Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4593 Inexplicable

Zhang Yu was extremely excited in his heart right now.

This skill seems simple, but without anyone's guidance, God knows one day I will be able to learn it.

However, he could vaguely realize that this skill should not be taught in vain.

"I just said that there are no luck in the journey of cultivation." Mr. Tao looked at Zhang Yu with a smile, and said slowly: "Zhang Yu, you are a guest from afar, and with this hand of mine, I can even show you that you are a landlord. This is a meeting gift for you."

"This great gift from the senior has really benefited the junior a lot. If the senior has any errands, the junior will definitely be obliged to do so." Zhang Yu said immediately.

It is said that eating people has a short mouth and holding hands is short. Now that I have learned this skill from the Tao family, and something like this happened to the Tao family again, there is no reason why I should not help. If others don’t mention it, you should take the initiative to ask for help.

However, Mr. Tao just said calmly: "There is no need to be so polite... Well, it's getting late. You have come a long way and you must be tired from traveling. Now go back and rest..."

"Uh..." When Zhang Yu heard this, he was stunned again and thought to himself, what does this mean? After teaching me my skills, he immediately ordered me to leave.

But everyone had already said that, and he couldn't say anything more. He immediately bowed and said, "Yes, old man, I will leave now..."

Mr. Tao didn't say much, just nodded.

Seeing this, Zhang Yu could only turn around and leave.

As he walked outside, he was still muttering in his heart. He really couldn't figure out what this old man meant. It seemed that calling him here was just to teach him this skill, nothing more. Zhang Yu really couldn't believe that there was such a good thing in the world.

After walking out of the hall, Zhang Yu walked along the arch bridge and across the pond, then came to the Moon Gate. Outside the Moon Gate, Tao Xindi was waiting there. When he saw Zhang Yu coming back, Tao Xindi said gently: "Brother Zhang, my father has finished talking to you."

"The chat is over." Zhang Yu nodded and said.

"It's getting late now. I'll send my dear brother back to rest." Tao Xindi said.

"Okay." Zhang Yu said.

Zhang Yu followed Tao Xindi back the same way, giving him the feeling that nothing happened.

Tao Xindi took Zhang Yu all the way to Tingyuxuan, then said goodbye and left.

The courtyard doors of Tingyuxuan are now open, and the lights inside are all on. This is the Tao family. It doesn't matter whether the door across the courtyard is closed or not. In addition, Zhang Yu has not returned yet, so he cannot be locked away. It would be troublesome to wait for him to come back and open the door again.

Tao Xindi left like that, and Zhang Yu stepped into the courtyard.

When I came in the afternoon, although I had arranged a room in the middle, it was because I was investigating the truth, so I couldn't really sleep in the same room with Ling Hongzi.

At the moment, I don't know which room I will live in, but there are nine rooms here. If one person has one room, he will definitely not be able to live in them. Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then walked towards the middle building. No matter who lived there, he always said hello and asked how the rooms were allocated.

Zhang Yu's footsteps were neither light nor heavy, and this was intentional, so that the people living in the courtyard could hear them. Ordinary disciples may not be able to hear it, but masters like Master Zhang and Ling Hongzi can definitely hear it.

Sure enough, when he was about to reach the middle room, the door opened and Master Zhang stepped out.

"Fellow Daoist Zhang, you are back..." Mr. Zhang said politely.

"Back." Zhang Yu said.

"Fellow Taoist, come in and sit down." Master Zhang made an invitation gesture.

"Brother Dao, please." Zhang Yu said the same thing, and the two of them entered the room one after another.

At this moment, in the room, on the big mahogany chair in the middle, Zhen Yizi, the most senior person, was sitting. Under Zhen Yizi, sat Ling Hongzi and Ling Feizi. Zhang Yu and Zhang Zhenren walked over and sat down under these two people.

After Zhang Yu sat down, Ling Hongzi took the lead and said, "Fellow Taoist, you are back. I wonder if the old man of the Tao family only invited you to come over alone. What's the matter?"

"This..." Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, thinking that it was really hard to say this. Because the old man of the Tao family didn't say anything to him, he just taught him his skills.

Seeing Zhang Yu's hesitation, Master Zhang immediately said: "Since it's not convenient for Taoist Friend Zhang to say it, then just don't say it. Just now we discussed it with our uncle and decided to leave tomorrow and return to Tianshi Mansion. I wonder what Taoist Friend's plans are? "

"I came here just to help. Now that the matter has been resolved, I will naturally return to the Tianshi Mansion." Zhang Yu said.

"It's just right. Let's rush back to the Tianshi Mansion tomorrow morning." Zhang Zhenren said.

Whatever happens to the people of the Tianshi Mansion, it is natural for them to discuss it internally. Because of Zhang Yu's arrival, they just chatted for a few words, and then Master Zhang arranged a room for Zhang Yu.

In fact, the rooms have been arranged for two people to a room. Considering that Zhang Yu was a guest who came to help, and the two companions were disciples, Zhang Yu was allowed to rest in the room on the right side of the main room.

In addition, Li Mingyue shares a room with Li Ruxuan, and Wang Chunlan naturally shares a room with Zhang Yinling.

Zhang Yu returned to his room and lay down, still confused as to what the old man of the Tao family wanted. If you ask him to help, just say so directly. In fact, to be honest, Zhang Yu still wants to make friends with the Tao family even if he doesn't pass on his golden hand. The result was great, they didn't say anything, they just taught me the golden silk hand. There is also the girl in a white short skirt. I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I have no memory at all.

The girl called Tao Xindi uncle, and said that the third uncle was injured. Judging from this, she should be the daughter of Tao Xinshui, the second son of the Tao family. He should have no contact with the Tao family.

He couldn't figure out why. After lying there for a while, Zhang Yu's cell phone rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was Zhao Qiuju calling. Zhang Yu immediately answered the call and said, "Infinite Heavenly Lord."

"Infinite Heavenly Lord, Master, I am Qiu Ju." Zhao Qiuju's voice rang on the phone.

"How is the situation?" Zhang Yu asked.

"We have received everything, Master, shall we go to Tianshi Mansion tomorrow?" Zhao Qiuju said.

"Go to worship the mountain early tomorrow morning." Zhang Yu said.

"Yes, Master..." Zhao Qiuju agreed immediately.

Zhang Yu gave a few more instructions and then hung up the phone. He also took the car during the day, and he was very tired at home before, so he fell asleep in a daze after a while.

There was no talking all night, and in the early morning of the next day, Zhang Yu, Zhang Zhenren and others got up early. They also had to go to the flower hall in the garden for breakfast. Tao Xinshui and Tao Xinfeng also arrived early and accompanied them to the flower hall.

Since it was breakfast, there was no need to be too particular. Everyone ate in the flower hall. Tao Xinshui was not seen in the flower hall, so Zhang Zhenren had to ask. Tao Xinshui said that the eldest brother had something to do and went out overnight. Needless to say, it is also conceivable that some clues about Tao Xi have been found.

After breakfast, Ling Hongzi mentioned that he was going back to Tianshi Mansion. Before leaving, he still had to say goodbye to Mr. Tao.

However, the disciples did not need to go, that is, Zhang Zhenren, Zhang Yu and others followed Tao Xinshui and Tao Xinfeng to the main hall where Zhang Yu had been last night. Mr. Tao had woken up and seemed to have had breakfast. Master Zhang and Zhang Yu said goodbye to the old man. The old man also said that he would go to the Tianshi Mansion to worship the mountain soon.

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