Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4379 I’ll be the first to come

According to Bias's intention, He Yunshuai must be taught a lesson first, because he knows very well that Saladinge's strength is more than enough to deal with He Yunshuai. But I didn't expect that He Yunshuai would actually propose to play three games, and win two out of three games.

Since the purpose is to teach He Yunshuai a lesson, then playing three games, playing one game, or even playing five games has the same meaning. But there is one thing, that is, Bias represents the Udilai family. You can't stop the Udilai family just by saying win two out of three.

If this were the case, wouldn't the Udilai family become a joke if word spread about it?

Bias turned to look at Saladinge, who was sitting in the middle, and said, "Hello, Mr. Saladinge..."

Saladinge smiled confidently and said: "Three games are three games, no problem."

Seeing that Saladinge said this, Bias must be sure of winning. He then looked at He Yunshuai and said: "No problem, since Mr. He wants to win two out of three fights, then we will win two out of three fights. "

He also knew that this time, not only Saladinge, a master, came here, but there were three others. After all, we still have to find Piala. How can Saladinge do it alone? Although he knew there were experts, he didn't dare to make the decision easily. Saladinge had to speak.

In addition, Bias also knew that He Yunshuai seemed to be the only master in the Hei family. It can't be said that there are other masters hidden. In the last confrontation, the Hei family who fought first was not enough to watch. It is actually a good thing to have a deep understanding of the strength of the Hei family.

Seeing the other party's agreement, He Yunshuai smiled and said: "Okay, then let's not sit here anymore. Let's set off to the last martial arts field."

After saying that, he stood up directly, made a gesture of invitation, and said: "Please."

Hei Guangsheng, who was sitting next to He Yunshuai, saw his son acting like this and couldn't help but wonder. Although there were other masters in the family, they were not enough compared to the masters of the Udilai family. If one game determines the outcome, my son may still be able to win. If he wins two out of three games, he may lose everything. But the son has already said so, and the other party has agreed, so we can only see what will happen next.

Fortunately, based on Hei Guangsheng's understanding of his son, his son would not do anything uncertain.

He Yunshuai had already pulled the wheelchair and pushed it towards the door. Just after he came in, someone closed the door of the conference room. Now that he was walking out, someone naturally came over and opened the door. He Yunshuai pushed his father out of the conference room. The bodyguards in the corridor stood neatly. As soon as they saw Hei Guangsheng and He Yunshuai coming out, they immediately greeted him respectfully, "Boss, young master." "Boss, Master." "Boss, Master."...

Che Xinyoumei and Dai Qingji were both standing in the corridor waiting. When He Yunshuai came to them, a smile appeared on his face and said: "Two beauties, let's go."

Although the door of the conference room was closed just now, with the strength of the two women, there was no way they could not hear the conversation inside.

Che Xinyoumei knew clearly that since He Yunshuai proposed a best of three games, he must have included her and Dai Qingji. Thinking about it, her life was saved by He Yunshuai. She has been taking care of food and drink for the past few days. Now that they are in some trouble, it is impossible not to ask her to help.

Dai Qingji didn't think much about anything and was already eager to give it a try. In Dai Qingji's view, He Yunshuai spent a lot of effort to save her. At this time, there was no need for He Yunshuai to say anything, so she should take action.

The two of them followed He Yunshuai on the left and right sides, went downstairs together, left the villa, and headed to the courtyard where He Yunshuai and the great astrologer Cristante fought last time.

He Yunshuai's group was so majestic, with his men following behind, that He Yunshuai and the others felt like they were being praised by the stars.

Arriving outside the courtyard, He Yunshuai only led a few people in, while the others were waiting outside. The eleven people, Bias and Saladinge, entered the courtyard together. The Black Dragon Glove is still in the hands of He Yunshuai, but Bias and Saladinge are not worried at all. After He Yunshuai lost, he dared to take it as his own, and he must hand it over obediently when the time comes. .

The two sides stood in the courtyard respectively. Bias looked at the people on He Yunshuai's side and said: "Mr. He, according to your wishes, we will win two out of three games. When will the people on your side appear?" Able to."

"It's just a discussion. There's no need to mobilize a crowd or call anyone. I have two friends here, so it's just me and her taking action." After He Yunshuai said this, he scanned the He glanced at Che Xinyumi and Dai Qingji standing on the left and right sides.

Dai Qingji was also direct, and immediately stood up and took three steps forward. She said carelessly: "Isn't it best of three games? I'll be the first to come. Who among you will go?"

Bias was obviously stunned for a moment. Unexpectedly, a young woman walked out from He Yunshuai's side. Look at this woman's posture, she is quite confident.

Bias looked at Saladinge beside him and said, "Sir, please let someone go up and meet this woman."

"Ha!" Saladinge smiled disdainfully and said calmly: "Aisla, please go over and play with this girl. But remember, don't be too harsh."

"Understood." The middle-aged man in black robe standing on the far left agreed and stepped forward.

As he walked forward, he turned his palm over and a crystal ball appeared in his palm.

When Dai Qingji saw the other party approaching, she also walked forward. How could she not see that the contemptuous look on the other party's face clearly did not take her seriously.

The other party's attitude made her a little angry. She immediately made up her mind that she would never show mercy. She must give the other party some color to show her strength and let her opponent know how powerful she was.

The two people walked forward for a moment and stopped when they were about ten steps apart.

Aisla, a middle-aged man in black robe, said directly and arrogantly: "Let's take action..."

"Okay!" Dai Qingji agreed, and then, an image of Qingluan appeared behind her.

Good guy, when she came out earlier, she was only wearing a long cyan skirt, which didn't look like much. But this move at this moment shocked everyone present.

Especially Aisla, who was standing opposite her, couldn't help but feel nervous and quickly pressed the crystal ball in her hand.

At this stall, the image of Qingluan behind Dai Qingji was already rushing towards him.



There was a crisp sound, and Aisla's crystal ball was immediately shattered and turned into a pile of glass particles. And Aisla screamed, and her body was thrown backwards like a kite with its string broken.

With a "pop" sound, the person fell heavily to the ground, and blood spurted out from his mouth.

"Aisla!" "Aisla!" "Mr. Aisla!"... As soon as they saw Aisla like this, Bias, another man in black robe, and the men in suits behind them ran away. Go over and squat down to check on Aisla.

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