Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4478: strangled to death

"I don't dare to take it seriously. What I mean is that everyone's investigation methods are different. Different methods may lead to different answers." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"What you say is quite interesting. We have invited the most skilled coroner to investigate, but they haven't found any clues. I really want to see what you can find out. "The Chinese girl sitting on the second sofa on the left suddenly said.

When she said this, she looked at Zhang Yu with interest.

When the middle-aged man sitting next to the girl heard her interrupt, he immediately glared displeased and said in a deep voice: "You have no place here to talk too much."

When the girl saw the middle-aged man saying this, her face showed resentment, but she did not dare to be born again.

But Niu Bond, who was sitting in the middle, said: "I think what Tianjiao said makes sense. We have invited the most skilled coroner, and nothing has been found so far. Since he said that different investigation methods will lead to different results, then why not Let's see what kind of results he can find..."

Niubandang's tone was very gentle before, but when he said this, he looked at Zhang Yu and his voice became serious, "Young man, don't talk too much, you have to show your true ability in everything. If you can check If you come out, you can naturally say anything, but if you can't find out, I will think that you are talking nonsense and making fun of us. At that time, don't blame me for being rude to you, at least I will cut out your tongue. "

After hearing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but stick out his tongue, thinking to himself, this is cruel enough.

When the girl saw Zhang Yu sticking out his tongue, she couldn't help but smile and wanted to say something, but after taking a look at the middle-aged man beside her, she immediately closed her mouth tightly.

Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Now that I'm here, I can't come in vain. The general ruling also said that if it can't be found out, the tongue must be left. I don't know if it will happen when I investigate. What about getting full cooperation? If there is not enough cooperation, even if I have great abilities, I probably won’t be able to find out.”

"No problem. Since you are asked to investigate, of course we must give you enough space to use your methods, and we will fully cooperate with you." Newbond said, raising his right hand and moving forward.

A blond woman standing behind him immediately stepped forward, bent down and said, "Boss, what are your orders?"

"As long as you accompany the two of them to investigate, no matter what conditions he puts forward, they will be met." Newbond said.

"Yes, boss." The blond woman agreed, then walked around the sofa and walked towards Zhang Yu.

She quickly came to Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai and said: "Both of you, you have heard what our boss said. You can just agree on what you want to do now."

He Yunshuai didn't say anything and just looked at Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu is also convinced by this kid. Anyway, I came over to help you with your family's affairs, but in the end, it was all passed on to me.

He thought so in his heart but could not say it in his mouth. Zhang Yu smiled and said: "Then let's go to the autopsy first."

"No problem, please come with me." The blonde woman said, making a gesture of invitation.

Then, she stepped towards the door.

Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai were about to follow, but at this stall, the girl suddenly jumped up and said to Niu Bond: "General Judge, can you let me supervise them?"

"You!" The middle-aged man sitting next to her shouted out immediately when he saw this.

On the contrary, Niubandang looked very kind and said: "Du, young people are all curious and impatient. Since Tianjiao wants to follow and have a look, you might as well let her go."

"It's better to make the final decision." The young girl Du Tianjiao laughed, and then tightened her nose at the middle-aged man.

She didn't wait for the middle-aged man to say anything, and immediately walked towards Zhang Yu in a swaggering manner.

When she came to Zhang Yu's side, she said carelessly: "Boy, you were the one who said the big words before. If you can't find out, just spit out your tongue again and I'll be responsible for cutting it off for you."

"Haha..." Zhang Yu laughed dryly and continued walking towards the door without saying anything else.

Du Tianjiao simply walked beside Zhang Yu and left the conference room together.

They walked along the corridor to the opposite side. The entire 19th floor was now under the jurisdiction of Black Gloves, and there were no more original office staff.

There are three conference rooms on this floor. The room directly opposite is the general manager's office. Next to this office is a conference room.

The blond woman led Zhang Yu and the others into the conference room. There were no tables and chairs in the conference room, and it was tidied up like an infirmary. Inside, there are six ice coffins and five foreigners in white coats working among them. In addition to the men in white coats, there were five other men in black standing among them, seemingly responsible for supervision.

As soon as the five men in black saw the blonde woman coming in, one of them immediately said politely: "Miss Dili."

The blond woman nodded slightly, and then said: "The general has ordered that the investigation of the murderer is now in the hands of these two people, and we will cooperate fully."

Then, she turned to look at Zhang Yu and said, "This is the morgue. The corpses are all in there. You can check them out at will."

"Thank you." Zhang Yu said and walked straight towards an ice coffin.

Du Tianjiao and He Yunshuai followed suit. The five people in white coats who were busy here were obviously stunned for a moment after hearing what the blonde woman said. They stopped what they were doing and looked at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu came to the ice coffin and opened the lid. There was a corpse inside the ice coffin, but it was covered with white cloth.

Zhang Yu smoothly lifted off the white cloth, revealing a man's corpse underneath. The corpse's eyes were closed, covered with frost, and there was a big gaping hole in his belly.

Generally speaking, most people would be shocked when they see such a corpse. Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai were naturally not afraid, and Du Tianjiao, who was following them, didn't seem to be afraid either. He looked at the corpse, then at Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai.

Zhang Yu did not reach out to move the body, but first said: "Brother He, who is this person? Do you know him?"

Lying in the coffin was a foreigner, but he didn't look white. Although a person's skin would turn white after death, his original skin color was actually a bit dark.

He Yunshuai shook his head and said, "I don't know this person either. He must be someone from Schmidt's side..."

"That's right." The blond woman who accompanied them said immediately: "This man's name is Kraka. He is Schmidt's personal guard. He stayed in a private room with Schmidt that night."

After Zhang Yu knew the identity of the other party, he stopped talking and looked at the corpse carefully. There were bruises on the neck, lips, and nose of the corpse. From this, it was not difficult to determine that the deceased had indeed been strangled to death.

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