Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4575 Tracking

"Yes, Master." Li Mingyue agreed immediately.

Soon, Zhang Yinling's smiling voice rang on the phone, "Hello, Zhang Yu?"

"Yin Ling, what happened to your father? You have to run to Wuyan Expressway to find him?" Zhang Yu said in confusion.

"Something big has happened!" Zhang Yinling said pretending to be mysterious.

"What a big deal, you tell me..." Zhang Yu said with a frown.

"Didn't Li Ruxuan leave with my father earlier? I didn't see him when we were eating, so I called him. He didn't say anything at first, but after I pressed him, he secretly sent me a message, It was said that after we returned to the Tianshi Mansion with the Tianyin Qin, my father took me and him to the guest room to find you, and my uncle went to the warehouse to return the Tianyin Qin. But when we arrived at the magic weapon warehouse, when we checked, we found this The Tianyin Qin is a fake, not the real Tianyin Qin at all. After my uncle found my father, he conducted a detailed inspection and confirmed that it was not the Tianyin Qin, so he reported it to my grandfather. My grandfather immediately sent my uncle My father and several uncles went down the mountain together to look for Tianyin Qin. On our way back, there was a traffic accident on the Wuyan Expressway. At that time, we could only stop and wait. Unexpectedly, the car coming up from behind actually hit the car. We were rear-ended and a series of traffic accidents occurred. As a result, the insurance company and the traffic team all arrived, and it took a long time to solve the problem. My father and my uncle thought that it was probably at that time that someone Taking advantage of the chaos, Tianyinqin was swapped. Now we have to find the culprit of the rear-end collision, and then follow the clues to find Tianyinqin. They have already arrived at the patrol room of Wuyan Expressway, and the three of us are almost there." Zhang Yinling said carelessly. said.

After listening to Zhang Yinling's story, Zhang Yu couldn't help being shocked and took a breath of cold air.

Who is so brave to steal Tianyinqin from Tianshi Mansion?

What the Tianshi Mansion is like, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is one of the best sects in the country. In this world, there seems to be no one who dares to provoke the Tianshi Mansion. But now, a bold one actually appears.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, I understand. I will rush over to find you now."

"Then hurry up. If you are late, the person who stole the piano may have been caught, and then it will be no longer interesting." Zhang Yinling said with a smile.

"Understood." After Zhang Yu finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

As for Zhang Yinling's statement, if it were too late, the person who stole the piano would have been caught. Zhang Yu would never believe it. It's not that Tianshi Mansion's methods are not good, but because people who dare to steal things from Tianshi Mansion are definitely not ordinary people. This requires not only strong enough strength, but also a well-thought-out plan. It is simply impossible to say that it can be found all at once.

Of course, we do not rule out the possibility of being able to find it directly. That possibility is that there is a certain aura on the magic weapon, and the Tianshi Mansion can sense this aura, and then it can be found at once.

Zhang Yu was originally busy, but such a big thing happened in the Tianshi Mansion, so he thought it was necessary to go and take a look. If he could help Tianshi Mansion find the Tianyin Qin, he might also be able to get a better result for what he wanted.

Zhang Yu didn't know what level of magical instrument the Tianyin Qin was in the Tianshi Mansion. But the problem is that someone dares to plan to steal things from the Tianshi Mansion, which is simply a provocation to the Tianshi Mansion. Faced with this kind of provocation, Tianshi Mansion must show off to its opponents. Otherwise, if the matter spreads, where will the face of Tianshi Mansion go?

After making up his mind, Zhang Yu put away his cell phone and left the room directly.

Zhang Yu didn't ask anyone to say goodbye, he just left by himself. Although I don’t know when I will be able to come back, I feel like leaving without saying goodbye, but what should I say when I say goodbye.

But after Zhang Yu came down from the mountain, he left the mountain gate openly and openly, and was seen by the Zhike disciples of Tianshi Mansion. What he said was that if he wandered around casually, Zhike's disciples wouldn't be able to ask him where he was going, so he could only let him go.

After leaving Tianshi Mansion, Zhang Yu took a taxi on the road and told the driver to go to the patrol room on Wuyan Expressway.

The driver also saw that Zhang Yu came down from Longhu Mountain and was wearing a Taoist robe. He expected to be the Taoist priest of Longhu Mountain, so he didn't say anything more and went directly to Wuyan Expressway.

Wuyan Expressway is not close to Longhu Mountain, a distance of 300 kilometers. They got on the expressway and along the way, Zhang Yu would call Li Mingyue from time to time to inquire about the situation.

Zhang Yu learned from Li Mingyue that Zhang Zhenren and the others had left the Wuyan Expressway. They seemed to have obtained the results and were now rushing to find the driver who caused the serial traffic accident.

When an accident occurs, all vehicles need to be registered. The driver who caused the collision was from Wuyan, and Zhang Zhenren and his party went to Wuyan City. According to the information Zhang Yinling received from Li Ruxuan, Zhang Zhenren and others split into two groups as soon as they arrived in Wuyan City. One went to the driver's registered home address, and the other went to the local patrol headquarters to determine the direction of the vehicle after entering the city.

I have to say that this approach is very correct and can find the driver responsible for the accident in the shortest possible time.

Li Mingyue and the others had already driven off the highway, entered Wuyan City, and rushed to the patrol headquarters to meet Li Ruxuan and others.

Since he was no longer at the patrol room on the notice, Zhang Yu also asked the driver to change the route and go directly to the main patrol room in the urban area of ​​Wuyan.

On the way, Zhang Yu received news one after another. One news was that after going to the driver's registered address, the driver was not found. After inquiring, I learned that the owner of this family bought the house and renovated it, but he didn’t come to live there much. The neighbors have not met the owner of this house, and the property is registered, but the owner still owes two years of property fees.

As soon as Zhang Yu heard the news, he could almost conclude that the other party's house was probably a safe haven, and its purpose was to be used as cannon fodder to stop bullets. It is obviously impossible to find someone through this address.

The second news is that the vehicle responsible for the accident has been discovered at the monitoring center of the local police headquarters. The vehicle involved in the accident went to the countryside, where there is relatively little monitoring, and the clues were later lost. According to the approximate location, Zhang Zhenren and others have already set off, and have received the cooperation of the local patrol to help find the driver and vehicle responsible for the accident.

After getting this news, Zhang Yu basically realized that it would be impossible to find him after he went there. If it is true that the driver who caused the accident caused the accident and chaos according to someone's instructions, after such a long time, people will inevitably change to another vehicle and leave after arriving in the countryside. Even if this is not the case, there are many ways to leave the countryside and end up with no way to find it.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhang Yu realized that even if he rushed over to meet Zhang Zhenren now, it would be useless. It's best for you to make a breakthrough from somewhere else.

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