Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4476 First meeting

After hearing He Yunshuai's words, Debi Adero glanced at Zhang Yu and said, "Okay then, just take him with you. But be careful when you speak."

"Don't worry, we know about this." He Yunshuai nodded and said.

At that moment, Debi Edro was leading the way, leading He Yunshuai and Zhang Yu out of the room, and took the elevator upstairs to the 19th floor, the top floor of the hotel.

There are no guest rooms on the 19th floor, it is an office space. In the corridor, lined up in two rows, were all bodyguards. As soon as the three people came out of the elevator, someone immediately came forward to ask. Debi Edro immediately said that it was the five major rulings that asked him to bring people here, and then they were allowed to go.

Walking along the corridor towards the front, you can quickly see that the closer you get to the conference room in front, the stronger the people guarding there are. Everything from astrologers to magicians.

Further forward, there is a security gate, which is exactly the same as the one used for body searches at the airport. As soon as we arrived here, a foreign devil immediately said in Italian: "Before entering, please put all the items you carry with you here. We will keep them safe."

Without any nonsense, Debi Adero took out his wallet, cell phone, etc. and put them all into a box.

He Yunshuai didn't say much. He also took out the black sword, wallet, mobile phone, etc. and put them in the box.

Zhang Yu also knew in his heart that this was someone else's place, and it was impossible to enter with a magic weapon. Also, in his current state, if someone wants to kill him, it will make no difference whether he has a magic weapon on him or not. With this formation, not to mention that my own strength has not recovered, even when I am at my peak, I still cannot withstand it.

So, he obediently took out all the money swords, transformation mirrors, etc. he had on him. But with the colorful clothes and the jade rope inside, it should be able to pass the security check.

Not to mention, this security check channel is really only effective for metal objects, and cassocks and other things cannot be seen. Of course, Zhang Yu basically took out all the metal magic weapons on his body.

All the belongings of the three of them were placed in boxes, and the people here were responsible for keeping them. After passing through the security check channel, there is the door of the conference room in front of you.

There were two men in black suits responsible for opening the door. When they saw the three people coming to the door, they pushed the door open together.

Debi Edro made a gesture to He Yunshuai, telling him not to follow him in immediately. However, Debi Edro walked in first. After entering, he said politely: "The general adjudicator, the four adjudicators, He Yunshuai has already arrived, but he also brought an assistant with him and wanted to see the five adjudicators together. Everyone has already Passed security check."

"You also brought an assistant, what does that mean?" A middle-aged man's voice sounded in the conference room.

"What He Yunshuai means is that he is here to prove his father's innocence. And if you want to prove innocence, you need to find evidence. He alone may not be enough, so he brought a person to help him find evidence. ." said Debi Edero.

"It's interesting..." This time it was a young woman's voice, "We have been searching here for so long, but we haven't found any clues or evidence. He is going to look for clues and evidence. But it is said that among the peripheral forces, He Yun Shuai is a person, so we might as well let them in."

"Tianjiao, do you have the right to speak here? No one is big or small!" Then, another man scolded.

"Du, don't say that either... Actually, I think what your lady said makes sense... Just let He Yunshuai and the others come in..." An elder's calm voice sounded.

Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai stood outside the conference room. They could only hear the voices inside and couldn't see who was inside.

As the elder finished speaking, Debi Edro immediately looked at the door and said: "He, the general has decided to let you two in."

He Yunshuai nodded slightly and walked towards the conference room. Zhang Yu followed and walked in immediately. As soon as you enter the conference room, you can see that the area inside is not small. Although the place is large, there are not many furnishings.

There are a total of five long sofas placed inside, and there is a coffee table in front of each sofa. The sofas are arranged in primary and secondary directions. On the big sofa in the middle, there is a fifty-year-old foreigner sitting. Behind him, there are four people standing, two old men and two women.

Foreigners in their fifties look very peaceful and approachable. Now that he is sitting in this position, Zhang Yu can think that this should be Niu Bond, the person in charge of the Islade family who is the general adjudicator of the Islade family.

Zhang Yu could definitely see that the four people standing behind Niubandang's sofa were all masters.

There are two large sofas on the left and right sides of New Bond. On the first sofa on the left, two foreigners are sitting, both looking to be in their forties. Zhang Yu naturally couldn't guess the identities of these two foreigners.

On the first sofa on the right, there are also two foreigners sitting. One is about fifty years old and a fat man, and the other is wearing a black robe and looks like he is also a master. This fat man is Wenlix, the head of the Udilai family, but Zhang Yu definitely doesn't recognize him.

Sitting on the second sofa on the left were two Chinese people. The man was in his forties and the woman was in her early twenties. The man has a Chinese character face, looks very serious, and is wearing a Tang suit. The young woman was dressed very fashionably, wearing a black short skirt with a red tight vest, her legs crossed, and black boots on her feet.

Since he was a Chinese, Zhang Yu could imagine that this should be the Chinese who judged the Doula family.

On the second sofa on the right, there are also a man and a woman sitting. The man is about thirty years old, but the woman is older, about fifty. Zhang Yu also didn't know where these two people came from.

"General adjudicator, four adjudicators, He Yunshuai is here to pay tribute to you." He Yunshuai said, clasping his hands in an oriental etiquette.

Zhang Yu also clasped his fists and said: "To the general adjudicator, the four adjudicators will pay tribute."

After Zhang Yu and He Yunshuai came in, the people sitting on the sofa looked at them. But it was the fat man Wen Laixi who was sitting on the first sofa on the right who took the lead and said: "He Yunshuai, you came just in time. Bias and Saladinge went to sea with you. What is their current situation? Can they come back with you?" ?”

He Yunshuai immediately showed a regretful expression and said: "You must be Wenlix Judgment. I went to sea with Mr. Bias and Saladinge, hit a reef at sea, and ended up taking a lifeboat to a desert island. In On the island, we found an old castle, so we went in to check it out, looking for Mr. Piara. Unexpectedly, there were many mechanisms in the old castle, and there were even more powerful formations. After a narrow escape, I managed to escape by chance. And Bias Sir, Mr. Saladinge, and others were all buried inside.”

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