Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4626 This can’t be said

Zhang Yu was already familiar with Gao Xiaomeng's residence. At midnight, after Butler Lu fell asleep, Zhang Yu left the villa and rushed to Gao Xiaomeng's residence.

After bypassing the artificial lake and walking through the garden, everything can be seen clearly. Among the four small buildings, three small buildings had their lights turned off, and only the small building that looked like an office building had the lights on. There are two fewer rooms with lights on tonight than last night, but the window on the fourth floor is still lit.

"This Lei Ge, does he really not need to rest..." Zhang Yu couldn't help but muttered in his heart.

The room on the second floor that Zhang Yu visited last night had the lights off. Zhang Yu was basically sure that Gao Xiaomeng should have had time to rest and should be at her residence now.

Zhang Yu went directly to the downstairs of the small building where Gao Xiaomeng lived. He easily climbed to the terrace on the fourth floor. The lights were turned off in the room, but the curtains were not drawn. Looking inside under the moonlight, Zhang Yu was surprised to find that there was no one inside.

"Huh?" Zhang Yu couldn't help but wonder for a while, and said to himself, "Where is Gao Xiaomeng?"

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu took two steps forward, came to the window, reached out and grabbed the handle, and with just a slight twist, the window door was opened by him.

This time, Zhang Yu was more cautious. After all, he couldn't be sure whether the agate stone palm he helped Gao Xiaomeng outline last night got through. Even if Zhang Yu can be sure that he has completed it in one go, there will definitely be no problems in terms of principle and load. But in terms of knife skills, God knows whether Rego will see any clues.

Even if everything is peaceful all day today, who can guarantee that there will be no ambush here at night.

After standing outside the window and feeling it, Zhang Yu decided that there was no breath of formation inside. He walked in, closed the door behind his back, and walked towards the door.

After arriving at the door, Zhang Yu still did not open the door immediately, but listened to the sounds outside. He soon heard a slight sound outside, but it was very quiet.

Zhang Yu didn't immediately know what the sound was. After listening for a while, he vaguely heard it, like the sound of eating.

"Are you eating?" Zhang Yu was a little puzzled. After thinking about it for a while, he gently opened the door.

The door is pushed inward, and people in the room can only pull it inward. This has a certain impact on the line of sight. But Zhang Yu soon saw a person sitting on the big sofa eating in the large living room outside.

But the important thing is that even if you are eating, you should turn on the light, but this person didn't even turn on the light. Soon, Zhang Yu saw the man pick up a goblet, put the goblet in front of his mouth, and took a sip. He didn't know whether what he drank was wine.

Although it was a bit dark, Zhang Yu measured it for a while and still saw it. The person sitting on the sofa in the living room is a woman. Judging from the outline, she should be Gao Xiaomeng.

After confirming this, Zhang Yu opened the door completely and walked out. As they walked, Zhang Yu said, "Why don't you turn on the light while eating?"

"You're here... We don't turn on the lights at night..." the woman sitting on the sofa said calmly.

This time, Zhang Yu could definitely hear it was Gao Xiaomeng's voice.

"Don't turn on the lights at night...what's the point..." Zhang Yu said in confusion.

While he was talking, he had already walked to the big coffee table, opposite Gao Xiaomeng.

On the coffee table, there is a large plate filled with several kinds of fruits, including watermelon, peaches, cherries, cantaloupe...

"If we turn on the lights, master will know that we are not sleeping. Since we are so energetic, we should stop complaining about being tired." Gao Xiaomeng couldn't help but feel a little bitter when she said this.

But this makes sense. If you don’t sleep at night, it means you are not tired.

"You worked so hard last night. You should sleep well today. Why don't you sleep?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"Thanks to you, I slept all day today and woke up at eight o'clock in the evening. I just ate and still couldn't fall asleep, so I ate some fruit and drank some red wine. Do you want to drink some too." Gao Xiao Meng said leisurely.

"I have no interest in red wine." Zhang Yu said, sitting down on the single sofa nearby, and then asked: "How is it, you got through it?"

"Passed, Master didn't see it..." Gao Xiaomeng looked at Zhang Yu and said with doubts: "I'm really wondering how you did it and why you were able to carve it out in such a short time. Such a perfect object, even my master can't see it..."

"Maybe this is talent." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"Even if you are gifted, it is impossible to have such a gift...Who are you..." Gao Xiaomeng stared at Zhang Yu and said.

"Third-grade layman Zheng Yiyuan." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"Third-grade layman..." Gao Xiaomeng said with a smile on her face, "Why is it called Third-grade... instead of Fourth-grade, Fifth-grade, Sixth-grade, or First-grade, Second-grade..."

"The third grade is the reason..." Zhang Yu said pretending to be mysterious.

"What's the reason?" Gao Xiaomeng asked curiously.

"This can't be said..." Zhang Yu immediately smiled and said, "I found that your master is really powerful..."

"Of course it's amazing..." Gao Xiaomeng said.

"Last night, I only helped you carve a piece of agate stone. After I returned, I felt very sleepy and slept until sunset. But your master never seems to know how to get tired. How on earth did you do this... "Zhang Yu said deliberately.

"Because Master's cultivation is profound, and he can also use the Eight Heavenly Swordsmen... his mental power is much stronger than ours..." Gao Xiaomeng said.

"Is there really such a powerful spiritual power in this world? I don't believe it... As far as I know, your master Liu Gongyan didn't say that he would tirelessly carve people..." Zhang Yu said.

"I don't know about that... Anyway, my master is the same..." Gao Xiaomeng said.

"It's interesting..." Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said, "Where does your master sleep? Is it also in the building over here..."

"Of course not." Gao Xiaomeng said: "This is the place where the carvings are made, and where we disciples sleep..."

"Then where does your master live?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Why should I tell you..." Gao Xiaomeng stared at Zhang Yu and said, "Are you planning something wrong?"

"I'm inevitably a little curious. I really want to see what your master's residence looks like, and even more, I want to see what the things carved by your master look like..." Zhang Yu said without any concealment.

"This can't be said..." Gao Xiaomeng immediately raised his face and continued: "You didn't even tell me why you are called a third-grade layman, and you still want to know so much, it's just a dream!"

"Haha..." Zhang Yu grinned and said: "You are waiting for me here... Okay, okay... I lost to you, let me tell you... my third grade is actually nothing more than tasting tea. , wine tasting, women tasting..."

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