Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4449 White Light

"Why did you come here alone?" Zhang Yu looked at Shao Weixian and asked calmly.

"I...I..." Shao Weixian stammered, as if he had something to hide.

At this time, Nini, Dai Qingji, He Yunshuai and others who were following Zhang Yu also supported each other and walked out.

They had all seen Shao Weixian and knew that Shao Weixian had followed him up before. They really didn't expect that this guy could still appear here.

"What are you, what's going on, tell me quickly!" Zhang Yu said angrily.

He really didn't have any good intentions. Everyone was injured, and Paris was lying on his shoulder, even more unconscious.

"Um...I just came down with Tao Zhu and Tao Yuan..." Shao Weixian stammered again.

"Where are they?" Zhang Yu asked doubtfully.

"They asked me to wait here and didn't let me follow..." Shao Weixian said with his head lowered.

"What do you mean? In this damn place, I leave you here waiting, I want you to die..." He Yunshuai curled his lips and said.

"I...I...please take me away...No matter what you want...I will give it to you when I go back..." Shao Weixian was really excited when he said this. Tears from your nose.

This time Zhang Yu understood clearly that Tao Zhu and Tao Yuan must have dumped this kid after they came down. Why this is the case is somewhat puzzling. But as He Yunshuai said, leaving people here basically means leaving Shao Weixian to fend for himself.

"You kid is quite unpopular. The people sent by your old man left you here." He Yunshuai curled his lips again and said.

"They may not have been sent by my grandfather..." Shao Wei said bitterly.

"Your grandpa didn't send you..." Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu groaned and said, "Who sent you?"

"I can't say for sure, but I'm thinking that even if my grandfather is partial, he won't say that the people sent here don't even care about me..." Shao Weixian choked up.

"Ha..." Zhang Yu then chuckled and said, "It's interesting... Shao Weixian, it's not impossible for you to follow us, but you have to answer my question first..."

"What's the problem?" Shao Weixian said immediately: "As long as I know, I will tell you."

"I asked you before where the fire stone came from, and your answer was from which arms dealer it was obtained. Now I'm asking you again. If you still get the same answer, let's Everyone just goes his own way." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"This..." Shao Weixian obviously hesitated for a moment, then continued: "The fire stone is indeed not mine, but my elder brother Shao Weige's own. He told me that the fire stone was dug out of the mine. , but if someone inquires about the origin of the fire stone in the future, he will say that it came from me. If someone comes to ask me again, he will say that I bought it from an arms dealer, and there is no proof anyway. Still When it comes to this kind of thing, no one should ask more questions. Why he did this, I don’t know.”

"That's what I said..." Zhang Yu smiled coldly and said, "Okay, let's go..."

After saying this, Zhang Yu took out the Guizhen Four Elephant Disk from his pocket with his left hand and started to march according to the direction of the opposite seven-pointed star.

It can be said that he is familiar with the roads here, and it is natural to find a place. Similarly, Zhang Yu was also very curious in his heart, what kind of people were Tao Zhu and Tao Yuan, and what was their purpose of coming here?

Curiosity is nothing but curiosity, but Zhang Yu has no time to worry about that right now. The most important thing is to save Paris first.

Zhang Yu and others walked all the way. After walking for a while, they finally saw a mountain wall. There are no green fireflies on this mountain wall, and everything looks normal. They continued to move forward, getting closer and closer to the mountain wall, and saw corpses everywhere.

These corpses were left behind when I came here last time. In front of the corpses was the cave.

Zhang Yu carried Paris past the corpses lying on the ground and came to the front of the cave. He turned around, looked at the other people, and said, "I'm going to go down with Nini. You guys stay here to rest."

Everyone was injured, and they supported each other all the way to get here. To be honest, after arriving here, they basically couldn't walk. The elderly Yun Kil sat down on the ground and said, "Okay, sit down and take a rest."

Peacock also sat on the ground. She, Dai Qingji, and Angel Instructor supported each other. Even though Angel Instructor was not injured, she felt tired and sat down. Dai Qingji wanted to go down with Zhang Yu, but the problem was that her injuries were not serious, so even if she went down, she wouldn't be able to help.

Dai Qingji nodded and said, "You must be careful."

"Don't worry, it's safe down there." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

"That's good." After Dai Qingji finished speaking, she also sat down on the ground.

Instead, He Yunshuai said: "I have nothing to do anyway, so I'll just go down with you and have a look. Maybe I can be of some help."

Che Xinyumi also said: "My injury is not serious, I will go down with you."

When Zhang Yu saw the two of them wanting to follow them, he knew in his heart that they were more out of curiosity.

Now that my true energy is greatly reduced, even if Nini gets the inheritance, she doesn't know if she can use it immediately. In addition, I might have to recite the Curse of Grudges and create the Liuhe Transcendence Formation, and I will really need help then.

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "Okay, then you two will go down with me, and the others will rest where they are."

Shao Wei obviously saw that no one was paying attention to him, so he simply sat down by himself.

Zhang Yu carried Paris into the cave, and Nini, He Yunshuai, and Che Xin filed in from Mei. The corridor into the cave was not long, and soon they came to the steps going down. Zhang Yu took out his flashlight and went down the steps, and after a while he entered the stone chamber.

The previous fire in the stone room had been extinguished, and Zhang Yu shot two more fire talismans for lighting.

It was the first time for Che Xinyumi and He Yunshuai to come in, so they inevitably looked around curiously, but there was really nothing in there.

Zhang Yu put Paris on his shoulders and lay down on the ground, and checked Paris's pulse. Although the pulse was weak, she would not die immediately. Zhang Yu followed and pulled Nini to the stone wall.

This stone wall is the same stone wall that Nini put the blue beads into before. Now you can still see the protruding part of the beads that turned into stones. Zhang Yu looked at Nini and said, "Nini, take off the necklace and put it into the hole on it."

There are nine holes on the stone wall, which in Zhang Yu's opinion correspond to nine skulls. Nini nodded obediently, took off the red skull necklace, and put the skulls into the holes one by one.

After all nine skulls were put in, just for a moment, the original red color changed instantly, and like the blue beads, it also turned into the color of stone.


At this moment, a white light suddenly burst out in the stone room. The intense white light stung the four people so hard that they couldn't even open their eyes.

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