Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4414 The Strongest Person

Yun Kil's blood mist skull was destroyed by Piala on the spot, and Piala's blood mist skull followed Yun Kil's cover. As soon as Yun Kil saw this, he immediately closed his eyes. In his opinion, he was basically dead.

But he didn't regret it at all. Standing there, he looked very calm.

At this moment, a scream rang out, "High Priest, let me help you!"

Along with this sound, Zhang Yu could see clearly that a red skull necklace had arrived in mid-air, followed by a cloud of red mist, which rushed towards Piala's blood mist skull.

It can be said that Nini's blood mist skull arrives first and its speed is completely faster than that of her opponent. As soon as the blood mist skull she shot arrived, it immediately collided with Piala's blood mist skull, and a "bang bang bang bang" sound broke out between them.

The same blood mist, but the blood mist emitted by Nini using the red skull necklace is more intense, and the red skull in the blood mist is more ferocious than the black skull.

Not only that, the power of Piala's blood-mist black skull had weakened after the previous collision with Yunkiel. How could he still be a match for Nini's red blood-mist skull?

In the blink of an eye, Piala's blood mist skull was reduced to ashes, not even a scrap was left.

The red blood mist skull then moved towards Piala's head.

It can be said that Piala was a little confused when he saw Nini using the red blood mist skull. He looked at them with jaws on his face and stammered: "How, how could this happen... ...In this world...there are actually people who can cultivate red skulls..."

When the blood mist red skull smashed his blood mist skull and rushed toward him, Piala woke up as if from a dream. He hurriedly raised the black gem cane in his hand, and a strong evil wind Flock towards the blood mist red skull.


The evil wind exerted by Piala can be said to be the strongest evil wind Zhang Yu has ever seen. It can directly hurt people. People with weaker strength can be blown to death by this evil wind in a moment. Once this evil wind gathers in a small area, its power is astonishing, and it can resist the attacks of many magic weapons.

At this moment, he condensed the evil wind to resist the blood mist skull. Unfortunately, the power of Nini's red skull necklace seemed to be far beyond his imagination. Even if there was Yin Feng blocking it, it only slightly slowed down the speed when it hit him.

Piala was immediately sure that this alone could not stop the blood-mist red skull. He bit the tip of his tongue violently and made a strange sound in his mouth, "###%%\u0026\u0026\u0026\u0026..."

Along with this voice, a thick cloud of blood mist quickly appeared behind him. In the blood mist, there was a huge black skull.

"Ah!" Immediately afterwards, Piala shouted loudly, and the huge skull, wrapped in blood mist, rushed towards the red skull of blood mist.


There was a loud noise, and the huge skull hit the blood-mist red skull hard. With these two impacts, almost half of the blood mist on Nini's blood mist skull dissipated.

After this blow, Piala's face, which originally looked like a skeleton, became more ferocious, but more haggard. His body swayed and seemed to be a little shaky. The red blood mist skull continued to cover him. Piala's eyes opened wider. With only the black gemstone cane left in his hand, he shouted again and shot the cane at the blood mist skull.


As soon as the cane was shot into the blood mist, the black gems on it turned into powder in an instant.

"No..." Seeing this, Piala collapsed completely and couldn't help but sit down on the ground.

It can be said that he has tried his best, but if even this can't stop the red blood mist skull, then he can only accept his fate.

Most of the red blood mist skull had dissipated, but it was still enough to take his life. The blood mist just covered Piala's body.

At this moment, a woman cried out in pain, "Ah..."

This voice immediately attracted the attention of Zhang Yu and others, and their eyes followed the blood mist skull to Piala's body. When they heard the cry of pain, they all turned to look, and immediately saw Nini sitting on the ground, her hands tightly covering her pubic area.

"Nini!" When he saw Nini acting like this again, Zhang Yu rushed towards her.


Almost at the same time, the blood mist skull that had reached Piala's head suddenly stopped, and immediately turned into a red skull necklace and fell to the ground, right next to Piala.

Piala was waiting for death. This sudden change was really unexpected. Piala was startled for a moment, then realized what was happening. He grabbed the red skull necklace that fell next to him, jumped up from the ground, turned around and ran away.

It was the Angel Instructor who discovered this first. She hurriedly shouted: "Don't let him escape! Kill him!"

Hearing the shout, Zhang Yu, who had already arrived beside Nini, reacted. Fortunately, Bai Ying reacted faster and immediately hooked the crossbow arrow in his hand.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

A series of white lights shot towards Piala. Although Piala ran fast, she was not as fast as the white light.

He was hit directly in the back, causing his body to stumble forward unconsciously. However, this guy was considered strong, and the red robe on his body was obviously a cassock, so he didn't fall down and ran away quickly. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared among the rocks.

To be honest, neither the white eagle nor the peacock dared to chase Piali. After all, the terrifying strength that Piala showed just now was simply beyond their reach.

At this time, they could no longer see the shadow of the blue whale. To be precise, after the two sides took action, the blue whale had disappeared.

There were corpses left on the ground, two men in black robes, two Thai guys, and four others, Kunpeng, Tiger Shark, Silver Wolf, and Iron Bear.

Peacock and White Eagle looked at these corpses with lingering fears. The angel instructor sat on the ground, Falcon lay on the ground, and Yun Kil stood there, looking at Nini.

Nini looked in great pain, just like before. Zhang Yu grabbed her wrist and was absolutely sure that the witchcraft power in Nini's dantian was gone again, but she was not injured.

However, every time Nini uses her methods, she will be inexplicably suppressed, which is really confusing. Fortunately, this time, Nini was not immediately suppressed as soon as she took action. She managed to block Piala's attack and severely injured Piala.

Of course, what is even more confusing is that under normal circumstances, if the red skulls on the mountain wall are touched, those weirdos should appear and attack them. The result was good this time, but it never showed up, which is really puzzling.

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