who had gone down to check before, naturally knew what was in the basement. There are boxes of gold below. From what Rego said, he meant that he was giving the gold to others. Why would you give so much gold directly to people?

As the chaotic footsteps descended to the basement, the downstairs became quiet. But soon, the vicissitudes of life's voice sounded again, "After taking away this batch, I only owe you 10,000 kilograms of gold. It is estimated that this number will be settled by the end of this year. From then on, we will keep our peace." The river goes its own way.”

"Mr. Lei, don't worry about this. We have always been trustworthy. Likewise, you are also very trustworthy. All the things you promised back then will finally be fulfilled," the middle-aged man said.

After hearing what the two of them said, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel startled and became more and more confused. What does this mean? How could Rego owe so much gold to others in the first place?

Zhang Yu wasn't sure how many years Lei Ge's Bishui Manor had been in business. But one thing is clear to Zhang Yu, and that is how much gold Bishui Manor will earn in one year. According to Rego, in half a year, he can earn another 10,000 kilograms of gold.

What is the background of the other party, and why did Rego owe such a huge debt?

There was no sound of speaking below, but Zhang Yu kept thinking in his heart.

He soon realized something, that was, could it be because of this that Rego asked his disciples to carve tirelessly all day long.

After a while, there were footsteps again. It seemed that they were footsteps carrying gold. Zhang Yu could clearly hear that the steps of these people were obviously much heavier than before.

One after another, Zhang Yu heard the footsteps coming and going. After a while, after the footsteps left, he never returned to the villa.

The middle-aged man's voice also sounded, "Mr. Lei, we have taken away all the things. Let's say goodbye and see you again in half a year."

"Okay. Guan Ying, go see Mr. Du off for me. After seeing them off, go back to the small building in front. You don't have to come back to see me." Rego's voice sounded.

"Okay. Mr. Du, let's go." The woman's voice sounded.

Next, there was the sound of leaving footsteps. The footsteps of two people walking were naturally much lighter. But Zhang Yu still heard clearly. After the footsteps left the villa, the door of the villa was also closed, "Bang."

Zhang Yu stood at the stairs on the second floor and waited quietly. After waiting for a long time, he didn't hear any more sounds from the first floor. Zhang Yu knew that Lei Ge was downstairs, and he didn't know what this guy was thinking about right now.

Zhang Yu really wanted to go down and see what Lei Ge was like. He even wanted to ask Lei Ge why he owed so much debt.

But, he couldn't go down.

After almost five minutes, footsteps finally sounded downstairs. The footsteps were not coming upstairs, but heading towards the door of the villa.

"He's leaving... I don't know whether he's going back to the small office building or going somewhere else..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at the third floor, hesitating in his mind whether to follow Rego or continue to check around the villa.

While I was thinking about it, the door of the villa on the first floor rang, then closed, "Bang!"

Hearing the sound of the door closing, Zhang Yu made an instant decision. He might as well follow Lei Ge out to take a look.

Anyway, I already know where Rego lives, so I can come whenever I want. In fact, Zhang Yu wanted to track down the origin of the person who transported the gold, but that was obviously impossible. This much gold had to be moved back and forth several times before it was moved away. There must be a car outside. Tracking a car in Bishui Manor is obviously not realistic.

Zhang Yu immediately went downstairs and came to the large living room on the first floor. The lights in the large living room were turned off and the doors were closed. Zhang Yu quickly came to the door of the villa, squatted for a moment, and immediately opened the door without hearing any unusual sounds outside.

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