Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4616 Very different

"Looking at it this way, your master is really afraid that if he teaches his disciples, he will starve to death... But it's no wonder. If you all learn it, you might be poached by other sects... By then Your master's status in the world will drop sharply..." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"That should be the case...but...we have all received great kindness from could we betray Master..." Gao Xiaomeng said sadly.

"There are no absolutes in the world...people's hearts are separated from each other...sometimes, nothing can be said for sure...but in this case, there is one thing that really makes me curious..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Gao Xiaomeng asked.

"I heard that your master Lei Ge is a disciple of Liu Gongyan, the master carver. Did Liu Gongyan teach his disciples like this? If so, I'm afraid your master won't learn anything from it..." Zhang Yu Said with a smile.

"This... I don't know... To be precise, I know nothing about my master..." Gao Xiaomeng said.

"This is really interesting. If I had known about it earlier, I should have actually inquired about Liu Gongyan in the Jianghu..." Zhang Yu said with a smile again.

These words are not false at all. Now Zhang Yu is very curious about Lei Ge and Lei Ge's master Liu Gongyan.

"This is your business and it doesn't seem to have anything to do with me." Gao Xiaomeng said.

"Of course there are things related to you." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What's going on?" Gao Xiaomeng said.

"It's the mental skills and sword skills that your master taught you. What's going on in them..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Hearing this, Gao Xiaomeng immediately said vigilantly: "I understand, your purpose is actually to ask me about Master's unique skills... Stop dreaming..."

"Your master's little ability may be a great skill in your eyes, but it means nothing to me. I really thought that everyone would be like your master, working tirelessly all day long. Carving..." Zhang Yu said disdainfully.

"If you don't want to do better, then there's no need to ask me!" Gao Xiaomeng said very forcefully this time.

"If you don't want to ask, don't ask. You have a good rest. It's time for me to leave..." Zhang Yu said and stood up.

Gao Xiaomeng, who was lying on his side on the bed, couldn't help but wonder when he saw Zhang Yu standing up like this. He couldn't figure out what Zhang Yu meant by this, and whether he really just left like this.

She followed and saw that Zhang Yu flipped his palm, and countless copper coins suddenly flew into Zhang Yu's palm from all over the room. Not only that, these copper coins then formed a money sword.

Gao Xiaomeng looked a little confused, but soon saw that the money sword turned into copper coins, got into Zhang Yu's cuff, and was no longer visible.

Zhang Yu smiled at Gao Xiaomeng and said, "Goodbye."

This guy was so kind. He walked directly to the window, came behind the window, opened the curtains, opened the window door, and went out.

Seeing Zhang Yu walking away, Gao Xiaomeng had a look of astonishment on her face and muttered in her heart, "What on earth did this man mean... He said so much... and then left like this... And... he Aren't you worried that I will report this matter to Master..."

Zhang Yu just left, climbing down the stairs one by one, then walking through the garden and along the artificial lake, back to the villa where he lived. He still didn't go through the door, and easily climbed over the backyard wall, went up to the terrace, and returned to his room.

He was not worried at all that Gao Xiaomeng would leak what he had been to, because it involved Gao Xiaomeng's own heart failure. If it were revealed, it would not necessarily be of any benefit to Gao Xiaomeng herself.

It was getting late now, so Zhang Yu took off his coat and lay down on the bed to sleep. Agou had already gone to bed and lay down. This little guy was not polite at all. After Zhang Yu entered the room, he didn't call out. He seemed to know that he couldn't be exposed. The little guy just raised his eyes and looked at Zhang Yu, wagging his tail as a greeting.

One person and one dog fell asleep on the bed. Zhang Yu was not worried at all that someone would come to plot against him. Not to mention that he was very knowledgeable about people. Even if Agou was here and there was any trouble, this little guy would be able to detect it immediately. .

Here, Zhang Yu had a good sleep. He hadn't slept in for a long time. He slept until about ten o'clock in the morning and felt very comfortable.

After waking up, Zhang Yu took out his cell phone and dialed Mu Huayi's phone number after briefly washing up.

After the call was connected, he chatted with Mu Huayi for a few words and then asked Mu Huayi to hand the phone to the Great Protector.

When the Great Protector answered the phone, Zhang Yu first said hello, and then got down to business and said, "Senior, I want to ask you something."

"What's the matter?" said the Great Protector.

"You seem to have heard a lot about the affairs in the domestic arena. So I want to find out what kind of person Liu Gongyan, the master of Lei Ge, is." Zhang Yu said.

"Liu Gongyan was the most famous carving master in the world before Lei Ge. Because our black market is also very interested in such people, we specially sent people to investigate. As far as I know, this person has a weird temper. Although he has a famous reputation, he has He won't be like Lei Ge, who just carves for various sects. Every year, many people ask Liu Gongyan to do carvings, but no matter what kind of person they are, it is not easy to see Liu Gongyan. "The Great Protector said.

"In that case, the conduct styles of Lei Ge and his master Liu Gongyan are really completely different... So where did Liu Gongyan live and how many disciples did he have..." Zhang Yu inquired again.

"Liu Gongyan seems to have lived in Hangzhou back then. I can't say whether it is where Lei Ge lives now. But Bishui Manor was definitely built by Lei Ge. As far as I know, the place where Liu Gongyan lived back then was relatively relatively Simple. Liu Gongyan didn't have many disciples. In addition to one son, he also had four disciples... It seems that more than 20 years ago, I can't remember the specific year, Liu Gongyan's family suddenly had a fire. A fire burned the Liu family to the ground, and only Lei Ge escaped... As the only descendant of Liu Gongyan, Lei Ge gradually regained his reputation after several years of hard work... He was even more famous than Liu Gongyan back then. Worse than..." the Great Protector said slowly.

"A fire burned everyone in the Liu family to death... Only Lei Ge survived... This matter seems a bit strange..." Zhang Yu said.

"It does make people feel strange. It's just that at that time, I didn't have the ability to investigate the matter. To be precise, I was too busy to take care of it and didn't pay attention to it. In fact, among the various sects in the country, who didn't feel strange, but Lei Ge is different from Liu Gongyan in that he is willing to carve for various sects, so naturally each sect will not pay attention to others." said the Great Protector.

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