Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 456 Really weird (ninth update)

Xue Wenzhi originally thought that after throwing Gumantong into the sea, nothing would happen.

Unexpectedly, at night, there are still children crying, which makes the house uninhabitable. The most terrible thing is that no matter where Xue Wenzhi sleeps, he can hear the child crying at night, as if it is right next to his ears.

The strange thing is that if others sleep in other places, others can't hear the child crying, but he can hear it. Once back in this villa, anyone can hear the cry of a child.

Within a few days, Lin Wen came back from negotiations. At that time, the negotiation failed, and I was not happy. When I came back, I found that Gumantong was gone, so I inevitably had to question Xue Wenzhi.

If it's just broken and no children cry at night, maybe it's okay. But when Lin Wen heard her child's cry at night, she didn't dare to sleep. She often had quarrels with her husband, and even blamed her husband for the collapse of the business deal.

The couple couldn't sleep well at night, their tempers grew worse and worse, and they finally divorced. Other things are easy to divide. No one wants to part with this three-story villa. It is in a good location and is worth tens of millions. But there are always children crying in the villa, and it's not easy to sell if they say it's unpleasant.

So the couple finally decided to find someone to solve the problem here. Whoever solves the problem will get the house.

After listening to Xue Wenzhi's story, Master Jia nodded and said: "Although Gumantong can quickly make money, those fortunes are not yours after all. In the past three years, when your business was good, did you build bridges and roads? Have you ever done more good deeds?"

"It seems like I haven't done anything." Xue Wenzhi said in a low voice.

"That's it." Zhenren Jia said seriously: "The way of heaven is to make up for the deficiency after the loss. You have got good luck and you only know how to enjoy it alone, which is against the way of heaven. The good luck will eventually run out. So, you give White Eyebrow Palace donates 10 million and becomes a good friend, and I will help you resolve this disaster, what do you think?"

"Ten million!" After hearing this number, Xue Wenzhi was shocked and said eagerly: "This, this is too much. Didn't we agree on half a million before?"

"You donate ten million dollars because we, the White Eyebrow Palace, do charity for you and help you resolve your difficulties and get through this calamity. Just by relying on the wealth gathered by Gumantong in the past three years, you have made far more than one million dollars. Ten million. If I didn't come to help, I'm afraid that all the money you have earned in the past three years will have to be paid back. Which is more important, you can consider it yourself." Jia Zhenren said calmly.

"This." Xue Wenzhi hesitated.

Xiaoya who was next to him pinched him and whispered: "This house is more than 10 million, so just agree to it."

After this reminder, Xue Wenzhi nodded and said: "Then there is Master Lao Jia."

"Where is the place where you placed the Gumantong before? Take me there." Jia Zhenren said with satisfaction.

"On the second floor, please follow me." Xue Wenzhi immediately made a gesture of invitation.

They went upstairs together, and Zhang Yu was just listening to Xue Wenzhi's story in the middle of the hall.

Now he had a rough understanding of the Gumantong, and Master Jia's words seemed quite reasonable.

"Sister, let's go up and take a look." Lin Chuang said when he saw Xue Wenzhi leading everyone upstairs.

Lin Wen nodded, glanced at Zhang Yu and Wang Jie again, and said, "Two Taoist Priests, let's go up and have a look together. Taoist Priest Wang, do you think they can solve the problem?"

It can be seen that Lin Wen is quite worried. This large villa is worth tens of millions. If someone else solves it, the loss will be huge.

"Let's see and then talk." Wang Jie felt quite unsure.

He knows best what he is worth. He has not been fooled, and now there are still children crying, which makes people feel scared.

Zhang Yu didn't say anything, he just wanted to go up and see what was going on.

The four of them went upstairs. Along the stairs was a small living room with corridors on the left and right. The room on the left was made of transparent glass and could be seen from the outside. It was a large gym with a pool table inside. , table tennis, and some fitness equipment.

Xue Wenzhi led people to the second room on the right. Strangely enough, he couldn't tell that the crying must have come from here. It seemed that the crying was the same everywhere.

Xiaoya obviously didn't dare to go in, so Xue Wenzhi went in, told Jia Zhenren where Gumantong was originally placed, and then came out. Only the three masters and disciples of Jia Zhenren were left inside.

Zhang Yu, Wang Jie, Lin Wen, and Lin Chuang also came over. Zhang Yu looked inside and saw that the room was not small. It could be said to be an office or a study. There are bookcases, boss desks, file cabinets, computers and more.

Jia Zhenren is now staring at a cabinet that is 1.5 meters high. It seems that Gumantong should have been placed on this cabinet before.

Zhang Yu could feel the heavy evil spirit inside without going in. In addition to the evil spirit, there seemed to be a strange aura.

He wanted to see what was inside, so when no one was paying attention, he turned his head, bit his finger, and scratched it in front of his eyes.

Looking back again, all luck can be seen clearly. Among the people around them, Wang Jie, Xiaoya and Lin Chuang had normal luck, but the luck above Lin Wen and Xue Wenzhi was very strange.

Both the red fortune and the white health fortune are surrounded by a faint blood-red and black aerosol. Zhang Yu knew that this was an evil spirit filled with resentment.

Looking at the room, in addition to the luck of the three Taoist priests, it was filled with black evil aura, mixed with blood-red resentment.

There was resentment in the evil spirit, Zhang Yu had seen it before, but the evil spirit and resentment here were very strong, but where it came from was really hard to figure out.

Evil spirits and resentment will not come for no reason. People will have resentment when they die in vain. If they encounter evil spirits, they will be activated and will not dissipate.

But according to Xue Wenzhi, he just smashed a Gumantong. This thing was made of clay, so it seemed like nothing. And where does this evil spirit come from?

With curiosity, Zhang Yu walked into the room, so that he could see all the layout here more carefully.

It was obvious from the placement of things that Xue Wenzhi and his wife did not understand Feng Shui. There was no Feng Shui layout at all. Looking at the place where the ancient mantong was placed, Zhang Yu could not help but take a deep breath and said in his heart: "Shame." Bit."

In a house, if there are auspicious positions, there will be evil positions, but evil positions may not necessarily produce evil spirits, especially such heavy evil spirits. It does not mean that a single evil position will form it.

In addition, Zhang Yu was very confused whether it was intentional or unintentional to place Gumantong in the evil position.

If he could see the ancient mantong with his own eyes, Zhang Yu might be able to get a clue from it. Now that the ancient mantong is gone, the surrounding layout does not seem to have any feng shui, which is really confusing.

"The evil position, the heavy evil spirit, the resentment, Gumantong, all of this is a coincidence, or is someone deliberately trying to figure out what the problem is." Zhang Yu kept muttering in his heart, as if he was in a psychedelic world at this moment. In this world, even if you have the art of observing Qi, you still can't find any clues.

"By the way. The Patriarch of the Mind's Eye said in his Eight Wonders of the Arts that whether the naked eye or the heavenly eye opened by the Qi-gazing technique can only see the appearance, if you want to see the essence clearly, you must observe with the mind's eye."


In fact, I feel that I made a mistake in writing the part about getting to know Jia Zhenren, so I delayed it a little bit. If I change it now, I will delete too much. If the protagonist went directly to the Taoist Association to ask for a recommender, but was made things difficult for him, and then met Jia Zhenren by chance, it would save a lot of pen and ink. However, VIP chapters are not like public chapters that can be deleted at will. How much is deleted must be supplemented. Here, I can only apologize to my brothers and sisters. I hope my brothers and sisters can forgive me.

Otherwise, just pick the key points and subscribe selectively. Thank you all for your encouragement and support! !

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