Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4487 Three Questions

"Amazing, really amazing..." After hearing Zhang Yu's words, Lyman immediately praised him. He immediately looked at Wen Lakes and said, "Wen Lakes, what do you think..."

"If I look at it, this should be the work of Hei Guangsheng... Otherwise, how could this kid even know the name of the medicine..." Wenlux said coldly.

"I knew you would definitely say that..." Lyman said, no longer paying attention to Wein Lakes. He looked at Zhang Yu and continued: "I think you have been checking for a long time, and you should have found more than just This, what else..."

At this moment, Dili and Du Tianjiao were both a little confused. The two of them followed Zhang Yu to investigate, but they never felt that Zhang Yu had discovered anything. Now after listening to Zhang Yu's statement, I couldn't help but secretly sigh, how did this kid figure it out?

Zhang Yu said unhurriedly: "Since Wenlakes said so, I can be sure that my statement is correct. During the investigation, you should also have discovered this problem, that is, Mr. Bobby and the others So when you die, you will still be asleep, because your body has inhaled some kind of drug. Next, let’s take a look at this corpse..."

Then, Zhang Yu walked forward, and he soon came to the third ice coffin.

Zhang Yu opened the lid of the ice coffin, pulled off the white cloth, and lifted the body in the ice coffin.

He continued: "This person is called Tie Sha, Li Jian's guard. Let's take a look at his body. The signs of edema on his body are obviously much lighter than those on other people's bodies. It is the most normal edema. From From this we can conclude that this person should not have inhaled a large amount of drugs, and everything is normal. Others have inhaled a large amount of drugs, but this person has not. Then I have reason to draw a conclusion, that is, Tie Sha knows that there is something in the hot spring water. problem, so he didn’t take a bath in the hot spring. Not only that, he was also the murderer of the other five people..."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked. They really didn't expect that Zhang Yu could actually say that a dead man was the murderer.

Wenlix was the first to shout: "Boy! You are talking nonsense! He is already dead, how could he be the murderer? Are you planning to let the dead person take the blame, and to die without any evidence?"

Others also looked at Zhang Yu, thinking that Zhang Yu's words were too unbelievable, and what Wenlix said was also reasonable. Letting a dead man take the blame would mean that he was dead without any evidence.

Zhang Yu was still calm and confident. He just grabbed the corpse's right arm and said slowly: "I know you may not believe what I say, but facts speak louder than words. Let's take a look at the corpse's right hand. His hand is half The other people’s hands that I’m holding are normal, why is his like this..."

Having said this, Zhang Yu, while supporting Tie Sha's body, slowly retracted Tie Sha's right arm and put his hand on Tie Sha's neck.

This half-held hand can be firmly clasped on Tie Sha's neck.

When everyone saw this, they were stunned. Du Tianjiao stammered: "This, could it be like this...just enough to hold his own neck...could it be that he committed suicide..."

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "That's right, Tie Sha committed suicide... We have already determined that all five of Mr. Bobby and the others inhaled drugs, and only Tie Sha did not inhale drugs... Since he did not inhale drugs , if someone wants to strangle him to death, it is obviously impossible for him to not react at all... Therefore, there is only one explanation, and that is that he strangled himself to death..."

"Boy, what you said seems to make sense, but it is full of flaws! First of all, let me ask you, why did he commit suicide when he was perfectly fine? Second, if it was suicide, why weren't his hands on his neck when his body was found? , You can’t have your hand return to its original position after death, right? Thirdly, how did he get into other rooms and kill Poppy and the others?" Weinlakes shouted directly.

"These are exactly what I'm going to say next..." Zhang Yu said, still smiling: "Why did Tie Sha commit suicide? The reason is actually very simple. Li Jian and Mr. Poppy are both dead. Tie Sha, who lives in the same apartment as Li Jian, If Kill is alive, he will definitely face the most severe interrogation. The punishment of black gloves is so cruel. Rather than face torture, it is better to die. Of course, running away may be an option, but if he runs away, then he is The biggest target, even a fool will know that he is the murderer. Moreover, if he runs away, the people behind him will let him go, so he can only choose to die. "

Having said this, Zhang Yu paused again, then put down Tie Sha's body. He looked around and found a temporary pool nearby, so he walked over, turned on the water head, and washed his hands.

Seeing him like this, everyone couldn't help but frown secretly, wondering what he meant at this critical moment.

Of course, many people thought that Zhang Yu must have a reason for doing this, so they remained silent.

Zhang Yu washed his hands carefully, dried them with a tissue on the side, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

He took out a cigarette, pinched it with his fingers, lit it, and took two puffs.

Seeing this scene, Du Tianjiao couldn't help but said: "I was wondering what you wanted to do, and it turned out to be smoking! Don't wait there, tell me quickly!"

Zhang Yu took another drag on his cigarette, blew out the smoke ring, and then said: "Now let me answer Mr. Weinlakes' second question, why is his hand not placed on his neck, but placed next to his body normally. The answer to this question is very simple, that is, someone took his hand away from his neck and put it next to him. This person even wanted to straighten his fingers, but it was a pity that the person had been dead for too long and his fingers were frozen. Oh, it can’t be broken straight at all.”

"You said someone moved his hand away, then who is this person?" Du Tianjiao asked immediately.

"Of course it was the first person who discovered the body, that is, the waiter who cleaned the room." Zhang Yu said.

"Why did she do this?" Du Tianjiao asked again.

"Because they are in the same group..." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"But in the video, I didn't see anything wrong with her. It doesn't look like she went to this person's room on purpose." Du Tianjiao said.

"If she went directly to Li Jian's room, wouldn't she be exposed on the spot." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "But her actions have actually been very obvious."

"How do you say this?" Du Tianjiao asked curiously: "According to the video record, this waiter cleans the room like this every day. There is no problem..."

No wonder she was curious. When Zhang Yu was watching the surveillance video, she was also watching it. And only yesterday, the curious Du Tianjiao participated in part of the investigation, but still found no clue. Zhang Yu was so good. He took a casual look and found so many problems. How could he not be surprised?

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