Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4525 Search

"You can pull it off. If I wait for you, the cucumbers and vegetables will be cold!" Du Tianjiao immediately shouted after hearing what Zhang Yu said.

Isn't that right? She was originally waiting for news about Zhang Yu outside the yard, but as soon as she waited, Zhang Yu seemed to have disappeared, which made her nervous for a long time. When I entered the courtyard with the elder in Tang suit, everyone was a little energetic. It wasn't until I found Zhang Yu that I realized it was a false alarm.

The elder in Tang suit also stood up and said: "Since the young lady has spoken, let's go up together. We will take care of everything."

Although Zhang Yu's explanation was perfect when he first met him, the elder in Tang suit believed that Zhang Yu deliberately left him out. So this time, we might as well not wait down below, let’s go up together.

Zhang Yu immediately smiled and said: "If that's the case, let's go up together..."

He shrugged his shoulders and walked straight towards the door.

He had already seen the body of this woman, and there was no doubt that the person had drowned. That is to say, in terms of the time of death, because the body has been soaked in water, it is somewhat difficult to judge. However, there were no body spots on the body, which shows that the person must have died today.

Du Tianjiao and the elder in Tang suit followed Zhang Yu towards the entrance, followed the stairs, and went up to the first floor again. At this moment, all the lights are on, and the situation on the first floor can be clearly seen. Zhang Yu still scanned around for a moment to make sure there was no unusual sound before he stepped upstairs.

Go up the stairs and soon reach the second floor. As soon as we reached the second floor, there was a small living room. Although the lights were not turned on, you could vaguely see through the light from the window. The furnishings in the small living room were very unique.

Du Tianjiao and the elder in Tang suit came up later. After a cursory glance, Du Tianjiao whispered: "It doesn't seem to be anything special..."

"I really don't see any problems so far. I think we should find the light switch first, and then look in each room." Zhang Yu said.

After saying that, he looked along the wall and found the switch. He went over and turned on all the switches on the wall.


"Swipe, swipe, swipe..."

All the lights on the second floor were lit, and everything could be seen clearly. There are corridors on the left and right sides of the second floor. Zhang Yu took the lead and walked to the left side of the corridor.

The corridor is like this. The side next to the stairs is full of rooms, and the other side is the wall and windows.

Going forward along the corridor, the first room had a glass door. Zhang Yu stood at the door and could vaguely see through the glass that there seemed to be a lot of fitness equipment inside. He simply pushed open the glass door and walked in. He found the switch on the wall and opened the door. Sure enough, it was a fitness room.

When you look out, the fitness room is very professional. One wall inside is covered with mirrors. This is for self-correction of posture. Zhang Yu walked around the gym and didn't see anything special. Du Tianjiao and the elder in Tang suit also followed him and observed a circle, then left the fitness room and headed to the next room.

The front room has a double-open wooden door, which is not locked. After unscrewing it, the inside is not small, and there is a bar counter in the front. Zhang Yu found the switch and turned it on. The lights in the room flashed immediately.

Why is it described as flashing lights? That's because the lights here are not normal lights. They are like neon lights in a bar, flashing fiercely.

This time, Zhang Yu was able to see clearly. The room was decorated like a small bar, and the windows were blocked by thick black curtains to prevent any light from entering.

There are tables and high chairs at the bar in front, and there are also a lot of drinks on the bar. There is a dance floor in the back, which looks like a good place to have a party.

After looking around, he found nothing. After leaving the bar, Zhang Yu turned off the switch on the wall.

Walking further along the corridor, there is only one portal left. The reason why there are so few entrances is because the gym and bar are too large.

The room at the end of the corridor is also a room with double doors. Unscrew the door, go in and turn on the light. The interior is decorated like a singing practice room, which can also be regarded as a family meeting room. In front of it is a huge projector screen, whether it is watching movies or singing karaoke, there is no problem at all.

Zhang Yu looked at it and said to himself that the owner here is quite good at enjoying it. The swimming pool, gym, bar, and home theater are all complete.

Nothing was found in the corridor here. The three of them could only turn around and head to the corridor on the other side.

When you come to the door of the first room in the corridor on the right, the door is closed. This time it was just a door, not a large door that opened both ways. Zhang Yu reached out and grabbed the door handle, twisted it gently, and the door opened.

There was a light switch on the wall inside the door. Zhang Yu turned on the switch and the room became brighter. On the left side as soon as you enter the door is a bathroom, and walking directly inside is a bedroom.

The bedroom has a bed, a wardrobe, a small sofa, and a round coffee table. It looks no different from the guest rooms in the hotel.

Zhang Yu briefly observed it and found nothing special. Then he walked to the closet door and opened it casually. There were no clothes in the wardrobe, just pajamas, slippers and the like, which were almost the same as those prepared for guests in the hotel.

Seeing this, not only Zhang Yu, but also Du Tianjiao came out and said: "The decoration here seems to be no different from a hotel room. I guess it is where friends stay overnight when they come."

"It seems like this. Let's go to the next room and have a look." Zhang Yu said.

There can be more rooms in the corridor here, with a total of four portals. The first three, after opening them, basically have the same layout, and even the furnishings in the rooms are similar. Especially the wardrobe, which only contains pajamas, slippers and the like.

When you come to the door of the fourth room, this room is different. The door is double-opened and looks very grand. Zhang Yu grabbed the door handle and twisted it, but did not turn it.

He took a closer look and discovered that there was no keyhole on the door, just a small square screen. Seeing this, Zhang Yu immediately recognized it. It should be a fingerprint lock.

Du Tianjiao, who was standing nearby, also saw this and said: "This is a fingerprint lock. It seems that it cannot be opened normally. It may require the use of violence."

"It seems that violence can only be used..." Zhang Yu said calmly.

This room can be said to be the last room, and it is the only room that has not been searched. It is not difficult to tell that this should be the room of the owner of the villa. Who is the owner of the villa? You can probably get a rough idea of ​​who the owner of the villa is just by entering the room.

It was at this stall that Zhang Yu suddenly heard a whistle sound coming from the door of the villa, "Dudu..."

Immediately afterwards, there was another "squeaking" sound.

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