Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4344 Take him with you

"There's an island ahead!" Silver Wolf, who was in charge of driving the boat, was the first to call out when he saw an island ahead.

The other people quickly watched carefully, and then shouted excitedly, "There is really an island!" "We are rescued!" "We are rescued!"...

After the shouts of these people, a woman's very unhappy voice sounded, "What kind of equipment are we using on the ship... The cruise ship's weather monitor said there was no typhoon at sea, but the weather changed in the afternoon... Sha Qiuka said about satellite positioning, there are islands 120 nautical miles away, how can there be 120 nautical miles..."

The person who spoke was Huo Feng. After hearing her words, Zhang Yu couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Who said otherwise? The so-called weather monitoring is really unreliable, and the satellite positioning on the yacht is even more... Unreliable.

With this technology, it dares to claim to be the most advanced, which is really a trap for people.

The sea was very windy and rough, accompanied by lightning, thunder, and heavy rain. Now that I saw the island, I naturally wanted to move forward at full speed. Bai Lang increased the horsepower to the maximum, but that's all the speed could do. After all, the distance above the speedboat was serious, which greatly affected the speed of the speedboat.

Fortunately, the island was not far away from them. After a while, they finally saw the beach that was mostly submerged in the sea. As soon as the speedboat arrived on the beach, it ran aground directly. Before they could get off the speedboat, they could see that two other speedboats had arrived and were also stranded on the beach.

Everyone got off the speedboat one after another. It was really a disaster. Zhang Yu now had considerable experience. He immediately shouted loudly and asked everyone to work together to push the speedboat to the mountain in front.

Although Zhang Yu and others have a distress signal, if they transmit it at night, they can see it from a distance. But at the moment, the distance they traveled is too far. No one can say whether they can be seen from such a distance from the cruise ship. Therefore, the speedboat must not be thrown away.

Everyone worked together to drag the speedboat up and then push it towards the mountain ahead. Even if it was pushed to the foot of the mountain, everyone felt that it was not safe. Forty people worked together to move the speedboat to the mountain, found a thicker tree, and tied it together with ropes.

The three speedboats were all handled in this way. After all the work was completed, these people were exhausted. It was originally an escape at sea, which was highly stressful. Finally, we were temporarily rescued, and we worked hard. After tying up the third speedboat, many people sat down on the ground.

The ground was full of mud, but no one cared about it. Many people couldn't help but gasp for air. Only Zhang Yu, Nini, Yun Kil, and Huo Feng could still stand on the ground. Even the two instructors, Falcon and Shatyuka, looked exhausted.

On the cruise ship next to Nini’s island.

The configuration here is very high-end, with gyms, cinemas, entertainment halls and other facilities available. But right now, no one comes to these places to have fun. People on the ship are either resting in their rooms or staring at the violent storm outside.

Tian Dun, Furious Lion, and Kunpeng were sitting in the coffee shop drinking coffee. This was Tian Dun's fifth cup of coffee.

Director Tian went to the coffee shop to drink coffee since he came out of the weather control room, and Nu Shi and Kun Peng also followed him. But the two of them didn't say anything, they just accompanied Tian Dun to look at the "scenery" outside the window.

"Buzz! Buzz! Typhoon red warning!" "Buzz! Buzz! Typhoon red warning!" "Buzz! Buzz! Typhoon red warning!"...

Suddenly, the alarm sounded again.

And this time, it was even more serious than the previous one, and it actually became a typhoon red warning.

You should know that the typhoon red warning means that the wind intensity reaches level 12 on average and will reach level 14 during the wave period. This level of wind power is very likely to turn everything into nothing.

Tian Dun stood up suddenly, and just as he got up, the cruise ship shook for a while, almost making Tian Dun sit back down. Tian Dun held on to the table, and then he didn't sit back down. He walked quickly outside the coffee shop.

Kunpeng and Furious Lion quickly got up to follow them, and sure enough, the place Tian Dun went to this time was the weather control room again. But this time, the people on the cruise ship were obviously a little confused. There were nervous voices everywhere, "Red typhoon warning!" "Can our ship make it?" "It should be fine! We are on the shore, and It’s not in the sea!” “Then tell me, can it hold up on a yacht that goes out during the day?” “I think it’s quite choked.”…

Tian Dun could naturally hear these sounds. Regardless of the bumps under his feet, he rushed to the weather control room as quickly as possible. Pushing the door open and stepping in, the people in the monitoring room quickly stood up when they saw the old man coming again. Under the leadership of the meteorological director, they came to Tian Dun.

The meteorological director said cautiously: "Director Tian... this... the weather at sea... has changed... the changes have been too great... I didn't... expect..."

"Okay, okay, stop talking nonsense, let me ask you first, will anything happen to our cruise ship?" Tian Dun said angrily.

"This is absolutely fine," the meteorological director said immediately.

"Second, how long can the typhoon last?" Tian Dun asked again angrily.

"Uh... generally... it will stop at dawn..." the meteorological director lowered his head and said.

"In general... more generally..." Tian Dun said angrily: "Don't you even have an accurate time?"

"Director...the weather in the sea area really too changeable...the gap between it and ours is too big...although our equipment is advanced...but in the face of such's really hard to do anything." Not as good as... Only when the wind changes, can we be sure..." the meteorological director said cautiously.

"The wind has changed, what else do you need to do!" Tian Dun said sternly.

The meteorological director lowered his head and did not dare to say anything again.

Kuangshi and Kunpeng both followed Tian Dun in, and they both knew why Tian Dun was angry. Kunpeng whispered: "Director, after the typhoon passes, I will take people out to sea to look for the whereabouts of Bao Yu and his group."

Tian Dun nodded slightly and said, "That's fine..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the meteorological director and said, "Take him with you!"

The meteorological director was shocked when he saw Tian Dun acting like this, and said quickly: "Leader...I..."

"What are you!" Tian Dun said angrily: "Because of your incompetence, how many of my people have been lost! Follow me this time. If the monitoring is not good, you will be sent to the typhoon yourself!"

After saying this, Tian Dun turned around and left.

Kunpeng and Furious Lion also turned around to follow and left the weather control room together.

Watching Tian Dun leave, the meteorological director subconsciously raised his head and wiped his forehead. For some reason, it was already covered in sweat. He whispered bitterly: "You don't blame me for that...the weather here...that's how the monitoring predicted it..."

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