Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4483 This is it

Opposite the monitoring room is the morgue. Inside the morgue, there are several people in white coats who are busy all the time.

It can be said that even before, when Zhang Yu and the others went in for the autopsy, these people were busy working. They only glanced at Zhang Yu and the others and did not delay the matter at hand in the slightest.

A middle-aged foreigner kept doing experiments, with various test strips placed in front of him. At this moment, he was dropping a drop of liquid onto the test paper, and soon the test paper changed color.

Seeing the test paper changing color, the middle-aged foreigner's eyes lit up immediately, and he immediately shouted: "That's right! That's right! That's what it looks like..."

After saying this, he picked up the test paper and ran outside.

After leaving the morgue and coming to the corridor, he just ran towards the other end of the corridor, the largest conference room.

All the way to the security check channel in front of the conference room, I was stopped immediately. The gatekeeper said: "Mr. Shuke, what's the matter?"

"I want to see the general judge. I already know how they died!" the middle-aged foreigner said excitedly.

"Please wait a moment." The gatekeeper said, then turned and entered the conference room.

He walked out in a moment and made an invitation gesture to the middle-aged foreigner, "Mr. Shuke, the general manager invites you."

Shuke, who was wearing a white coat, quickly walked into the large conference room. The five major adjudicators were sitting in it, and Debi Adel was also in it. However, because of his status, he did not have a seat on the sofa, which could only be equipped with a chair.

"The general verdict, the four verdicts...I know what's going on..." Shuke said excitedly as soon as he entered the door.

"What's going on?" Newbond, who was sitting in the middle, heard this and immediately said calmly.

"I conducted a comprehensive examination of the corpses and extracted the body fluids of the corpses. It was found that these corpses contained a special liquid. This liquid did not have chemical components, so I thought it came from the East and should be some kind of liquid. Traditional Chinese medicine. This ingredient can calm people's nerves and promote sleep. But if people soak in it, because of the temperature of the water, it can make the person's pores open and inhale more medicine, so that the person will be in a state of sleep after falling asleep. In a state of semi-shock, no matter how loud the noise is, it is difficult to wake people up. Mr. Poppy and the others were all killed on the bed, with no signs of struggle, which means that they inhaled a large amount of this ingredient into their bodies at that time. So much so that they didn't notice anyone entering the room, and even when they were strangled to death, they didn't feel anything. This is in line with their death conditions and is not completely consistent with the symptoms of being strangled to death." Shuke said with some excitement.

People who were strangled to death would have their eyes opened wide when they died. Zhang Yu was very puzzled by this at the time.

It is impossible that the coroner responsible for the autopsy failed to discover such an obvious problem. So, this is the main reason why cadavers are dissected.

"That means the drug must have been dropped into the hot spring water?" Newbond asked.

"That must be the case." Shuke replied.

After hearing this, Weinrichs, who was sitting on the lower right hand of New Bond, suddenly became energetic. He immediately said: "General ruling, since this is the case, I think the first thing is to take down Tanaka, the general manager of the hotel, for interrogation. In addition, There are people in charge of the hotel’s hot springs. Likewise, Hei Guangsheng must be tortured and interrogated!”

Niubandang nodded slightly and said: "Everyone in the hotel is under control, and there is no problem in conducting the interrogation now. But... why should Hei Guangsheng be tortured and interrogated?"

"This is Vancouver, and the biggest local snake in Vancouver is Hei Guangsheng. Regardless of whether he cooperates with Tanaka or not, even buying two people in charge of hot springs is easy. Also, everyone else is going to the hot springs, and Hei Guangsheng because He is a paralytic, so there is no need to go to the hot springs. In this way, others will take the medicine and fall asleep. People with black voices are just right to kill people." Wenlakes said plausibly.

"Wenlix ruled, I think it would be too early to torture Hei Guangsheng now. Hei Guangsheng really has no reason to kill my father, and besides... said he killed someone... we haven't found out how he killed him yet. ..." Seeing Wenlux like this, Debi Edro quickly stood up and said.

"Debi, you are really too young. This time your father came to Vancouver to discuss matters with Hei Guangsheng and the others. The purpose is simply to hope that the peripheral forces of the Black Gloves in Canada can coexist peacefully. Everyone knows that Hei Guangsheng is the strongest , has the most territory. If you want to achieve certain benefits, you must let Hei Guangsheng give up some territory. Ruan Huixiong also said this before when he interrogated Ruan Huixiong. Do you think Hei Guangsheng will be willing? " Wenlux said in a deep voice.

"But Hei Guangsheng has agreed and is willing to give up some of his interests." De Biedero said.

"That's on the surface. Derby, this is your revenge for killing your father. Why don't you always speak for your enemies!" Wenlix said in the tone of an elder.

"But... Hei Guangsheng definitely doesn't have the guts... He should also know in his heart that if my father is killed in Vancouver, he will be the biggest suspect and will most likely be wiped out directly..." Debi Edro was still I believed in Hei Guangsheng, so I argued with reason.

"Soon, it will be time to elect the general judge. The strength of Black Broadcasting in Canada is enough to attract some votes. Some people will naturally protect them for this. Likewise, this has become the biggest Black Broadcasting Voice. Rely on...Lyman, what I said is right..." When Wenlix said this, he looked specifically at Lyman, the talker of the Gucusman family.

Lyman seemed unhurried. He actually grabbed the cigar on the coffee table, lit it and took a puff.

After blowing out the smoke ring, Lyman said: "I think it's better not to make subjective assumptions. Previously, the General Adjudication had promised He Yunshuai that they would investigate the truth. The results of the investigation have not yet come out, so why worry?"

"If you let the murderer's son come to investigate the murderer, what can you find out? Lyman, I know what you are thinking..." After Wenlix said this, he looked at New Bond who was sitting and said: "The general verdict... Someone who dares to kill Bobby is simply challenging our black gloves. I think in this case, thunderous means should be used... Otherwise, some people must think that someone has the backing and dare to do anything... There will be more in the future Are there any rules..."

Anyone can see that Wenlakes is making excuses.

After all, Bobby Adro is not from Wenlix, and is leaning towards Lyman. Weinlakes did this, firstly, to target Lehmann, and secondly, to clean up the peripheral forces of Canada's Black Gloves.

Niubandang looked very calm and just said: "What you and Lyman said are reasonable, but I have promised He Yunshuai before, so I can't go back on my promise so quickly."

"He Yunshuai has been investigating for a long time. It's already past lunch time. If nothing can be found out after such a long time, I don't think there is any need to check!" When Wen Laixi said this, his eyes were fixed. With Lyman.

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