Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4388 The last time

Zhang Yu and others continued to walk forward until they reached the bottom of the mountain wall.

The mountain wall is covered with red skulls, and there are green vines on them. The bright red skull is even stranger than the white and black skulls we saw before.

This time, no one dared to touch the red skull, not even Nini. Because Nini also understands that as long as they touch it, those weirdos will most likely appear, and they will be attacked by the red skull.

The white and black skulls were deadly before, but when it came to the red skull, everyone would get involved.

After measuring it for a while in front of the mountain wall, Zhang Yu said, "Let's sit down, rest, and have something to eat."

In fact, everyone is a little hungry, but at this time, there is really no thought of eating. But after hearing what Zhang Yu said, several people nodded and sat down on the spot with Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu took off his backpack, opened it, and took out compressed biscuits, nutrient solution, and water. Several people ate together, but they still had no energy.

In this situation, everyone knows that the only thing waiting for them is death. If you stay still, all the food will be eaten sooner or later, and the ending will be almost the same.

Especially Paris, the three of them had obviously not slept for a long time, and their eyes were all bloodshot. I had seen hope before, but now I started to despair again. After a while, the three of them started chatting. Nini couldn't help but feel sleepy when she saw this.

But none of them dared to sleep, because after falling asleep, some of them would never wake up again.

Zhang Yu and Yun Kil were also trapped, but they were able to hold on thanks to their stronger mental strength.

However, it is useless for people to stay awake all the time. It can kill people if they stay up.

After a while, Paris looked at Zhang Yu and said, "What are your plans?"

Looking at Paris who looked tired and sleepy, Zhang Yu felt heartbroken, but at the moment, Zhang Yu really didn't have any good ideas.

He knew in his heart that he was almost the backbone of these people. If he couldn't do anything, the others would probably despair.

After thinking for a moment, Zhang Yu said: "I think this is the best alternative. You leave here first and leave me alone. Paris, after you go elsewhere, don't come back. I will find a way to break through here." . If I can break the formation, everyone will be safe and reunited. If I can't break it... I guess there will be masters who can break the formation here..."

"No!" When Paris heard this, she immediately objected, "I don't want to leave here, I want to stay here."

Nini also shouted: "I won't leave you either. We will live together and die together!"

Yun Kil continued: "I came here mainly to protect the chief. Therefore, I will not leave."

"I...Senior will not leave, and I will not leave either..." the woman in black robe said weakly.

"Me too. If senior doesn't leave, I won't leave either." The man in black robe said unsteadily.

Others really wanted to stay, but the two of them had no choice. What's the use of going to other places? At most, it can temporarily save your life. Why don't you go to sleep?

Both of them were extremely sleepy, their upper and lower eyelids kept fighting, and they could only stay awake by gritting their teeth. It can be said that once you are completely desperate, you can probably close your eyes and sleep.

Now there is still more or less a glimmer of hope. Either way, it is death, so it is better to stay.

When Zhang Yu saw that Nini, Paris and others were saying this, he also frowned secretly, but he also knew that if the formation could not be broken, everyone would die.

He can still use the auxiliary skills once, but it will definitely be useless if used on Yunjier. Because all Yun Gil can use is the black skull, he is no match for the red one.

In this situation, the only one who can be trusted may be Nini.

Zhang Yu has used auxiliary skills twice in succession, which has a great impact on his energy. In fact, it is actually a good idea to practice for another two or three days to let him recover his energy. But if I spend all this time here and go without sleep for two or three days, I'm afraid no one can bear it.

He quickly made up his mind that at this moment, he could only be a dead horse and bet on Nini.

Zhang Yu looked at Nini and said solemnly: "Nini, this time, it all depends on you."

"It's all up to me..." Nini was obviously confused.

Zhang Yu said seriously: "I will try to restore your witchcraft power now. After you restore your witchcraft power, we will take off the skulls here. At that time, once there are weird people attacking us again, then we will all count on you." is you!"

"That's it..." Nini nodded and said seriously: "Okay! Leave it to me!"

It's not that she doesn't understand that this task is very difficult. After agreeing, Nini showed a look of determination on her face.

Although she always relied on Zhang Yu before, when the critical moment came, everyone had to contribute. The current heavy burden can only be fulfilled by her.

Zhang Yu took out the crystal ball from his arms and breathed his true energy into it again. The crystal ball glowed with five colors of light, and immediately a five-color air flow poured into Nini's body.

In just a moment, Nini's energy increased greatly, and she said in astonishment: " witchcraft power...all of a sudden did you do it..."

"Just rely on it." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of "ka ka ka". The sound came from his palm. Zhang Yu lowered his head and saw cracks starting to appear on his crystal ball.

Cracks formed one after another, and with little effort, there was a "pop" sound, and the original crystal ball shattered into a pile of glass particles.

"What...what's going on..." Nini couldn't help being shocked when she saw this.

Not only Nini, but also Yun Kil, Paris and others were surprised.

Zhang Yu smiled slightly and said: "No need to make a fuss, a crystal ball can only be used five times at most, and it will break after five times."

Then, Zhang Yu flipped his palm and poured the glass shards on his hand to the ground.

"So this is the last time..." Nini pursed her lips and said, "I am the one who caused you..."

"In fact, it's more my fault that we're in this situation today. I should be the one who got you into trouble." Zhang Yu said softly.

Yunjier has always been curious about Zhang Yu's method. After just fending off the black skull, his witchcraft power was running low, but it had not been replenished.

Now I finally understand what's going on. It seems that this spell is really not used casually.

Yunjier felt relieved and said: "Chiefs and outsiders, you two don't have to say who is hurting the other. This is the time to work together. We all live and die together. Look at this place. What is it? Such a place!"

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