Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 438 Unstoppable

Wang Zhongshu and Miss Wang looked confused. How could they get four zeros in a row? It was really weird.

The dark lights in the casino are even more confused. From their perspective, with so many people staring at one person, it is impossible not to see that someone is cheating, but they can't see it at all, and there is no problem at all.

Is it luck? Then this luck is too exaggerated!

Of course it's an exaggeration. How many people's luck lies with Zhang Yu, including the luck of several dark lights. Because the dark lamp was willing to pretend to watch at the gambling table, Zhang Yu took the initiative and sucked their luck. In his anger, he didn't care who was who.

The chips on the gambling table finally remained at 2 million. In fact, you can bet anything else, but Zhang Yu bet on 0. If you bet on anything else, as long as it is 0, everyone will die, so no one dared to bet randomly. If Zhang Yu bets on 1, then maybe someone else will bet on the color of number 1, or bet on the small number. But now, I can't bet on it.

"Let's start!" "Let's start!" Zhang Yu didn't need to remind him anymore, the punters started shouting anxiously.

Even if you are a rich person, who would think money hurts your hands? There are not many rich people here, such as Jiang Yuting or Xiao Mingshan. Most of the rich people here are like Brother Biao, who have tens of millions at home and have objective income every month. They come here to play with their spare money.

It's not uncommon for people to go bankrupt here due to gambling.

The person who bet money shouted, and those who watched also shouted, hoping to end this hand quickly and bet 0 first on the next hand.

Paying thirty-six to one, what a huge reward if you bet on a handful.

The croupier felt bitter in his heart. It was rare for so many people to come to play roulette. If they came here like this, they would kill the dealer. He carefully pulled the handle, not daring to use force this time.

By pulling the handle, you can use the strength of your hand to control how many circles the ball will spin after it is shot out. Of course, it is impossible to control the ball to stop there. If you throw it by hand, you may not be able to throw it so accurately, let alone using a machine.

He uses different powers every time, praying that he will never get 0 again.

This time, the ball slowly stopped after not spinning a few times, and finally entered a grid.

"0!" "0 again!" "Hit!" "Oh no! Five consecutive 0s!".

The gamblers all started shouting. Whenever they bet money, every one of them was excited, no matter how loud their voice was. Even those who didn’t deposit money were shocked by this scene.

At this moment, even gamblers from far away were attracted by this place and ran over to watch. "What's going on?" "Is it so lively?" "What's going on?".

"Five 0s were played in a row, and the casino was confused." "It's true or false." "Of course it's true." "Damn, it seems like 36 to 1. Did anyone win?" "That's for sure. , someone won more than 200 million." "So fierce.".

The dark lights were all squeezed into meat buns by the rushing crowd. Now I want to see if Zhang Yu has any tricks, but they can't be seen. People are crowded and bumped into each other. In other words, customers are not allowed to approach the dealer's position. However, it is not convenient for the dark lights to move over there, because in this case, if the gamblers see you passing by, they will definitely follow you. Do you want to tell everyone that we are the dark lights of the casino? There is no such thing. They all frowned, why did they attract so many people?

The dealer and the girl who compensated were even more stupid, watching helplessly as the ball fell into "0". To be honest, even if the casino itself provides thousands of gamblers, it will not play like this. Occasionally, a 0 will be good.

"Loss money!" "Hurry up and lose money!" "Yes, hurry up and lose money!" "I have to bet on this!" The gamblers shouted again.

She quickly counted her chips and found that she didn't have enough to compensate. She could only say apologetically: "I'm sorry, I don't have any chips in my hand now, so I'll go and get them."

"It's only a few handfuls and they're all gone?" "That's right, you can't take more at one time!" "You guys were so happy collecting the chips, why are you so tired when you lose them!" "Isn't it? You can win or you can't lose. Yeah!" "Are we only allowed to lose, and you are not allowed to lose?" "Damn it! If this happens, I will never come again!".

As soon as the gamblers heard that they were out of chips again, many started to curse, without any nice words at all. You know, if you play here for a long time, there is no one who will not lose. In the past, the dealers collected money very quickly, making you lose money, and it was gone at every turn.

In fact, the little girl took no less chips, and got 200 million in one go. Before, she would not have lost so much in a month of gambling.

The girl who made the loss also knew that public anger is hard to offend, so she quickly apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll go get the chips right now. It'll be quick."

"Hurry up!" "Hurry up!". Zhang Yu and the others didn't even need to incite themselves, the gamblers helped to shout.

The girl who lost the code ran away and went straight to the code changing table. She entered the inner corridor again and came to the monitoring room.

The manager, a young woman, and others were still sitting inside. As soon as the little girl saw these people, she said tremblingly: "Manager, he lost another 200 million."

The manager's face was extremely solemn and he said coldly: "What do you think we should do?"

"How about inviting that kid out?" a middle-aged man suggested.

"What reason?" the manager asked coldly.

"This" the middle-aged man was speechless for a moment. He didn't know the reason. After all, Chu Qian was not caught. Having said that, if Chu Qian is caught, it will be impossible for Zhang Yu to get out.

"He just lost 200 million, and now that he has recovered his capital, we will invite him out! How many people are at the gambling table, and then there will be no need to do business in the future!" the manager said angrily.

"Yes" the middle-aged man responded.

"How about forcing him to commit suicide?" A burly man suggested.

"How? This is not playing poker?" the manager asked.

The burly man glanced at the girl who was losing money and said: "She is in charge of the button for 0, so she said they were cooperating and asked this girl to press the button."

"I" the girl who made the loss almost stopped crying.

"Pah!" Unexpectedly, the manager stood up and slapped the man on the face. Then he cursed angrily: "I think your IQ is worthy of being a thug! Tell people at the gambling table If there is an agency, wouldn’t that tell people that the casino is always selling out?”

"Yes, yes, I was also anxious for a moment." The man took a step back, with a look of fear on his face.

He realized that this method was indeed not very good? It's like exposing yourself.

"Think about it and see if there is any good way?" the manager shouted.

"This" "This." The others lowered their heads and had no idea. If you can't catch someone with a thousand dollars, and there are so many people outside, you can't lose and win, so what else is there to do business with? Let's just grab it.

At this stall, a man in a suit hurriedly ran in from outside. As soon as the man came in, he said eagerly: "Manager, there is a frying pan outside!"

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