Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4607 Clearly marked price

"Mr. Zheng's belongings are naturally not ordinary... If Mr. Zheng is trustworthy, can you let my two brothers open their eyes first..." Wang Guangyuan said with a smile.

Zhang Yu understood that in other people's eyes, the purpose of his trip was to ask Lei Ge to help him carve. Not to mention Rego, even Rego's apprentices are experts in this field.

"Since your master is so busy, it's my honor for you two to help me first." Zhang Yu said politely, then opened his travel bag and took out two cloth pockets.

He placed the two cloth bags on the glass turntable on the table, then turned the turntable and turned the cloth bags in front of Wang Guangyuan.

Wang Guangyuan reached out and picked up the cloth bag. He seemed to be very careful and slowly opened the cloth bag. As soon as he opened it, Wang Guangyuan couldn't help but exclaimed, "What a jade!"

Can it be bad? This is something from Tianshi Mansion, authentic mutton fat and Tian Jade. Not only that, this piece of Hetian jade is still a few years old. It is square in size, but not too big, about the size of a fist.

However, such a piece of Hetian jade with no variegated colors and a mutton-fat color is extremely rare.

Wang Guangyuan played with it in his hand, and then handed it to Qiu Daoquan who was sitting next to him. After Qiu Daoquan looked at it, the two exchanged glances and nodded to each other.

Qiu Daoquan handed the Hetian jade back to Wang Guangyuan. Wang Guangyuan rewrapped it and opened another cloth bag.

Inside this cloth pocket is still a piece of Hetian jade. The color is the same as the previous piece, except that the color is not completely white, but half black and half white. In addition to white, Hetian jade also comes in cyan, gray, light to dark green, yellow to brown, ink, etc. This piece of mutton-fat white and ink-colored Hetian jade, in terms of value alone, is definitely not as good as pure white mutton-fat jade, or pure black ink jade. But what is commendable is that this piece of Hetian jade is relatively large in size and has a very correct color. Therefore, in terms of value, it does not belong to the smaller mutton fat and field jade just now.

After Wang Guangyuan saw it, he couldn't help but praise, "Good, good..."

He handed the Hetian jade to Qiu Daoquan again. After Qiu Daoquan looked at it, the two exchanged glances and nodded to each other.

When Qiu Daoquan returned the Hetian jade, Wang Guangyuan wrapped it up again, and then said: "Mr. Zheng's two pieces of Hetian jade are really precious jade, which is very rare in today's world. I don't know that Mr. Zheng wants to outline these two pieces of jade." What kind of object does it become?”

"I intend to carve the pure white piece of mutton fat and field jade into several pendants, and the black and white piece of jade, I intend to carve it into two jade pendants." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"If you carve mutton fat and field jade into pendants, of this size, you should be able to make three... A slightly larger pendant can make two... this black and white one, carved into two jade pendants, there is no problem... However, It would be a pity if such a large piece of rare Hetian jade is divided into two pieces..." Wang Guangyuan said slowly.

If this were an ordinary person, he would definitely change his mind. After all, the bigger something is, the more valuable it is. When it shrinks, its value will inevitably be greatly reduced.

But who is Zhang Yu, and what’s more, this thing is not Zhang Yu’s own, it was given to him by the Tianshi Mansion. Therefore, for Zhang Yu, it doesn't matter anymore. Moreover, Zhang Yu had no intention of returning the carved things to the Tianshi Mansion.

Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said, "I made a plan."

"Now that Mr. Zheng has made up his mind, I won't say anything more. These two pieces of jade are carved according to Mr. Zheng's wishes. It is expected that it will take half a month at the fastest to complete." Wang Guangyuan said.

"Half a month is not long, I will just wait here." Zhang Yu said bluntly.

"Mr. Zheng agrees, so there will be no problem. When a master does this business, whether he is dealing with a famous family or a powerful figure in the world, the price is clearly marked. I think Mr. Zheng has also heard about this." Wang Guangyuan smiled. said.

"I know this, let's make a price." Zhang Yu said.

"Mr. Zheng, let's talk about that piece of mutton fat and field jade first. If you want to outline the jade pendant, there will be three small ones and two larger ones. Mr. Zheng will want two or three." Wang Guangyuan said.

"A little bigger, two." Zhang Yu said.

"Two jade pendants, two jade pendants, a total of 100 kilograms of gold." Wang Guangyuan said directly.

Zhang Yu now has a little understanding of the price of gold. This 100 kilograms of gold is almost 13 million soft sister coins. For the processing of these two pieces of Hetian jade, if others shout out this price, it is a money grab. But for the master Rego, the price is clearly marked.

After all, Miao Shou Lei Ge processed it for various sects. Zhang Yu didn't know how much it cost to process one piece for those sects, but just based on Miao Shou Lei Ge's reputation, it was worth the price.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "That's fair...but, I can't take out 100 kilograms of gold for the time being. How about converting it into cash..."

"Mr. Zheng, I'm sorry, the master only accepts gold. This is the rule." Wang Guangyuan said.

"Gold..." Zhang Yu muttered, thinking to himself, why are they collecting gold now? Isn't money not money anymore?

Of course, for rich people, money is probably just a number. In comparison, gold is more valuable.

It's like the murder club I heard Shao Weiping talk about before. They only accept gold and don't ask for cash at all, let alone checks.

But Zhang Yu followed up and said: "This is easy to handle. I will ask people to exchange and buy gold immediately... It will take half a month before the things are outlined. With this time, it should be done..."

"That's good..." Wang Guangyuan nodded, and then said: "I will accept these two pieces of Mr. Zheng's things here first, and then send them to the master immediately..."

"No problem." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Wang Guangyuan immediately put the two jade stones into his arms and said with a smile: "The banquet must be almost ready. I will order the dishes to be served and we will eat and chat..."

After saying this, he clapped his hands directly, "Bah bang..."

Following two sounds, the door opened, and a waitress came in and said respectfully: "Do you want to serve food?"

"Yes, let's serve." Wang Guangyuan said.

The waitress immediately bowed and left. After a while, waiters came in and started serving dishes.

Although there were only four people at the table, there were quite a lot of dishes served. In a blink of an eye, a large table was set up, with everything flying in the sky, running on the ground, running in the water, and swimming in the water. Of course, even if it flies, it won't be anything like a bat. It is estimated that if someone dares to serve such a thing, Zhang Yu can start fighting directly, and there is no need to wait to see the master Lei Ge.

As the dishes were placed, a waiter began to pour wine for Zhang Yu and the four of them. The middle-aged man was the first to raise his glass and said some opening remarks such as welcoming Mr. Zheng before toasting.

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