Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4335 You want to leave

There are also tables and stools on the island, but they are all made of stone. Now Zhang Yu has made wooden tables and chairs, which are somewhat novel to people’s eyes. Zhang Yu asked Nini and Jingdong to sit on it and try it out. It was really stable.

In particular, this efficiency is far superior to that of using stone.

Zhang Yu looked at Jingdongan and said, "Elder Jingdongan, this is your responsibility."

"I'm responsible..." Jingdong An was a little dumbfounded when he heard this, and said: "This... seems to be quite difficult, I'm afraid I won't be able to come..."

"When I first did it, it was not complicated at all. You can bring a few people with you and learn from me, and you will teach other people in the future." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Okay..." Seeing that Zhang Yu had said this, Jingdong An could only nod in agreement.

In this way, Nini selected a few people, and Jingdong'an also asked more than ten people from his tribe to learn carpentry with Zhang Yu.

In fact, carpentry work is not difficult to do, the main thing is cutting wood. The tools on the island are limited, so for tools, you can only use witchcraft. Once the wood is cut to the same length, it can be nailed.

It took more than two hours and with the concerted efforts of everyone, four more sets of tables and chairs were finally produced.

At this time, the work of digging holes and making brick models was also completed. According to Zhang Yu's request, the cave was filled. Seeing the cave filled with brick models, Zhang Yu took out a few fire charms and punched them in. For a time, the temperature in the cave rose rapidly, and these mud models were burned into bricks.

Although Zhang Yu was a carpenter by trade, there were brick kilns in the village that were specialized in making bricks, and they used old methods. Even if Zhang Yu had never worked, he was always smart and could see the general picture.

This time I did it myself and it was done in one go.

The bricks need to be cooled before they can be used, but there is no need to worry about this. After the fire is out, because there are good things like ice stones on the mountain, the temperature in the cave will naturally drop after a while.

Seeing that it was getting dark, everyone had dinner on the spot. Nini, Jingdong An, Basilon, Zhang Yu and others were all sitting on chairs and eating around the table. This feeling was very fresh and enjoyable.

On the second day, Zhang Yu continued to lead the people in Jingdong Anhe tribe to work. With bricks, the natural next step is to build a house. Yesterday, Zhang Yu had people dig holes. The holes were not dug casually, but were used to lay the foundation. Zhang Yu used bricks, wood, and loess as adhesives, and with the strength of the crowd, it only took him most of a day to build a house.

The entrance to the house is the main room, with a large bedroom on the left and right. A kang is built in the bedroom, and the stove is connected to the main room. There is also a chimney. Everyone in the tribe is confused when they see it.

Zhang Yu showed on the spot how to light a kang while lighting a fire on the stove. Due to the presence of ice stones on the island, winter comes earlier and is much colder than other islands. Now that the kang is lit by fire, the room is warm, and you can even sleep on the kang. You no longer have to worry about wind and rain, which really makes the indigenous people on the island very excited.

Nini, Basilon, Jingdongan, Zhang Yu and others had dinner in the main room at night. Zhang Yu also showed off his special skills. These people who ate noodles for the first time were all full of praise.

During this meal, Jingdongan also understood what he should do next. Zhang Yu also told them that starting from tomorrow, work will begin thoroughly on the island. Yadu is in charge of personnel work, and his top priorities are two tasks, fishing and building houses. Therefore, cultivation and defense can be put on the sidelines, and the main manpower on the island must be used to do these two things. Yadu assigned manpower to Jingdong An and Aisha Kongkong respectively and started working directly.

Everything in the warehouses of the four tribes is handed over to Elder Rice. Even the tables and chairs that have just been nailed down must be under the control of Rice. However, there are few things at the beginning, so the chiefs, elders, and guardian priests must use them first. Just like today's house, it must be given to Chief Nini.

In the next three days, the indigenous people on the island began systematic work. It has to be said that these people are hardworking and not afraid of hardship. In addition, the tribe has detailed distribution principles and incentives. How many heads are pinched and how many bricks are moved in a day will be recorded in the book, and rewards will be given at the end of the month.

They work very efficiently and can basically build three houses in one day. Although the house is a bit simple and far inferior to the houses in Zhenhai, it is quite satisfactory to the indigenous people on the island. Zhang Yu also specially designed the specifications of the house. The larger one has two bedrooms, and the smaller one has one bedroom. The first house to be completed was first allocated to Basilon, Jingdongan and others, and then gradually to Someone with a job.

Nini was extremely happy to see the people on the island united as never before and busy every day. In her opinion, Zhang Yu is her treasure and her support. As long as she has Zhang Yu, she really has nothing to fear and can do anything.

In the afternoon, Zhang Yu and Nini strolled on the mountain to inspect the progress of the project on the island. While walking, Zhang Yu's armband suddenly rang, "Didi-di-di...Didi-di..."

The voice was not loud, but Zhang Yu heard it clearly. He immediately turned off the language output system and answered, "Hello, hello."

"Abalone, I'm Shatyuka." Instructor Shatyuka's voice sounded in the earphones.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Yu asked.

"That's it. Director Tian informed you to come back for a meeting." Shatyuka said.

"When?" Zhang Yu said.

"Now." Shatyuka said.

"Okay, I'll go back soon." Zhang Yu guessed that this might be the return of Shao Weiping and Shao Weixian. They went to Canada first to inform their families, and secondly to purchase a large amount of supplies for the final aftermath work.

He closed the armband, connected the output device, looked at Nini, and said, "Nini, I want to go down the mountain and do something on that big ship."

"You want to leave..." Nini was obviously shocked when she heard this.

Zhang Yu quickly explained: "It was the people on the ship who informed me of the matter. I will go and come back soon."

"Then, can you take me with you..." Nini flattened her mouth and said pitifully.

It seemed that she was afraid that Zhang Yu would never come back.

Looking at her pitiful little appearance, Zhang Yu felt distressed and could only say sincerely: "Nini, I promised you that if I leave, I will take you with me. Believe me, I will never lie to you!"

Seeing that Zhang Yu was speaking so seriously, Nini said pitifully: "Are you sure you will come back and take me away?"

"Of course, I just went over to discuss matters and will be back in a while." Zhang Yu said.

"Don't lie to me..." Nini said, shedding tears and said aggrievedly: "If you don't come back...I, I...I will take a boat to find you..."

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