Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4578 The easiest place to start

"Where else have I been..." Zhang Yinling thought about it for a moment, then shook her head and said, "It seems that I haven't been anywhere else. I just had a meal in the service area halfway. When we ate, we went separately. Leave half of the people watching the Lyra."

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that... Tianyin Qin was most likely lost in Tao's house..." Zhang Yu said.

"This should be even more impossible... The Tao family is heavily guarded. No matter what time, there are people next to the Tianyin Qin... In addition, my uncle also used the Tianyin Qin to cure Tao Xinhuo in the Tao family... Then, Let's say goodbye..." Zhang Yinling said.

"After you cured Tao Xinhuo, did you say goodbye then?" Zhang Yu asked immediately.

In his opinion, this is definitely an important link. Since it can cure people, and Zhang Yinling's uncle Ling Hongzi also used the Tianyin Qin, it means that the Tianyin Qin at that time must be real and has not been stolen.

"Not right away..." Zhang Yinling said while recalling: "After curing Tao Xinhuo, the old man of the Tao family invited my uncle and my dad to dinner. This must be a must... At that time, the Tianyin Qin was placed in my We took turns looking at Dad's room and taking turns eating... My uncle and my dad spent a relatively long time having a banquet, which seemed to last until ten o'clock in the evening, but there were never fewer people next to the Tianyin Qin... "

"How many people are watching the Tianyin Qin?" Zhang Yu asked.

"There are two outside the room and two inside the room. Li Ruxuan and I were the first group, and later Zhang Jinkai and Zhang Jinzhong were responsible for watching inside." Zhang Yinling said.

"Then when your uncle and your father came back from dinner in the evening, did they check the Tianyin Qin?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"I don't know about this." Zhang Yinling shook her head and said.

"Whose room is the Tianyin Qin placed in?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"It's my uncle's room." Zhang Yinling said.

Ling Hongzi's strength was superior to Zhang Zhenren's, Zhang Yu knew this. Therefore, it should be safest for the Tianyin Qin to be placed in Ling Hongzi's room.

According to Zhang Yinling, it is impossible to swap the Tianyinqin in Linghongzi's room.

"If you say that, you will just say goodbye and leave the next morning, right?" Zhang Yu said.

"That's right, we left at dawn this morning." Zhang Yinling said.

Zhang Yu took a deep breath and pondered in his mind which of these four locations was the easiest to attack.

Ling Hongzi's room, the car in the service area, the car at the time of the accident, and the reception room of the patrol room. It can be said that among these four places, it seems that each one is not easy to get started. If there is a place where there is a slight chance of success, it seems that the only place is Reihongko's room. After all, when they are in the car, one of Zhang Zhenren and Ling Hongzi will always look at Tianyinqin. It is almost impossible to change Tianyinqin without anyone noticing in front of these two people. The only chance is when these two masters are away.

But when the two of them were not around, there were also disciples in the room staring at them. It was probably impossible to drop the Tianyin Qin without hurting anyone. Even the most powerful master should not be able to do this.

Seeing that Zhang Yu didn't speak for a long time, Zhang Yinling couldn't help but said: "Have you thought of anything?"

"In my opinion, the most likely place to start is probably your uncle's room." Zhang Yu said.

"This...isn't possible..." Zhang Yinling said.

"It's actually impossible in every location. I just think it would be a little easier to switch the package when your father and Uncle Ni are not present." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Then, what are your plans?" Zhang Yinling asked.

"My plan is to go to the Tao family's room where your uncle lives," Zhang Yu said.

"Okay, let's go right away." Zhang Yinling said immediately.

For this girl, being able to be with Zhang Yu is definitely an interesting thing. This is much happier than when she was with her father.

However, Zhang Yu immediately said: "Let's go back, but before we go, we have to call your father and give the same notice. We will meet your father then and we will go together."

"We still want to go together..." Zhang Yinling's excitement disappeared instantly, and she curled her lips and said bitterly: "That's so boring..."

"We are looking for something, what's the point...Besides, even if you know the way, people won't pay attention to us after we go there..." Zhang Yu said and took out his mobile phone from his arms.

Zhang Yinling puffed up her cheeks but said nothing, because she also knew that what Zhang Yu said made sense.

Zhang Yu found Zhenren Zhang’s phone number and dialed it directly.

The call was quickly connected this time, and Master Zhang's voice rang out. Master Zhang said without cliché, "Hello, fellow Taoist Zhang?"

"Brother Dao, it's me. How is your investigation going? Have you traced the driver who caused the accident?" Zhang Yu said first.

"I haven't found it. I am now contacting the owner of the Bentley through the patrol office. I have a feeling that this should be a conspiracy..." Zhang Zhenren said.

"Yes, I think so too." Zhang Yu said.

"Fellow Taoist, have you discovered anything?" Zhang Zhenren asked.

Master Zhang is still aware of Zhang Yu's abilities. The incident involving Wu Nannan in Hongdu last time was all solved by Zhang Yu. Coupled with Zhang Yu's strength, Master Zhang was quite impressed.

"After watching the surveillance of the patrol room, I think that although there are certain problems in the serial car accident, it is not enough for Tianyinqin to be dumped. The serial car accident is definitely a layout, but it gives me the feeling that Tianyinqin is in that situation. It has already been switched. This is just to attract your attention and mislead you to other places. In this way, it will never be possible to find the truth." Zhang Yu said.

"You mean...this is not the place where Tianyin Qi was lost...then, where was the musical instrument lost that day..." Zhang Zhenren said in astonishment.

"I suspect that the most likely place to lose the Tianyin Qin is in Tao's house, which is the room where you live." Zhang Yu said.

"This... it shouldn't be possible..." Zhang Zhenren said with some disbelief: "If it was lost in the Tao family, wouldn't it mean that it was done by someone from the Tao family..."

"Whether it was done by the Tao family, I dare not say...but after my analysis, I believe that the most likely place to lose the Tianyin Qin is indeed the Tao family..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"If this is the case..." Master Zhang seemed a little embarrassed, and after a while he said: "Fellow Taoist, what are you going to do..."

"I want to go to the room where you lived at that time, which is the room where the Tianyin Qin is placed. I don't know if it is possible..." Zhang Yu said.

"If you do this, it is tantamount to doubting the Tao family... Well, you wait for my news first, I need to discuss it with the Celestial Master... seek the Celestial Master's opinion..." Master Zhang said.

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