Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4521 No one

"Don't worry, you should set off quickly and don't waste time." Dili said.

"Okay, let's go then. Just bring a driver. It's useless if there are more people." Du Tianjiao said carelessly.

She followed her towards the door, the elder in Tang suit followed, and the middle-aged woman also walked over. Zhang Yu had no choice but to follow him in this posture. What happened will be revealed when we get to the place.

They left the villa, got into the nanny car, and left with a driver.

The car drove in the direction of Barton Road according to the navigation, but to go to Barton Road, you need to go through the city. It is very quiet in the villa area, but when you enter the city, it is full of lights and lively.

Just as the car was driving steadily, the elder in Tang suit suddenly grabbed the landline phone in the car and said, "Stop on the side of the road!"

When Zhang Yu heard that the elder in Tang suit suddenly asked the driver in front to stop, he couldn't help but be stunned and didn't understand what this meant.

The driver in front was told to obey the instructions in everything. As soon as the driver behind him gave way to stop, the driver immediately stopped the car on the side of the road.

The elder in Tang suit said directly: "Anna, get out of the car and go back."

After hearing this, the middle-aged woman in professional attire couldn't help but be stunned for a moment and said: "Go back... shouldn't you protect the young lady..."

"As long as I protect the lady, if anything happens to Dili, even if our task is just to protect the lady, the BOSS will not be easy to handle." The elder in Tang suit said calmly.

"Teacher, I understand, I'll go back right away." The middle-aged woman agreed immediately, left her seat, went to the front, opened the door and got out of the car.

After she got off the car, Du Tianjiao said: "Uncle San, there are only two of us in total. If Anna leaves, will we have enough people?"

"If I want to protect you, that's more than enough." The elder in Tang suit said.

When Zhang Yu heard this, he couldn't help but say, "What about me... I'm just superfluous..."

"BOSS didn't ask me to protect you, so you... whether you live or die, have nothing to do with me..." the Tang suit elder said very directly.

"Okay... then I'll protect myself..." Zhang Yu shrugged his shoulders when he said this.

However, he was also complaining secretly in his heart. In his current state, it was too much for him to protect himself. If you meet ordinary people, it's okay to say that if you meet someone a little more powerful, you will definitely not be your opponent.

However, since things are already like this, we can only bite the bullet and go ahead.

The elder in Tang suit asked the driver to continue driving and rushed towards the Barton Road villa area. The road is neither fast nor slow, and we occasionally encounter traffic jams. After driving for a while, we finally came to the suburbs, where the Barton Road Villa is located.

In Canadian villa areas, every home has a large courtyard. The driver quickly found the courtyard of villa No. 15. It can be seen from the outside that there is a large two-story villa inside. The villa is in European style, yet elegant in its atmosphere. Looking at the distance between the inner villa and the outer wall from the outside, you can generally see how big the yard is.

After the car stopped, the elder in Tang suit said directly to Zhang Yu: "Go down and take a look first."

Without saying anything, Zhang Yu came to the door of the car, opened the door and got out of the car.

He looked around and saw no one. It was a quiet night at the moment, but there was light from the street lights in the yard.

The elder in Tang suit and Du Tianjiao got out of the car one after another. As soon as they got off, the elder in Tang suit whispered: "Miss, don't speak loudly..."

Just from Chong's words, it can be seen that the elder in Tang suit understands Miss Du. I know that Miss Du usually likes to yell, but at this moment, she must act cautiously.

"I know." Du Tianjiao said in a low voice.

The elder in Tang suit scanned around again and whispered: "There is no unusual movement in the yard, and I don't know if there is any trap here. Boy, do you think we should knock on the door first, or go in directly."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "Senior, there are a lot of cameras in this place. If the opponent sets a trap in the villa, our arrival should already be within their surveillance range. So I think we might as well be a bachelor. At one point, give him a courtesy first and then an attack."

With Zhang Yu's ability, he can definitely feel that there are many surveillance cameras here. After all, this is a villa area, and such security facilities must be indispensable. However, Zhang Yu didn't feel that he was being spied on.

The elder in Tang suit nodded slightly and said: "That's right. Now that we are here, we must be generous. The other party said that we are asking for help, so we don't need to be sneaky. Just go over and ring the doorbell and listen. What do the people inside say?”

"Okay." Zhang Yu agreed, took a few steps to the door, found the doorbell button on the courtyard door, and pressed it a few times.

"Ding dong, ding dong... ding dong, ding dong..."

In addition to the doorbell, there is also an intercom system on the courtyard door. People in the villa do not need to come out. They can use this to remotely control the courtyard door.

However, Zhang Yu waited for a long time and did not hear anyone answer inside.

He pressed the button a few more times, "Ding Dong...Ding Dong...Ding Dong..."

The bell rang again, and after a while, there was still no sound.

Zhang Yu turned to look at the elder in Tang suit standing behind him and said, "No one is there."

"What do you mean? It's asking for help. We're here, but there's no one inside. I think... someone must be up to something..." Du Tianjiao couldn't help but say.

However, her voice was not loud, and she seemed to be more respectful to the elder in Tang suit.

"There must be something strange in here... Boy, do you think we should go in..." The elder in Tang suit ignored Du Tianjiao's words and just said to Zhang Yu.

"You've come here...if you don't go in and leave like this, wouldn't everything be equal to zero...Although there will be danger if you go in, I believe that with your strength, senior, this risk is nothing at all..." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"What you said makes sense, then go ahead and explore the way. If you are sure there is no ambush inside, just tell me." The elder in Tang suit said.

"What if there is an ambush?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Then I will take the young lady and retreat first." The elder in Tang suit said directly.

"I..." Zhang Yu almost didn't make this old guy angry to death, and said deliberately: "I think the owner here is not at home, and may have hidden elsewhere. Even if we go in, it may not be of much use. It’s better to go back…”

"Don't do this to me. Just now you said that if you don't go in, everything will be equal to zero. Even if you go in, it will be equal to zero, which is better than not going in. You go in now, and if you don't go in, don't It's my fault for being rude to you." The elder in Tang suit said in a deep voice.

When Zhang Yu heard this, he said to himself, this is really a man who has to bow his head under a low eaves.

He spread his hands and said: "Okay, okay... Then I'll go in..."

Seeing Zhang Yu like this, Du Tianjiao couldn't help but smile, and then said proudly: "Now you know how powerful he is, where is the energy to bully me before?"

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