Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4508 Sneak Attack

Zhang Yu and the others were only a few steps away from the tree. They walked forward while looking around cautiously. When the three of them walked under the tree, they found no other figures. There was only the man hanging upside down under the tree, wearing a black hood.

The three people stood under the tree and looked around again. Soon they saw that the two men in black robes who had come around from left and right had also arrived.

Dili couldn't help but said: "Have you two seen anyone?"

"I didn't see it." "I didn't see it." The two men in black robes said.

"This is really strange. Why is there no one there? Where are the people who kidnapped Cheng Xiong?" Dili said in confusion.

"Let me put Cheng Xiong down first and see what's going on." Zhang Yu said.

"That's fine." Dili waved her hand forward and said, "Gaode, put the person down."

Gothe, the man in black robe, nodded and walked forward directly to the man who was hanging upside down. He put away the crystal ball and swiped the staff on the rope above.

With a "pop" sound, the rope ignited and then disconnected. Gothe's hand was just a support, causing the person's feet to fall to the ground first, and then slowly lowering his upper body. This is also a worry, what if a person falls headfirst and dies on the spot.

After the man lay on the ground, he squatted down and pulled off the black cloth bag on his head.

Zhang Yu and Di Li walked over together, and at a glance, the man on the ground looked exactly like Cheng Xiong in the photo.

Cheng Xiong's naked upper body revealed fairly solid muscles and a lot of scars on his body, which showed that he was quite life-threatening when he was fighting. Now, with his eyes closed, he doesn't know whether he is dead or alive.

Zhang Yu squatted down and reached out to grab Cheng Xiong's wrist. His pulse was a little weak, but it was not life-threatening. Zhang Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately reached out to hold Cheng Xiong's hand down. After a while, the man slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that the person was awake, Zhang Yu said, "Cheng Xiong, you're awake."

Cheng Xiong looked at Zhang Yu and said nothing.

Zhang Yu also looked at Cheng Xiong, and he immediately realized that something was wrong. That's because Cheng Xiong's eyes were very dull and lifeless.

"Cheng Xiong, what's wrong with you?" Zhang Yu asked aloud.

Cheng Xiong still didn't make a sound and lay there blankly.

Dili stood next to Zhang Yu, looked down at Cheng Xiong, and said, "Mr. Zhang, there seems to be something wrong with his eyes..."

"Something is indeed wrong..." Zhang Yu grabbed Cheng Xiong's wrist again, closed his eyes this time, and used his inner eye to check the situation inside Cheng Xiong's body.

When he took a look this time, he quickly discovered the problem.

It turned out that there were many cracks in Cheng Xiong's soul. Seeing the dense cracks, Zhang Yu also understood what was going on.

A person's three souls and seven souls cannot tolerate any damage, especially the Linghui soul. As long as there is a little damage, the impact on the person's head will be huge.

Cheng Xiong's spirit, wisdom and soul were not just slightly damaged, it would be an understatement to say that they were riddled with holes.

With things like this, no wonder people become dementia.

Zhang Yu opened his eyes, shook his head and said, "His spiritual intelligence has been greatly damaged, and he may have become stupid."

"What do you mean?" Dili asked confused.

Obviously, she doesn't understand what Ling Hui Po is.

Zhang Yu explained: "It is what you call a soul in the West. His soul was severely damaged to the point where his brain became difficult to function."

"So that's it...what should we do..." Dili said with a frown.

"This..." Zhang Yu groaned and said: "The other party didn't kill him, they just turned him into this. They probably thought that after he became like this, he would no longer be able to leak secrets. This approach may require It would be more cruel than killing him."

"Asshole..." Dili gritted her teeth and said, "Can it be cured..."

Zhang Yu shook his head and said: "I don't have this ability anyway, but there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers over there. Maybe there are experts who can cure it."

"If you say that, then others may also..."

Dili originally said, "I guess it would be annoying for others too," but before she could finish her words, the phone in her pocket vibrated, "Buzzing buzzing... buzzing buzzing..."

Feeling the vibration of her phone, Dili took it out of her pocket and looked at the caller ID. She immediately answered, "Hello, who are you..."

"I'm Du Tianjiao!" Du Tianjiao's voice rang on the phone.

"Miss Du, what's the matter?" Dili said.

"We were besieged, and many people died. Fortunately, my father sent someone to protect me secretly, otherwise we would be dead!" Du Tianjiao said eagerly.

"What? You were besieged. What happened? Who did it?" Dili said in surprise.

"I don't know who did it, but it was probably the people who kidnapped Cheng Xiong. These people first threw a gun into the yard, and then rushed in over the wall. There were experts among them, and that Tom was dead. Fortunately, at the critical moment, my father's people suddenly appeared, and I was able to save my life." Du Tianjiao said angrily.

"What about the person who attacked you? Have you caught them?" Dili asked.

"They were all dead. When the masters inside saw that they couldn't be beaten, they spontaneously ignited and burned themselves to death." Du Tianjiao said.

"These people are too brave," Dili said bitterly.

"Not only is he big, he is simply audacious! How are you doing over there? Have you found Cheng Xiong?" Du Tianjiao said angrily again.

"Found it." Dili said.

"That's okay, bring him back quickly, I want to interrogate him strictly!" Du Tianjiao shouted.

"The person has been's just...this Cheng Xiong has become a fool..." Dili said a little embarrassed.

"What! How did you manage to become a fool?" Du Tianjiao said dissatisfied.

"The person who kidnapped him did it. He injured Cheng Xiong's soul and turned him into a fool. Now Cheng Xiong's eyes are dull and he probably can't ask anything." Dili said truthfully.

"If you say that, your work has been in vain! These bastards are too cunning!" Du Tianjiao said.

"What's the matter? Let's go back and meet. By the way, how many people died on your side?" Dili asked.

"There are twenty or thirty dead, even if they are not dead, they are all injured." Du Tianjiao said.

"So many...Okay, let's go back now..." Dili said.

She hung up the phone, and Zhang Yu and the three men in black robes beside her also sensed that something was wrong.

Zhang Yu and the other four all looked at Di Li, who said directly: "Something happened at Cheng Xiong's house. Miss Du and the others were attacked. Everyone in the villa was dead or injured, including Tom. Fortunately, Mr. Du had I had the foresight to send someone to secretly protect Miss Du and kill the attacker, otherwise we would be in big trouble."

Zhang Yu couldn't help but take a breath when he heard this. He really didn't expect that the other party's courage was too great.

When the three men in black robes heard this, they couldn't help but break out in cold sweat. Because they knew that if Du Tianjiao made a mistake, Niubandang would have to give an explanation, and this explanation would be their lives.

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