"This is Tie Sha's room." Qiu Zhenzhen said when she came to the door of Tie Sha's room.

Then, she reached out and grabbed the door handle, only to twist it, but not to open it.

"The door is locked..." Qiu Zhenzhen looked at Zhang Yu again and said, "I even gave him the spare key at that time, otherwise I would find someone to break it open..."

"No need, I'll do it myself." Zhang Yu said.

"Okay." Qiu Zhenzhen agreed immediately and stepped aside.

In her opinion, Zhang Yu was definitely going to kick the door down.

If Zhang Yu wanted to open the door directly, he would naturally have the ability to pry the door and press the lock.

However, he didn't want to show off his skills in front of so many people, so he took a step forward, raised his leg, and kicked him.

With a bang, the door was kicked open by him on the spot.

It was already dark now, and the room was very dark. Zhang Yu walked in, glanced at the wall, found the light switch, made a "click" sound, and stretched out his hand to turn it on.

The room suddenly became brighter. Zhang Yu glanced around. This room was really not small, covering more than thirty square meters. In addition to a large bed, there are also wardrobes, TVs and other furnishings, and a bathroom is also essential.

Zhang Yu walked in and his eyes were immediately attracted to the writing table next to the bed. There is no computer on this desk, only a desk lamp. Zhang Yu strolled towards the writing desk. When he came to the writing desk, he could really see that there were three drawers under the writing desk.

He pulled up the chair, sat down directly, and reached for the drawer. The first drawer was locked, and he moved to the second drawer, which was also locked. Pulled the third one again, and it was still locked.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, but decided not to play with skills anymore. He took out the Seven-Star Knife from his pocket, pierced the wooden drawer board with the blade, and gently and deftly opened a hole in the lock. Then, with just a pull, the drawer opened, and the cut-off lock fell into the drawer.

He looked inside the drawer and saw a few stacks of talisman papers, cinnabar, writing brushes, etc., all there, but there were no magic weapons. Upon seeing this, Zhang Yu was even more certain that Li Jian and the others were deadlocked.

Because Zhang Yu also asked at that time what was found in Tie Sha's room, and it turned out that there was only a Bagua mirror and nothing else. It is simply impossible for a Taoist master to have no talismans on his body.

Now seeing that there are so many talisman papers in the drawer, as well as cinnabar and writing brushes, it is obvious that Tie Sha is proficient in talisman and seal art. Even if he is not as good as Zhang Yu, at least he is good at this aspect.

These are the things in this drawer and nothing else. Di Li, Qiu Zhenzhen, and Du Tianjiao all stood behind Zhang Yu and watched. Seeing the talisman paper inside, Du Tianjiao said: "This is the talisman paper from the East. Some people in our family also use it."

Dili said: "But we didn't find half a piece of talisman in the room where Tie Sha lived at the time. As expected, the murderer is him."

Smart people are smart people. Du Tianjiao only knew the talisman paper, but Di Li also saw this layer.

"Look at what's in the drawer below..." Du Tianjiao pointed at the drawer again and said.

Zhang Yu pushed the drawer back, used the seven-star knife to break the lock on the second drawer, and then pulled the drawer out.

In this drawer, there was only a notepad. Zhang Yu took out the notepad and opened it. There were two bank cards sandwiched inside. One of the bank cards was from a domestic bank called AiDe, and the other one seemed to be from a foreign country, and Zhang Yu didn’t recognize it.

Zhang Yu put the two cards on it and flipped through the notepad. As a result, only the first page of the notepad had a row of numbers written on it. Looking at this row of numbers, Zhang Yu could vaguely realize that this was probably a bank card number. Zhang Yu checked the card numbers on the two bank cards again, and the results were different from the numbers written in the notebook.

He turned around and said: "The number above seems to be a bank card number, but I don't know whose it belongs to? There is also this card, which looks like it belongs to a foreign bank."

"This is a bank card from Bank of Montreal, Canada." Qiu Zhenzhen said directly.

Dili glanced at the card number written on the notepad and said: "It doesn't matter which bank's card number it is. Since there is a card number, we can definitely find the right owner. Give me the card number, and I'll ask BOSS to call someone." Go check it out.”

"Okay." Zhang Yu handed the notepad to Dili.

Dili immediately took out her mobile phone, dialed New Bond's phone number, and reported the matter to New Bond.

Right now, everyone is trying their best to investigate the person behind the killing of Bobby Adro, so they can't let go of any clues.

Soon, Dili hung up the phone and said: "BOSS said that he will immediately have someone investigate which bank this card number belongs to and confirm who this card belongs to."

"That's good." Zhang Yu nodded. There was nothing else in this drawer.

He pushed the drawer up and then used the seven-star knife to open the third drawer.

Pulling the drawer out and looking inside, you can see a photo inside. There was a frame on the photo. Zhang Yu reached out and took out the frame and looked at it carefully.

There are three people on the photo, a man, a woman and a child. The woman and child in the photo are naturally not the targets of Zhang Yu's observation, but mainly the man. Judging from the appearance of this man, he has some similarities with Tie Sha, but Zhang Yu is absolutely sure that this man is not the Tie Sha he has seen.

Dili and others standing behind him also stretched their heads and stared at the photo. After measuring it for a while, Dili said: "This person doesn't seem to be a killer, but he looks somewhat similar."

"It's really not Iron Kill...but it does look similar to Iron Kill..." Qiu Zhenzhen said.

"Could that be Tie Sha's brother... This man also has a wife and children..." Du Tianjiao said.

"It's very possible..." Zhang Yu turned to look at Qiu Zhenzhen and said, "Does Tie Sha have any relatives here?"

"I don't know." Qiu Zhenzhen shook her head and said, "I have never heard my husband mention it... As for Tie Sha... he himself doesn't speak at all..."

"There are such weird people!" Du Tianjiao puffed up his cheeks and said, "I originally thought I could find something valuable... but now it seems that it was all in vain..."

"You can't say that. At least we now know that Tie Sha still has relatives. In addition, I think the bank card number recorded in the book probably belongs to the person in the photo..." Zhang Yu said.

"What's the use?" Du Tianjiao curled his lips.

Zhang Yu didn't say anything and put the photo back in the drawer. At this moment, an idea came to his mind, that is, judging from the photo, the man above was probably Tie Sha's biological brother. The reason why Tie Sha betrayed Li Jian was not necessarily because he was bribed, but more likely because he was blackmailed. After all, a mission that costs lives cannot be easily bought.

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