Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 442 I’m so powerful

In the casino's monitoring room, everyone is now staring at the dice table. Zhang Yu is now the number one target, and the casino is looking at him without caring about others.

Whether inside the dice clock or next to the gambling table, the display is clear.

The manager and everyone watched helplessly as Zhang Yu placed bets on dice. In their view, the dice table only has a chance for the casino to win a thousand, and there is no chance for the gamblers to win a thousand.

You know, the gambler bets first, even if you listen to the dice, it will not work. What's more, how many people in the world know how to play dice?

So they decided that Zhang Yu was destined to lose. Who would have thought that it is really evil. When it comes up, three leopards of 3 will be shaken out, and then it will be changed three times in a row, and they will all be leopards. It is simply evil.

You know, it's not easy to pull out a leopard, and since someone can cheat, it would be too much to get a leopard.

The manager was confused now. He turned to look at Mr. Han beside him and said, "Mr. Han, what's going on?"

"This kid is so lucky. No one can do anything about this kind of thing," Mr. Han said helplessly.

Besides, beside the gaming table, a group of gamblers cheered, and some were still annoyed as to why they didn't follow the betting just now. Zhang Yu didn't follow the full bet, and there was still a gap of 200,000. If he bet on this, he would pay 25 for 1!

The croupier's face instantly turned pale and he broke into a cold sweat. He had seen a ghost today. No matter how you shake it, it's still a leopard. Do you want someone to pass it by?

The two girls who were paying the odds were also confused. They knew there was a ghost on the dice table and it was impossible for Zhang Yu to hit the bet. How could there be three 1s?

The two girls stared straight at the three 1s in the dice clock, unable to believe their eyes.

Miss Wang and Wang Zhongshu were also dumbfounded. What is going on? A leopard is a leopard. If you ask the dealer to shake out a leopard for Zhang Yu, he may not be able to shake it out.

The casino lights who came with me are all confused now. How did this happen? If someone bets on a leopard, you can get a leopard.

As dark lights, they know the tricks in the casino best. There is a button below, so even if the leopard comes out accidentally, it can still be replaced.

"It's really a leopard." "It's so accurate!" Fang Tong, Xiao Jiejie and Da Biao's mouths were so open that God of Gamblers could only be like this.

The tour guide couldn't help but glance at Zhang Yu, but her expression remained as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Zhang Yu looked calm. He knew something was going on in the casino, but he just didn't have the luck to do it.

Seeing that the croupier and the girl who was paying the money were both confused, Zhang Yu shouted: "You have to pay, what are you waiting for?"

"Yes! Lose money!" "Loss money!" "Don't delay us from winning money, hurry up!" "Yes, don't delay us from winning money!" "Hurry up!".

The gamblers all shouted, they had already seized the business opportunity, they had to hurry up and make a bet with Zhang Yu, Alto would soon be transformed into Audi.

"Yes, yes, yes" the girl who made the payment reacted and quickly paid.

Zhang Yu deposited 1 million and paid 25 million. Fortunately, Wang Zhongshu returned the deposit of 10 million and sent it all to Zhang Yu.

Xiao Jiejie turned to look at Wang Zhongshu and said disdainfully: "You're quite rich."

Wang Zhongshu gritted his teeth and thought to himself, what's going on in this casino? Didn't Zhang Yu die? Why did a leopard really appear?

"What's this bet?" "What's this bet?". At this moment, the gamblers have all focused their attention on Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu laughed and said, "Let's get another leopard."

With that said, he immediately threw one million into the leopard.

The one with quick hands immediately followed suit and threw all the money on the leopard. The fastest one was the middle-aged man Zhang Yu met earlier who had a sudden fortune. He threw down 100,000 yuan. Although there is a lot of money thrown in later, due to the limited bet, it can only be pulled down.

Zhang Yu's bet was on the leopard again. The others couldn't bet on big, small, odd or even, so they could only watch first, hoping to be the first to get the next bet.

After Zhang Yu secured the stake, he glanced at Wang Zhongshu and said, "What are you betting on?"

"I, let me take a look." Wang Zhongshu was embarrassed.

"Buy it and leave." The croupier looked at the group of gamblers in front of him with cold sweat, as if he was a bit cannibalistic.

The most terrible thing is that just 1.2 million bet on the leopard, which is too big for the pear.

The dealer gritted his teeth and said to himself, I don't believe that a leopard can be shaken out.

He covered the dice clock, picked it up, shook it vigorously, and then placed it in the designated position. He also pretended to put his hand on the dice clock first, making a gesture of opening it.

In the headset, the voice of my companion now sounded, "Three 2s!"

Oh my God!

The croupier almost stopped crying. Normally he couldn't shake the leopard, but today he could get it right every time he shook it.

He quickly touched the button with his foot, and then the sound came from the headset again, "Three 5s!"

Damn it, don’t you dare not be such a coincidence!

The dealer's hands were trembling a little now. At this moment, the gamblers at the gaming table shouted again, "What are you doing?" "Open it!" "Open it!" "What are you waiting for!" "No way. Fraud!".

"Open!" The dealer gritted his teeth and kicked the dice lightly to make sure the dice were stable. He quickly turned on the bell without waiting for the prompt in his ears.

When it is opened, there are three 6s inside.

"Leopard!" "Leopard again!" "Three sixes!".

The excitement at the gambling table started again.

"Leopard, leopard, really a leopard!" Fang Tong and Xiao Jiejie grabbed Zhang Yu's arms and jumped excitedly.

Brother Da Biao's jaw almost dropped.

Not to mention him, everyone else was like this too. The croupier's eyes almost fell out of their sockets. After so many years in the casino, I have never seen anything like this.

The dealer now felt as if he had been in a sauna, his head and body were covered in sweat, and he was completely stunned.

That Miss Wang was also scratching her head. What's going on? Or a leopard?

The dark lights in the casino all knelt down in front of the croupier, and they all said to themselves, "You are not stupid, are you? There is a mechanism below, you can still open a leopard and drink turtle essence in the morning."

But at this moment, a voice sounded in the headsets of the dark lights, "Get the leopard, don't let him keep the leopard again."

The surrounding gamblers also shouted, "lose money!" "lose money!" "hurry up and lose money!".

The hands of the two girls who were betting on the bet were trembling. They paid 25 million to Zhang Yu and also paid money to the other three who bet on the leopard.

Just after the compensation was paid, there was a dark light and money was thrown at the leopard. 1.2 million is easy to cap.

Zhang Yu secretly said to himself, you know this trick, nothing else.

He knew in his heart that the dealer had been playing tricks just now, and the dice clock rang softly several times. It was obviously the dice rolling, but his luck was too good. No matter how it rolled, he was still a leopard.

But now that Leopard is being held by others, if he bets on others, if the dice moves, it is unlikely that this situation will happen again.

Zhang Yu thought about it, and then an idea came to him. You guys can't make the dice move by using random tricks. I'm going to break your trick now. Let's see how you can do it again. By the way, I also want to let you know that I am so powerful that you cannot even tell of your suffering.

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