Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 450 What a big deal

Xiao Jiejie glanced at Zhang Yu's state, holding a silver needle in his hand, and said anxiously: "You don' want to give yourself acupuncture..."

"Ah?" Fang Tong still shouted nervously and said, "Are you... okay?"

Zhang Yu gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said with difficulty: "Whether it works or not, we have to come... If not... I'm afraid I won't even be able to make it through tonight..."

He was very clear about his condition. It hurt like this and he couldn't use his inner strength to refine it. He couldn't keep hurting like this. It would hurt him to death. It was completely useless to expect help from people on the ship. Not to mention whether they had the ability or not, just saying that I won so much money in the casino, it would be good if they didn't make trouble.

He slowly aimed the needle at the Dantian, but this was not done randomly. There were acupuncture points on it, and it had to be inserted into the points. His hand was shaking with pain, and he couldn't insert the needle at all. He wanted to stabilize it, but the heartbreaking pain in his dantian could not be stabilized by just being steady.

It was Xiao Jiejie who shouted: "Let me help you!"

After saying that, she stretched out her little hand and grabbed Zhang Yu's hand, trying to help Zhang Yu steady his hand.

"Can you make it?" Fang Tong was worried.

Xiao Jiejie directly ordered: "Hold his back and don't let him lie down again."

"Okay..." Fang Tong had lost his sense of propriety, and he still couldn't keep up with Xiao Jiejie.

Now she had no choice but to follow Xiao Jiejie's instructions, come behind Zhang Yu and support Zhang Yu's body. Xiao Jiejie even sat on the edge of the bed and grabbed Zhang Yu's hand with both hands. She could feel Zhang Yu's right hand shaking, and even his whole arm was shaking. When a person is shaking like this, it shows how painful it is.

With a "chi" sound, Zhang Yu inserted the needle. The acupuncture point that could normally be stabbed with ease was missed due to the trembling in my hands and body.

The silver needle was as thin as a cow's hair and broke instantly, causing a drop of blood to flow out from his lower abdomen.

"This..." Fang Tong frowned, knowing that she failed this time.

Xiao Jiejie took the towel, wiped Zhang Yu's blood, and said, "You must be shaking like this, otherwise, I will help you prick it."

"You haven't practiced, you don't have the strength in your hands, and you can't grasp the acupoints accurately...I'll try again..." Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and took a silver needle tremblingly.

Good guy, I stabbed four needles in the Dantian one after another, and finally penetrated the acupuncture point.

Zhang Yu's head and body were covered in sweat. It was not only painful, but also urgent. The pain in his dantian was excruciating, and his hands couldn't control his movements at all. If Xiao Jiejie hadn't held his hand with both hands, Zhang Yu might not have been able to penetrate it even if he stuck it all night.

When the silver needle penetrates into the acupuncture point of Dantian, it cannot relieve the pain in Dantian at all. On the contrary, it makes the true energy in Dantian rotate faster. Those three-color air currents seemed to speed up due to the increase in true energy, causing Zhang Yu even more pain.

But this is a good sign after all. As long as the meridians of the navel chakra are opened and the energy flows into the central soul of the navel chakra and temporarily surrounds the life soul, the problem will be solved.

Zhang Yu's idea was good, but when he was about to take action, he realized a problem. He wanted to use a needle to open the meridians from the Dantian to the navel chakra. That didn't mean that it could be done with just one needle. He had to open the Zhongji point one after another. , Guanyuan point, Shimen point, Qihai point, Yinjiao point and Shenque point.

There is a word in martial arts novels called Ren and Du's second line, but it is not necessarily known where Ren and Du's second line is. In fact, to put it bluntly, from the middle of the human body, from bottom to top, in addition to the few acupuncture points that Zhang Yu wants to open now, if you continue to go up, you have to pass by the Juque point, Tanzhong point, Yutang point, and Huagai point. Wait until the Chengjian point on the chin is called the Ren meridian.

Zhang Yu stabbed the Dantian five times and asked him to stab five more acupoints one after another. You can imagine the difficulty. Normally it doesn't matter, it's very easy. But now, I don't know how many needles are enough.

Zhang Yu took a needle and started to prick it at the Ji point. It was really hit and miss. After pricking it four times, it finally went in. Next was the Guanyuan point. This time he inserted it six times, but it didn't go in. The more anxious he was, the more painful it was in his Dantian.

He brought a lot of silver needles, but he has used fifteen of them now. Fang Tong saw that Zhang Yu didn't have many needles left. She felt distressed and worried and said: "Are there enough needles? I'm afraid there is no place to buy them now..."

Speaking of this, I actually cried.

Zhang Yu's pricks were filled with blood. If he pricked the wrong needle, the silver needle would break if it hit the flesh. After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but tremble, isn't it? If you continue to waste like this, you will probably die here.

He hesitated for a moment, looked at his trembling hands, and gritted his teeth with hatred, but it actually hurt. No matter how powerful I am now, I can't use it at all. Suddenly, he saw his shorts, "By the way..."

Suddenly, an idea came to him. How many needles will be needed if this is done upward? If it is stabbed downward, it seems to be better.

Downward is the Qugu point, which is where the wheel of life is, and the essence is there. Especially since the distance is short, there is only one acupuncture point. If you go up, you have to stab five more. If you go down, you only need one. The difficulty factor is obviously reduced a lot.

But the key point is that that place is not particularly ideal, it is with the lifeblood. The two women were looking at each other without saying anything. More importantly, without Xiao Jiejie holding his hand, they might not be able to penetrate a single acupoint now.

Zhang Yu frowned again, what should I do? The severe pain in the Dantian makes people want to die!

Seeing that he hadn't moved for a long time, Xiao Jiejie couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"I...I..." Zhang Yu looked embarrassed. How dare he say such a thing.

Xiao Jiejie shouted anxiously: "Why is a man so hesitant! You want to die!"

"I...I have a way...but..." Zhang Yu said embarrassingly again.

"Just what? Say it quickly, don't be nagging!" Xiao Jiejie urged.

"How should I put it... if you insert it downwards, the difficulty... can be made smaller... it can be done with just one injection..." Zhang Yu finally spoke out awkwardly.

After hearing this, not only Xiao Jiejie but also Fang Tong looked over subconsciously. The location where Zhang Yu's piercing was now was below the navel. If it were pierced further down, you can imagine where it would be.

Both girls' faces turned red, but Xiao Jiejie gritted her teeth, showed disdain on her face, and shouted: "I don't think it's a big deal! Isn't it just this little thing! Tsk! I'll help Take it off!"

After saying that, her girl stood up directly and grabbed the edge of Zhang Yu's boxers, but still closed her eyes subconsciously. Fang Tong also quickly closed his eyes, not having the nerve to look at this.

Xiao Jiejie took off Zhang Yu's boxers in two seconds and threw them aside. She squinted her eyes and sat down next to Zhang Yu, occasionally catching a glimpse of him.

Her pink cheeks were hot, but she still held it out with a nonchalant look. She handed Zhang Yu a silver needle, then held Zhang Yu's hand, closed her eyes and said, "Prick it! What a big deal." !”


The room was very quiet, and the only sound now was the breathing of three people.

Zhang Yu was in pain, while Xiao Jiejie and Fang Tong were nervous and ashamed. A man and two women are in the same room, no matter it is for treatment or something else, the man is wearing nothing after all.

Especially Xiao Jiejie, whose hands are still holding Zhang Yu's hands, can feel that she is getting closer to that place.

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