Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4490 Where are the people?

"I won't wait! Speak quickly! Otherwise I'll kill you!" Du Tianjiao, whose curiosity was already extremely high, screamed directly.

Zhang Yu just spread his hands and smiled, then glanced at the people standing in the corridor, and then said: "Do you think this is a coincidence, or there is another explanation..."

"Nonsense! Of course it can't be a coincidence! It's all your fault!" Du Tianjiao glared at Zhang Yu and said.

"Miss Du is absolutely right, this can't be a coincidence." Lyman, standing not far behind Du Tianjiao, said with a smile.

"Young man, this move is very interesting. Everyone knows that this move of yours looks like a coincidence, but it absolutely cannot be a coincidence. The way you are performing it now has a profound meaning. Isn't it time to reveal the mystery?" Newbond said. He said calmly.

"Unraveling the mystery is inevitable, but before unraveling the mystery, I have one more thing to do." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What are you going to do?" Lyman asked directly.

"I need a room card, which is the pass card used by hotel attendants." Zhang Yu said.

"No problem." Lyman turned around and said, "Whoever has a hotel pass, give it to him. If not, ask the hotel staff for it."

His words are actually no different from New Bond's words.

Naturally, not all of the people in this corridor are from New Bond, there are also people from the five major rulings.

Lyman's men immediately began to ask who had a floor pass. When they saw that no one had a floor pass, they immediately took the elevator downstairs to find someone in the hotel.

Zhang Yu and others were waiting here. Du Tianjiao was already running around anxiously. Her eyes were fixed on Zhang Yu. Seeing what he meant, she wanted to bite Zhang Yu a few times.

Fortunately, after a while, the man in black suit who went downstairs to get the pass came back. The man quickly came to Lyman's side and said, "Boss, room card."

"Give it to him." Leman pointed to Zhang Yu.

The man in black suit came to Zhang Yu in a few steps and handed the room card to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu reached out to take it and said with a smile: "Thank you."

The man in the black suit said nothing and turned around to leave. Lyman said calmly: "What are you going to do next?"

"Next, I need two witnesses. Miss Du, would you like to be a witness?" Zhang Yu looked at Du Tianjiao deliberately.

Du Tianjiao was already full of curiosity. When Zhang Yu asked her to be a witness, she was naturally very excited. But she deliberately raised her face, snorted softly, and said lightly: "I want to see what other tricks you can come up with."

Zhang Yu then looked at the blond woman Dili and said, "This beauty, I want to pass here, and at least I need your cooperation."

Dili did not answer immediately, but looked at New Bond and said: "Boss..."

Newbond nodded and said, "Okay."

Dili immediately walked towards Zhang Yu, came to Zhang Yu's side, and said, "What should we do next?"

"Next, you two just follow me." After Zhang Yu said that, he turned around and walked towards room 1601.

As he walked over, he picked up all the oranges on the ground. I couldn't hold so much in my hands, so I put it in my pocket.

Du Tianjiao and Di Li followed him curiously. Not to mention Du Tianjiao alone, many people present were also curious.

After all, Zhang Yu's move just now was really weird. The oranges scattered on the ground and the pause position were exactly the same as the oranges scattered in the video.

Zhang Yu picked up all the oranges and put them away, then walked to the door of room 1605. He used the room Lyman gave him and brushed the door. He heard a "click" and the door lock opened.

Zhang Yu opened the door and said, "Let's go in."

Du Tianjiao and Di Li entered the room. Zhang Yu entered last and closed the door behind his back.

Inside this suite, there are five bodyguards in black outside. They had all seen Zhang Yu and his three people arriving before, and they had also heard the voices outside. At this moment, when I saw Du Tianjiao and Di Li again, I had to greet them respectfully.

Di Li nodded. Du Tianjiao didn't have that spare time. She immediately looked at Zhang Yu and said, "What are you witnessing? What are you going to do next?"

"The next step is very simple..." Zhang Yu said, taking out the oranges and putting them on the coffee table outside.

Then, he strolled behind the door, spread his hands, and then swept them, which seemed to be an understatement.

Du Tianjiao looked puzzled, but Di Li looked thoughtful. Du Tianjiao also wanted to ask what Zhang Yu was doing, but Zhang Yu said first, "We can go out now."

After saying that, he opened the door.

The door opened and Zhang Yu made an invitation gesture. Du Tianjiao was the first to walk out, followed by Dili. Zhang Yu was the last one and closed the door.

As soon as they went out, Du Tianjiao couldn't help shouting, "Where are the people! Where have they gone!"

It turned out that after this came out, Du Tianjiao had to look around. It was a good look. There was no one in the corridor, just her, Zhang Yu, and Di Li.

Seeing no one else, Du Tianjiao was obviously a little nervous, as if he had seen a ghost.

"Miss Du, don't worry, it's okay." Dili said gently immediately.

"Is this okay?" Du Tianjiao said doubtfully.

She then looked at Zhang Yu and said sternly: "Is it your fault?"

"Miss Du, don't worry, let alone be anxious. Let's go to room 1601 now." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

He turned around and walked towards the end of the corridor.

Du Tianjiao was still a little nervous. This time Dili gently grabbed her arm and said, "It's okay. Let's go over and take a look."

"Okay." Du Tianjiao nodded and glared hard at Zhang Yu's back.

Zhang Yu walked forward and quickly reached the door of room 1601.

When he came to the door, he showed his room card again and swiped it on the door.

With a click, the door lock opened. Zhang Yu opened the door and made an invitation gesture, "Miss Du, Miss Dili, let's go in."

Dili and Du Tianjiao walked into room 1601 together. Zhang Yu was the last one. After entering, he closed the door again.

There are also five bodyguards guarding this room. Du Tianjiao also breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his own people. The five bodyguards had to greet each other respectfully. Du Tianjiao ignored the bodyguards and just glared at Zhang Yu, shouting loudly: "Where are my father and the president and the others?"

"You will see it when we go out later. Miss Du, you are a witness, so now, I want to ask you a few questions." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"What's the problem?" Du Tianjiao said loudly and boldly.

"Which room are we in now?" Zhang Yu asked with a smile.

"Nonsense! Of course it's 1601!" Du Tianjiao said directly.

"We came out of room 1605 and now we have entered room 1601. We didn't see anyone else in the corridor just now. Do you think other people can see us?" Zhang Yu asked again with a smile. .

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