Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4466 Destiny

"Hahahaha..." Kovacs laughed immediately, as if he had heard the most ridiculous joke in the world. He then said disdainfully: "When I was down there just now, I checked your situation. It seems that Everyone is injured, and they even need to support each other. I just didn't understand the situation correctly at the time. Now it seems that you have also suffered serious injuries. Even if you are not injured, your vitality should be greatly damaged. I can’t fight anymore. So what if I kill you? When the boat comes, I will kill the other people as well. I don’t believe that the person who sailed the boat is not afraid of death, so he still can’t take me away obediently!"

His voice was not quiet. The hall was basically an open space and there was no sound insulation equipment. After hearing this, everyone at the scene looked over and some of Kovacs' disciples simply put the body down.

They are actually very unwilling to do this kind of unfortunate job. Seeing the teacher suddenly showing off his power, they became energetic.

Seeing what Kovacs said, Zhang Yu deliberately spread his hands in a helpless manner. He turned to look at Paris and said, "Paris, what do you think we should do?"

Paris really didn't expect that her uncle could say such things. Paris didn't even plan to be the leader of the La Masia Astrology Sect, so she directly gave up the leadership to her uncle. As a result, her uncle wanted to kill Zhang Yu and others. Paris said calmly: "Uncle, isn't this good... I have given you the Holy Lesson and the ruby ​​ring. After the body is carried down, we can all leave together by boat. , why don’t you go back to Italy and be your leader of the La Masia Astrology Sect...Why bother..."

"Ha..." Kovacs chuckled immediately and said: "Paris, "Holy Lesson" and the ruby ​​ring, do you think you gave it to me sincerely? I'm afraid you know in your heart that all these people were injured. My opponent. You were worried that I would snatch it and kill you all, so you had to compromise and give it to me. It’s a pity that you are too guilty. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to see the clues directly! You still wanted to do it for me? He begged for mercy. It's hard to say whether you can live or not. If you obey me, I think for the sake of your teacher, I will spare your life. If you don't know what is good and what is good, don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless!"

Paris didn't want to be the leader of the clan at all, and sincerely gave him the "Holy Lesson" and the ruby ​​ring. As a result, Kovacs turned out to be ignorant and thought Paris was afraid of her. This made Paris frown.

Zhang Yu, on the other hand, smiled and said to Kovacs: "Brother, what do you mean, you are going to turn your back and kill us directly. When you were caught by us before, we had no intention of killing you, but now... Liz also gave you the ruby ​​ring and the "Holy Lesson", and you still do this, isn't it a bit like repaying kindness with enmity?"

"Don't do this to me! I am the leader of the La Masia Astrology Sect. You are not qualified to call me here and there! I was forbearing with you before, but I didn't want you to go too far. I really think that I am a person." !" Kovacs said, and when he turned his palm, a crystal ball appeared. See what it meant, he was planning to go on a killing spree.

Seeing this, Paris dodged and stood in front of Kovacs. She then said, "Uncle, are you going a little too far?"

"In a place like this, nothing is too much. It's all about strength! Paris, for the sake of your teacher, I just want to say a few more words to you. If you don't know how to praise me, believe me or not. I'll kill you too!" Kovacs said harshly.

"Uncle Master, are you really going to take action?" Paris asked in a deep voice.

"Have you ever talked to your master uncle like this? I see that you are not just a petty criminal, but you are also cheating on others! Okay, then I will clear the door for your teacher now!" Kovacs said arrogantly.

After saying this, the crystal ball in his hand immediately glowed with a layer of white light, and the white light immediately shot toward Paris.

Paris was already prepared. As soon as she saw the white light on Kovacs' crystal ball, the six-pointed star necklace around her neck flashed with white light, and a six-pointed star pattern appeared in front of her.

With a "swipe" of the ground, the white light emitted from the crystal ball went directly to the six-pointed star pattern and disappeared immediately.

When Kovacs saw this, he was immediately startled. Almost at the same time, the six-pointed star's light and shadow covered him.



With a scream, Kovacs' body instantly fell apart, and the "Holy Lesson" in his arms flew towards Paris. Even the ruby ​​ring on her finger flew towards Paris in a parabola due to the explosion in her palm.

Paris stretched out her palms, and there seemed to be no other reaction. The ruby ​​ring fell into her left palm, and the Holy Lesson fell steadily into her right palm.

Such a scene shocked everyone in the hall. Originally, these people saw Kovacs being so arrogant and thought that Kovacs would win and would definitely kill Paris and Zhang Yu together. Some of Paris's junior brothers and sisters even thought that Paris didn't know how to appreciate others and was looking for death.

But when they saw Paris beating Kovacs to pieces with just one move, they were petrified in an instant.

However, some of Paris’s junior brothers and sisters reacted quickly. They quickly bowed their bodies and shouted at the top of their voices: “We would like to honor Senior Sister Paris as the head of the La Masia Astrology Sect!” “I would like to honor you!” Senior Sister Paris is the Sect Master of the La Masia Astrology Sect!” “We are willing to accept Senior Sister Paris as the Sect Master of the La Masia Astrology Sect!”…

When Kovacs' disciples saw this, they couldn't help but look at each other. They all could see that Paris was clearly the most powerful at the moment, and she killed their teacher with one move. If you want to kill them again, it will be easy.

Soon one of Kovacs' disciples bowed and shouted: "We would like to honor Senior Sister Paris as the head of the La Masia Astrology Sect!"

When someone like this appears, the other disciples of Kovacs will immediately imitate him. Putting aside everything else, he is serious about saving his life first. They all bowed and said: "We would like to honor Senior Sister Paris as the Sect Master of the La Masia Astrology Sect!" "We would like to honor Senior Sister Paris as the Sect Master of the La Masia Astrology Sect!" Senior Sister Liz is the leader of the La Masia Astrology Sect!”…

Hearing the shouts of these people, Paris couldn't help but feel a headache. She didn't want to be the leader of this sect at all, so why did she rush to the shelves?

Paris cursed in her heart, Kovacs, you are really ignorant. I gave you the suzerainship and asked you to do some work. I will be your suzerain when I return to Italy. What are you talking about! Is it okay if I want to quit now?

On the contrary, Zhang Yu next to her couldn't help but look at Paris when he heard everyone shouting like this, and said with a smile: "Congratulations to Miss Paris on being promoted to the head of the La Masia Astrology Sect..."

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