Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 436 No more chips

"0!" "Go on and bet 0!" "Yes, bet 0!"...

After the girl who lost money lost her money, the gamblers who looked at her began to make noise again.

Even Wang Zhongshu shouted: "If you have the guts, keep betting 0, bet more!"

Zhang Yu laughed and said: "I would like to bet more, but the limit is 2 million, so I can't bet more."

After saying that, he picked up the 2 million chips and bet on 0.

"It's 0 again!" "It's 0 again!" "Can another 0 come out?" "If this hand comes out with 0 again, I'll eat it!"...

"Didn't you just say you were eating from the table? Why didn't I see you eating?" "I ate it, and the casino has to ask me to compensate! This hand can't be 0 again, it's been two in a row. If it comes out again, 0, what a hell!"...

Hearing what they said, Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said: "There are still times when there are more than 10 free hands in a row. Isn't it normal to play a few zeros in a row? By the way, start quickly, what are you waiting for? "

Now that the croupier saw Zhang Yu betting another 0 for 2 million, his hands were trembling and he didn't know what to do.

If 0 comes out again, my gambling table will lose 200 million. Usually betting on a single number is basically a dead end. No one has ever bet like this. Even if you want to bet on numbers, you have to aim at one position and bet on several numbers. There is no such thing as playing like this.

As for whether there are any tricks on the roulette wheel, the answer is yes. There is a button below. As long as the button is pressed, the number that comes out will definitely be 0, which means a win. Because most people who play roulette bet on big, small, red and black. When there is a lot of money, just one kill is enough. But there are very few people who play roulette. Most of them go to baccarat. It is rare for many people to play roulette, so the 0 button is generally not used. Gamblers can be defeated by probability alone. Fortunately, Zhang Yu won the bet on 0. The cheating mechanism was not working hard at all. If he pressed it, he would give Zhang Yu money.

And why is it such a coincidence today? You win when you bet 0!

Seeing the dealer's hesitant look and not moving yet, Zhang Yu said again: "What are you waiting for? There are so many people watching!"

"That's right!" "Hurry up and tee off!" "Why are you taking so long!"... The gamblers on the side were anxious to see if there would be another 0 in this game, so everyone started making noises.

The croupier was under tremendous pressure and pulled the handle, and the ball immediately bounced up.

"It must not be 0..." The dealer prayed in his heart.

When the ball came out, Fang Tong, Xiao Jiejie and Da Biao shouted, "0!" "0!" "0!"...

A group of gamblers also shouted: "0!" "0!" "0!"...

The more he heard this cry, the more the croupier's head hurt.

Finally, the ball stopped and fell into a grid.

Everyone's eyes were focused on the small ball. The moment it stopped, the sound of landslides and tsunamis immediately sounded, "0!" "0 again!" "Three 0s in a row!" "No way!" If I had known, I would have bet 0 too!" "Isn't it true!" "The single-number bet limit is 2 million, he bet is full, and he bet nothing!"...

"It's really 0! I got my money back! I got my money back!" Fang Tong was excited, her face flushed, and she hugged Zhang Yu's arm.

Xiao Jiejie was also excited. When she saw Fang Tong holding Zhang Yu's arm, she didn't dare to show weakness and grabbed Zhang Yu's other arm.

Jiang Yuting next to him was so angry that his teeth itched when he saw Xiao Jiejie like this. He said to himself, how could he win so much money if it wasn't Qian him?

Wang Zhongshu and Miss Wang are also confused now. What is going on? Bet 0 and you'll win!

"Pay for it!" Brother Da Biao was full of energy now. He knew that this was the real Zhang Yu.

"Loss of money!" "Loss of money!" "Hurry up and lose money! We are still waiting to see the next one!" "Do you want to deposit 0 for the next one?" "Brother, can you not bet the full 2 ​​million, let me Just follow the bet." "Yes, yes, yes, you want to return 0 and give us empty bets, let us also bet some!"... The gamblers shouted one after another.

"Right away..." The girl who made the loss was confused. What was going on? This month's bonus must be gone.

Originally, there were fewer people playing roulette, and the prize money was smaller than other gambling tables. But now, with such skill, I lost 200 million.

To be honest, from the day the roulette table opened to now, it’s hard to say whether it won a total of 200 million or not. It lost 200 million in one day.

She looked in the box and saw that there were no chips in it. She said with a grimace, "Sir, please wait a moment. I have no chips left. I will go get them for you."

"Go quickly!" "Hurry up!" "Hurry up!"... Everyone was urging them together.

As soon as he heard that he had no money to lose, the croupier breathed a sigh of relief. He should rest for a while, his heart couldn't bear it.

The girl who lost the code also hurriedly ran to the code changing table.

However, after she entered, she did not immediately take the chips, but got into a room at the back.

This room is very long and narrow. To be precise, it should be a corridor. The girl walked along the corridor and passed several rooms along the way.

She walked all the way to the room at the end, knocked on the door a few times, and waited until the sound of "come in" came from inside, then opened the door and entered.

This room is large and filled with TV screens. It is indeed the casino's control room.

At this moment, six or seven people were gathered in front of a big screen, and the gaming table on the screen was the gaming table where Zhang Yu was sitting.

The girl walked over and said with a grimace: "Manager, our gambling table... I don't know why it was evil. It opened three zeros in a row and lost 200 million."

Sitting on the chair is a young woman, the same one who gestured behind Zhang Yu when he came to the casino.

The other people were standing behind her, all in straight suits.

"I already know. Do you see any problem?" the young woman said calmly.

"No." "No." "It doesn't look like Chu Qian."... several people said one after another.

"Trash! It's useless! Send me all the dark lights to see what's going on here! Also, didn't he drink gambling drugs? Why is this happening?" the young woman said bitterly. .

"He just got a slap in the mouth, maybe he was woken up. Drug gambling is like this sometimes. But why it happened, I really don't understand..." A man said helplessly.

"Forget it, I don't believe it. You can still get 0 in every hand." The young woman was a little angry.

I lost 200 million in one fell swoop, how can I not be furious?

She waved her hand towards the girl who was losing chips and said, "Go get the chips!"

"Yes." The girl timidly agreed and ran out quickly.

Because Zhang Yu bet big, she took another 200 million chips and returned to the roulette table.

As soon as it came to the table, he first took out 72 million to compensate Zhang Yu. The remaining chips were not enough for Zhang Yu to win twice.

As soon as the gamblers saw that they could continue gambling, they immediately started shouting, "Is it still 0?" "Is it still 0?"...

Zhang Yu has now recovered his capital, and he deliberately said: "I will deposit 0. If anyone wants to follow, you can come up and pledge. If you don't follow, I will seal it full."

After saying that, he threw in a million chips.

When the gamblers on the side saw this, they couldn't help but hesitate, can they get another 0? This is too exaggerated.

But there are some who are brave. After all, there are no poor people here. A middle-aged man threw down a hundred thousand and said, "I'll make a bet with you, and it's all just for fun."

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