Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4419 Take my sword

"Yes..." Saladinge nodded, then pointed at Zhang Yu and said in blunt Mandarin: "My friend, can you do me a favor and lead us down?"

Zhang Yu naturally understood that if it didn't work, he would definitely take action. He doesn't know the opponent's strength, but judging from this, the opponent's strength should be very strong.

Sure enough, without waiting for Zhang Yu to answer, Dai Qingji put her mouth to Zhang Yu's ear and lowered her voice and said: "This guy is very strong. Although I didn't see him take action, his junior brother is a ruthless character. But If you want to fight, I will definitely help you."

After saying this, she looked at Saladinge and saw what he meant. As long as Zhang Yu dared to take action, she would definitely take action.

Zhang Yu needs to think about the overall situation in this place. In the current situation, it is really impossible to say who is strong and who is weak. After all, he also had the high priest Yun Kil on his side. Although Yun Kil was defeated by Piala, he was not injured. However, Nini's red skull necklace was snatched away by Piala. Without this magic weapon, and the infuriating energy in Nini's body was gone, it was basically difficult to perform.

In addition, there are White Eagle and Peacock on his side, and Angel Instructor can also assist with skills.

Looking at the situation on the other side, if he and Saladinge and others take action, He Yunshuai will definitely not help either side. Cha Xinyumi seems to be the same, and there are also some Chinese people among them. It is still unclear what role they play.

Zhang Yu needs to think about the overall situation. If he fights here again, it is not difficult to imagine that there will not be many people left on his side. But if you don't fight, you have to go down again. If you run into Piara, you may be even more unlucky.

While he was weighing the matter, Saladinge's junior brother Fisher shouted impatiently: "Boy, what are you thinking about? Do you agree or not?"

"What's the benefit of agreeing to it? What will happen if I don't agree?" Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Upon hearing what Zhang Yu said, Saladinge said directly without Fisher having to say anything: "If you agree, I will spare your lives! You don't have to agree, as long as you can block my sword!"

After saying this, Saladinge raised his hand and pulled off his coat with just one hand, revealing the golden plate armor underneath. He then pulled his hand from behind, and a giant sword appeared in his hand.

Seeing him like this, Bai Ying and Peacock immediately revealed their magical weapons and prepared for battle.

Zhang Yu also showed his money sword. He could already see clearly that this opponent was definitely very powerful. It's just that he hasn't figured out the current situation yet, and he doesn't know what the relationship between He Yunshuai and the other party is, or what the internal structure is.

If you can learn more from Dai Qingji's mouth, you can know yourself and the enemy. However, the other party didn't give him a chance at all and became aggressive from the beginning.

Zhang Yu knew that the other party was obviously planning to give him a blow, and was also testing their strength. If you are too tough, you will really take action directly, and it might become a melee. If you act too weak, you will make the other person feel easy to bully.

After a slight hesitation, Zhang Yu said with a smile: "Since you are willing to teach me, that is the best thing. I will take your sword here..."

Immediately, he turned his left hand, and the Doumu Heart Seal appeared on Zhang Yu.

With a "swipe", a white light flashed, and a word "fight" appeared above his head. The word "fight" disappeared, and Zhang Yu's body was enveloped in a white light.

He accepted the Doumu Heart Seal, and the Transformation Mirror appeared on his chest. This was his most powerful magic weapon at present.

Zhang Yu now also wants to see the details of the opponent. If he can win, he will simply destroy the opponent. If he couldn't win, it was expected that his opponent would not dare to kill him, and would have to rely on him to lead the way.

"Hehehehe..." Saladinge laughed and said, "It's a bit interesting..."

He then raised his left hand and said, "You all step aside first."

"Senior brother...let me do it..." Seeing that Saladinge really wanted to take action personally, Fisher said this.

"Stand back." Saladinge said directly.

"Yes." Seeing his senior brother insisting, Fisher had no choice but to walk aside.

Bias, He Yunshuai and others also scattered around. He Yunshuai's eyes have always been on Saladinge. Previously, because he detoxified Dai Qingji, the dragon energy in his body was so damaged that he did not dare to fight Saladinge. Now that someone is standing up to take action against Saladinge, in his opinion, it is the best thing. I can completely check Saladinge's strength through the battle between the two sides.

Zhang Yu also said: "You all retreat first."

Dai Qingji couldn't help but feel a little anxious when she saw that Zhang Yu was really going to fight Saladinge. Although she has never seen Saladinge's strength, she has seen Fisher's power. She might not be able to block Fisher's sword. Saladinge is obviously stronger than Fisher, and Zhang Yu can really block that sword.

Bai Ying, Peacock and others stepped back, but the Angel Instructor took out the crystal ball from his arms.


A white light immediately emerged from the crystal ball and poured into Zhang Yu's body.

Seeing this, Dai Qingji felt happy. This must be the auxiliary skill used by the angel instructor. With this, Zhang Yu's strength will definitely be greatly improved, and he might actually be able to win.

As soon as Falcon saw this scene, he immediately shouted in Italian: "Master Bias, this is an auxiliary skill. This guy is not weak. With the auxiliary skills, I am afraid he will be more powerful."

"Ah?" Bias was shocked when he heard this.

But before he could say anything, Saladinge, who was holding a long sword, said disdainfully: "It's okay, let him do it."

The angel instructor increased Zhang Yu's explosive power. Zhang Yu could already feel that his true energy began to gather together, becoming more pure for a while. This was the first time that the explosive power of his true energy had been enhanced. After discovering this, Zhang Yu could be sure that he should not be afraid of any opponent during this period of time. Of course, it's hard to say whether he can be the opponent of Piala before.

Dai Qingji felt a little more at ease and stepped back. Nini didn't want to leave, but Paris knew that staying where she was was not going to help, and she might be accidentally injured, so she persuaded Nini to step aside first.

As the two blows dispersed, a large space was left for Zhang Yu and Saladinge.

Saladinge raised the long sword in his hand, and immediately an iron cross pattern appeared above his head. This iron cross pattern is the same as the iron cross pattern condensed by Fisher, except that it is glittering and larger than Fisher's.

"Are you ready?" Saladinge said calmly.

Zhang Yu was fully focused. Seeing what the other party said, he smiled slightly and said, "Come on!"

"OK!" Saladinge shouted, and the long sword slashed forward, and the iron cross pattern above his head hit Zhang Yu.

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