Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4599 Secret Investigation

Zhang Tianshi looked at Zhang Yu and could not help but see that Zhang Yu was a little embarrassed. Zhang Tianshi said gently: "Zhang Yu, the difficulty of this matter is indeed not small. Otherwise, how can it be regarded as a great meritorious deed? You can discover the truth about the loss of Tianyin Qin in the shortest time, which shows that your You have a unique vision and a careful mind. This alone is beyond the reach of ordinary cultivators. It can be said that if you hadn't revealed the mystery with your words, everyone in our Tianshi Mansion would still be following the route designed by the thief. , blindly pursuing it.”

When he said this, Master Zhang who was sitting in Zhang Yu couldn't help but lower his head in shame.

As a person involved, Zhang Zhenren has been misled by others, always thinking that Tianyinqin was switched out because of a certain link in the series of car accidents. If we continue to pursue it this way, it will simply be a headless case, and I'm afraid we will never find any clues.

Zhang Yu said humbly: "The Heavenly Master praised me erroneously. This can only be regarded as a mistake by a disciple."

"There are so many mistakes. Finding clues is the same as practicing. It does not rely on luck or luck. Even if there is luck and luck, it is reserved for those who have strength. You are the one with strength. ..." Master Zhang said gently again.

When Zhang Yu heard this, he couldn't help but think of the old man of the Tao family. Mr. Tao said he would come to Tianshi Mansion, but Zhang Yu didn't know whether he came today or not. After all, this day, I have been traveling around the mountains and rivers, God knows what.

But looking at the meaning, Zhang Tianshi and his tone are somewhat similar to Mr. Tao.

Zhang Yu thought for a while and said the dilemma, "Tianshi, it's not that the disciples dare not accept the order, it's because the other party dared to steal the Tianyin Qin from the Tianshi Mansion and did it in the Tao family. It can be said that he was offended all at once. The two families in the world that should not be offended the most. If the other party dares to do this, they must have something to rely on. With the junior's cultivation, I am afraid it will be difficult to shake the opponent. Even if they meet the other party, they are probably not opponents."

"I know all this, but you also need to know that if you don't have such strength, how can you get the power to grant seal scripts. Granting seal scripts is like starting a sect. You must accumulate virtue, talent, wisdom, and ability before you can achieve success. . If you don’t dare, don’t mention the issue of overseas seal script teaching.” Zhang Tianshi said seriously.

Zhang Yu took a deep breath and looked at the meaning. Zhang Tianshi was using this matter to trick him.

But Zhang Yu also understood that if he wanted to teach seal script, he must have strong strength. Sun Zhaoyi had told him at the beginning that even if he had the "Golden Book and Jade Disk" that taught seal script, he could not reveal it. At least he had to be a refiner first, and if not, he had to be a lawyer.

Zhang Yu is just a master of ceremonies at the moment, and he still has a certain distance to go before becoming a lawyer. No one can tell how long this journey will take. Unfortunately, Bai Mei Palace's use of the issue of seal script has blocked Wudang Taoist Temple. If Wudang Taoist Temple wants to develop and grow, it must get rid of its shackles.

He could feel how important it was to obtain the power to grant seal scripts. In Zhang Tianshi's words, it was equivalent to opening a sect. Generally speaking, Taoist sects cannot really be called "sects", because sects must not only have inheritance, but also be able to develop themselves. If even the teaching of seal script is controlled by others, it is not qualified to be called a "zong" at all.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and thought what Zhang Tianshi said made sense. In any case, if you don't have this diamond, don't take up the porcelain job. Zhang Yu then said: "This matter is related to the honor and disgrace of our Zhengyi sect, so my disciples will naturally have no hesitation."

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Tianshi laughed immediately and said: "Zhang Yu, I know that you will definitely agree. But you can rest assured that the Tianyin Qin is a magic weapon of my Tianshi Mansion, how can it be completely You are not worthy of being a Taoist family. Just to investigate this matter, you must be cautious and not alert the snake. Therefore, I will ask my junior brother Zhen Yizi to lead the men to investigate in the open and attract the other party's attention, while you are responsible for investigating in secret. You communicate and cooperate with each other, both openly and secretly. As long as you can finally find the real thief and recapture the Tianyin Qin, it will be considered your merit."

After Zhang Tianshi said this, Zhang Yu naturally said nothing more, and then solemnly said: "It all depends on Tianshi's driving force!"

"Yes." Zhang Tianshi nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "The Tao family has found some clues yesterday and completely sealed it to the outside world. No one will know that you are involved in this matter. Of course, what kind of magical powers does the other party have? I don’t know, so I don’t dare to say for sure. However, we are now operating entirely on the basis that the other party does not know that you are involved in this matter. The Tao family is waiting in the guest room, and they have relevant information in their hands. The next two people went over to discuss and come up with a specific plan of action. Zhang Yu, I have heard of your intelligence. Everything in Hongdu depends on you. So this time, you also Don’t let me down.”

"Yes, Heavenly Master." Zhang Yu agreed immediately.

Zhang Tianshi had already said this, so Zhang Yu naturally knew that he had no reason to refuse, both emotionally and rationally, and had to use all his abilities.

Next, we want to see what the Tao family has found out and whether these things can be put to use.

Fortunately, Tao Xi had not escaped from the Tao family for a long time, and he might have been a little careless. With the Tao family's local strength and the current Skynet monitoring capabilities, it would not be too difficult to find some clues.

At this moment, Zhang Tianshi had closed his eyes and stopped making any sound. Zhang Yu looked at Master Zhang sitting opposite, waiting for Master Zhang's explanation.

Master Zhang understood immediately, looked at Master Zhang, and said, "Master Zhang, this disciple is resigning from Daoist Friend Zhang."

"Yes." Zhang Tianshi nodded lightly and said nothing else.

Master Zhang stood up slowly. Seeing him like this, Zhang Yu also stood up and exited the quiet room with Master Zhang.

After leaving the quiet room, Zhang Yu said: "Brother Tao, it turns out that the Tao family has arrived. I don't know what they found. When can we go and take a look."

"The old man from the Tao family came to pay homage to the mountain in person in the afternoon and met with the Celestial Master alone. No one knew what he said. Later, the Celestial Master asked me to invite you to come and talk. The Tao family lives in the east chamber. I will take you to the guest room now." Zhang Zhenren said.

"Okay, brother Taoist, please." Zhang Yu made a gesture of invitation.

Tianshi Mansion is so big, the guest rooms and courtyards are divided into several places. The guest room where Zhang Yu and the others lived was in the courtyard on the west side, that is, the west wing.

Master Zhang led Zhang Yu towards the east direction, passing through flower gardens and courtyards along the way. After a while, they stopped in front of a courtyard.

This courtyard is not as big as the one where Zhang Yu and the others live, and there are only five rooms in it.

The door to the courtyard was not closed. Standing outside the door, Master Zhang said politely: "Infinite Heavenly Lord, the junior Ling Zhenzi wishes to see Senior Tao!"

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