Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4602 Duobao Pavilion

As soon as he heard what Tao Xinshui and Zhang Zhenren said, Zhang Yu could understand that it seemed that this Lei Ge was not someone who could be easily provoked. They are master carvers, to be precise, they specialize in carving magical instruments. Such a person has connections with various factions. It is not appropriate to arrest someone and beat him up without any evidence.

As for the Mu Wang Qiao family, they are probably not easy to offend. A family that dares to bargain with the Tao family is obviously not a simple businessman.

Hangzhou is also close to Zhenhai. Zhang Yu has been to Hangzhou before. He thought about it for a moment and said, "Since it is inconvenient to invite Mr. Lei Ge directly to the Tao family, otherwise I can go to Bishui Manor and go to Duoduo." Take a look at the treasure pavilion."

"Brother Zhang is willing to go, which is of course the best. However, Duobao Pavilion is not a place that ordinary people can enter easily. If Brother Zhang gives his name, he will definitely be able to enter. But in this way, will it alert the snake?" Tao Xinshui said.

"It is indeed a question. Can you tell me...what kind of place is Duobao Pavilion and how can I get in..." Zhang Yu said.

"Most people in the world know Lei Ge's name, and those who deal with Lei Ge are often people from various sects. However, the people are not completely ignorant. After all, many of the things sold in Duobao Pavilion are mostly It comes from the private sector. Duobao Pavilion’s purchase price for some jade, jade, and agate is higher than that of some jewelry companies, so people who have heard about Duobao Pavilion will take their treasures to Duobao Pavilion for purchase. For sale. It's just... Ordinary people who bring these things into Duobao Pavilion to sell them often don't see the upright managers in Duobao Pavilion. Generally speaking, they just get the things and the money, and then leave... Duobao Pavilion usually buys jade, jade and other finished items from major sects. Duobao Pavilion will not do business with those jewelry merchants. Because the items sold by Duobao Pavilion, even if they are not blessed magic weapons, have high prices. It will also be higher than what is on the market..." Tao Xinshui said slowly.

With this, Zhang Yu fully understood what kind of business this Duobao Pavilion was.

All sects and sects have to refine weapons. There are several types of weapon refiners. The raw materials are melted and then cast using formation methods. Some other magic weapons don't have to be so complicated. You only need to outline the shape of the material and then add formation blessings. This is generally regarded as a one-time magic weapon, but don't underestimate such a magic weapon. Many of the blessed one-time magic weapons are even more powerful than the refined magic weapons.

The reason is also very simple. The more powerful the magical weapon is, the longer it will take. The blessed one-time magic weapon does not take that long. Many of the blessed one-time instruments are either given to disciples or used to make good friends.

Various sects will bless magical instruments. These things are often not ready-made and need someone to process them. Although some things can be processed by finding a processing factory and adding a formation, that's it. However, if many precious things are processed by processing plants, they will be wasted and wasted. Even if it's something carved by a machine, it's not necessarily much worse than handmade, and the added formations won't make any difference, but many people strive for excellence.

This kind of thing is very common, just like some precious jade wool, the price of machine-processed jade material is definitely different from that of hand-drawn jade material by famous artists.

Also, magical artifacts like jade are different from metal magical artifacts. After the metal magic weapon is melted, it can be directly refined. However, how to melt things like jade? Once it is melted, it will be gone. Therefore, if a magic weapon such as jade is not intended to be a one-time magic weapon, but also wants to be made into a permanent magic weapon, it needs to be carved. It's not impossible to polish it casually, but who doesn't want to be more beautiful. That's what Rego does.

Zhang Yu nodded slightly and said, "I wonder what Lei Ge's cultivation is like?"

"Master Lei Ge came from the sect of Liu Gongyan, the master carver. Their sect naturally has a cultivation method. But their cultivation method is still far behind compared with other sects. The reason why they Being famous in the world depends on the carving work." Tao Xinshui said.

"In this case, I know. Okay, then I will go to Lei Ge's Duobao Pavilion first. By the way...Brother Zhang Dao, Brother Tao...there is something I want to discuss with you two... "Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Zhenren asked.

"Brother, if you have anything to say, just ask..." Tao Xinshui said politely.

"It's like this. Didn't you also say that I can't go to Duobao Pavilion in my own identity? I need to change my name. In this case, people may not entertain me... So I'm thinking Wait, can you get some jade or something...I don't have any ready-made ones. You two have big families and big businesses, can you provide me with some..." Zhang Yu was not polite and licked his face directly. said.

"We do have some at home, but we don't have them on site. There should be no shortage at Tianshi Mansion..." Tao Xinshui looked at Master Zhang.

Master Zhang nodded and said: "Of course we have some in our family... Let's do this. I'll say hello to my father later and get two pieces for Daoist Zhang to take with me..."

"Thank you very much, Brother Dao." Zhang Yu said.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, are these the current tasks..." Zhang Zhenren added.

"At present, these are the tasks. If there are any clues or emergencies, we will contact you at any time." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, let's leave our contact information. If our family finds anything, we will contact Brother Zhang immediately." Tao Xinshui said.

Zhang Yu immediately gave Tao Xinshui a phone number, and Tao Xinshui also left his own phone number with Zhang Yu.

Even after the discussion between the three parties was completed, the Tao family and the Tianshi Mansion followed Zhang Yu's wishes and pursued clues on the surface. For Zhang Yu, first go to Duobao Pavilion in Bishui Manor.

Later, Zhang Yu and Zhang Zhenren said goodbye and left the cross-yard where the Tao family lived. Tao Xinshui sent the two of them out of the courtyard, and Master Zhang personally sent Zhang Yu to the west chamber to the cross-yard where Zhang Yu lived.

Maybe it was because of the day's sightseeing that Zhang Yu's disciples were very quiet, and snores could be heard in some rooms. Zhang Yu said goodbye to Zhenren Zhang and went to his room to rest.

Originally, Zhang Yu only came to Tianshi Mansion to promote seal script and ask for the right to grant seal script overseas. Zhang Yu never expected that he would be involved in the theft of Tianyin Qin.

However, Zhang Yu also understood that if Tianyinqin could not be found, he would not want the right to grant seal script overseas.

Similarly, once Tianyinqin is found, it will also have a great impact on his reputation as Zhang Yu. It can be said that by that time, no one would dare to disobey him for obtaining the power to confer overseas seal scripts. I can finally start a sect in an upright and upright manner.

It’s just that the difficulty can be imagined.

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