After listening to Qin Xiyun's words, Zhang Yu's heart couldn't help but move. Not to mention, Sun Zhaoyi had far-reaching thoughts and asked him to come to Qin Xiyun first. It has to be said that Qin Xiyun also has a way.

If you just bring up the name of a jade seller and go to see Lei Ge, they will definitely not pay attention to him. By telling him his name, wouldn't it mean that he would be even more vigilant in case Rego becomes more vigilant? It's even possible to find a way to kill him.

However, if you pretend to be a famous person, you will not only be able to see Rego, but also won't make Rego suspicious.

"Senior, which font size do you think I should use better?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"It is naturally inappropriate to pretend to be a well-known and upright person. Although Rego will not betray the reputation of the evil heretic, if you go there pretending to be the evil heretic, you may also get yourself into trouble. The best way is , it’s better to go under the guise of a master who is both good and evil..." After saying this, the Great Protector obviously began to think deeply. After a moment, he continued: "This time, there are a few masters who are both good and evil in the black market. , these people usually live alone and rarely interact with others. But excluding body shape and age, I think Zheng Yiyuan, a third-grade layman, is the most suitable for you. "

"Third-grade layman... why should it be third-grade..." Zhang Yu muttered.

"The so-called three tastes are tea tasting, wine tasting, and women tasting..." said the Great Protector.

"Tasting tea, tasting wine, tasting women... I don't seem to be good at these three..." Zhang Yu said.

"I didn't say that I had to ask you to taste it. Didn't you go to get in touch with Lei Ge? Although Lei Ge's ability is not great, all the sects in the world know him... The third-grade layman is both good and evil, and he belongs to the same group. A character who keeps to himself, he will not provoke others, and others will not provoke him easily... I think Lei Ge must have heard of the name of the third-grade layman, and in any case, he would not dare to turn him away..." The Great Protector said calmly.

"That's true... Thanks again to seniors this time, I will use the name of Zheng Yiyuan, a third-grade layman, to meet this master Lei Ge..." Zhang Yu said happily.

But then he added: "But... I look like this now, I'm afraid people won't believe that I am a third-grade layman..."

"The third-grade layman is of medium height, roughly the same as you, and may be over forty years old. This does not match you, but there are ways to change it. In addition, he has some white hair on the temples, which is slightly Just dye it and it will be fine." The Great Protector said calmly.

As he was talking, footsteps came from the side. Zhang Yu turned around and saw that it was Mu Huayi walking over.

Mu Huayi held a kettle and a cup in her hands. She hurriedly came to the tree and poured a glass of water for Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was indeed a little thirsty, so he drank a glass of water first.

The Great Protector also said before that there was no need to hide anything from Mu Huayi, so Zhang Yu put down the cup and said: "Senior, how can the appearance of this forty-year-old man change from the one I have now..."

"If a man in his forties takes good care of himself, he will look like he is in his thirties. However, there needs to be some sense of vicissitudes of life, and men are like this... This sense of vicissitudes of life and wisdom will make people look very... Maturity... You should be lacking this sense of vicissitudes now..." The Great Protector said slowly: "I think so... You should do two things now. One is to dye your temples white. When you come back, , leave the rest to me..."

"Okay." Zhang Yu immediately nodded in agreement.

He put Agou down and asked Agou to wait for him at home and he would be back soon.

Zhang Yu knew this little guy quite well. He was quite clingy. If he didn't give him a few words of advice, he would definitely follow him.

Agou nodded and barked twice, as if to tell him not to cheat.

Zhang Yu is different now from when he first entered the city. At that time, it was a refreshing short hair style. After all, I came from the countryside and didn't need any hairstyle. Of course, for Zhang Yu right now, he doesn't need any hairstyle. However, he also has another identity, that is, he is a Taoist priest. As a Taoist priest, it is necessary to have a bun, otherwise when you put on a Taoist robe, you will look nondescript. Even when he attends many occasions, he wears a Taoist crown, but his hair is always short, which is not the case. Therefore, Zhang Yu has never cut his hair since he became a Taoist priest, and his hair is no longer short.

After leaving the villa, Zhang Yu went to the parking lot, where Zhang Qingfeng was sitting in the car waiting for him. This time Zhang Yu asked Zhang Qingfeng to be responsible for driving, and Li Mingyue had just come back with him, so it couldn't be done by just one apprentice.

Zhang Yu asked Zhang Qingfeng to find a nearby barber shop. After going there, he dyed his temples white.

Later, he took the car back to the Gold Coast. Returning to the villa again, I walked under the tree and saw a pot next to the Great Protector. With just one glance, Zhang Yu was almost sure that the basin was filled with paste.

Zhang Yu greeted him first, "Senior, I'm back..."

"Sit down." The Great Protector said gently.

Zhang Yu sat on the floor. In order to confirm what was in the basin, Zhang Yu still said: "Senior... is the paste in your basin..."

"Yes, it's exactly paste. But don't underestimate this basin of paste. It will make people look the same. Their appearance has not changed, but they are much more mature... Close your eyes..." the Great Protector said gently.

Zhang Yu followed the instructions of the Great Protector and closed his eyes. The Great Protector dipped his hands into some paste and began to rub Zhang Yu's face. While rubbing it, the Great Protector said: "You have to remember that the part I am rubbing now will have to be done by myself in the future... Because this paste will melt when it sees water. Even if there is no water, it can only last for two days at most. The effect...So, you need to bring some by yourself in case of emergency..."

"Yes." Zhang Yu responded softly.

He started to feel it, and the Great Protector's hands were rubbing those parts of his face.

It has to be said that the Great Protector did not have much paste, which meant that he put down his hand in about two minutes.

Then, when the Great Protector opened his mouth to speak, the little girl Mu Huayi shouted, "What! What! How..."

"What's wrong with me?" Zhang Yu immediately opened his eyes.

"It's nothing, Xiaoyi... give the mirror to Zhang Yu..." the Great Protector said calmly.

"See for yourself..." Mu Huayi had already prepared a mirror and handed it to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took the mirror and took a look in front of him. He couldn't help but be shocked and took a breath of cold air, "This... this... this is too amazing..."

There is almost no difference between the appearance of Zhang Yu in the mirror and Zhang Yu himself. The only difference is that the person seems to have a sense of vicissitudes of life. If he is said to be in his thirties, there is no problem. Even if he is said to be in his forties, it seems normal.

"Although this hand cannot change your appearance, it can change your age. In terms of visual sentiment, if you are not familiar with someone, it is difficult to confirm that you are Zhang Yu." The Great Protector said gently.

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