Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 433 Xiao Jiejie’s slap (seventh update)

Wang Zhongshu's words simply stimulated Zhang Yu, and Zhang Yu's mind was filled with his provocative words. This made Zhang Yu so excited that he couldn't help shouting angrily: "What's the maximum amount you can bet at one time?"

The croupier replied directly: "The limit is 20 million!"

"Wait for me!" After Zhang Yu said that, he went to withdraw the money.

In the eyes of Fang Tong and Xiao Jiejie, Zhang Yu is very capable. Since he dares to bet, he must be confident. Even if you lost before, you could win back.

They both stared at Wang Zhongshu and shouted almost in unison: "You don't need to be proud now, I will defeat you to death later!"

This time, Zhang Yu took out 100 million chips. He didn't even need to hold the box containing the chips. Five beautiful waitresses helped him carry the chips to the gaming table.

Good guy, getting 100 million chips in one go is simply unheard of.

This time, Wang Zhongshu and Miss Wang's eyes were shining, and Xiao Jiejie and Fang Tong even said proudly: "Did you see that? I'll beat you to death with money."

Wang Zhongshu immediately said disdainfully: "It's not yet clear who will lose and who will win! Zhang Yu, I will fight with you. I will continue to bet on player. Do you dare to bet on banker?"

"I'm still afraid of you!" Zhang Yu immediately pushed a box of chips onto the dealer.

Brother Da Biao looked on in confusion. In the past, Zhang Yu was calm and would never fight an uncertain battle. I didn't know there were crooks here before, but when we caught Xiao Ling's gang last time, people already said that this was the place with the most crooks. If you bet with others like this, you still have to lose to death!

What's wrong with Zhang Yu now? on purpose? Or is there something else?

The female tour guide next to Brother Biao looked at Zhang Yu, then at the dealer and Miss Wang, and finally her eyes fell on Zhang Yu's bottle of water. She didn't say a word, just sat quietly.

At this moment, a person came over, it was Jiang Yuting. Jiang Yuting stood next to Xiao Jiejie like a gentleman and said, "Jiejie, you are here."

When Xiao Jiejie saw that it was him, she didn't say anything at all. Now she knew that he had arranged her drowning situation. I didn't have a good impression of Jiang Yuting originally, and now I don't have a good impression at all.

Jiang Yuting saw that she was silent and stopped talking, just watching quietly.

In this round, Zhang Yu lost without any surprise. Wang Zhongshu and the others were even more proud of having won 10 million at once, so they simply continued to provoke, betting 20 million to buy leisure.

There seemed to be only one voice in Zhang Yu's mind, "Zhang Yu, do you dare! Zhang Yu, do you dare!"

"Why don't I dare!" He shouted from the bottom of his heart and pushed out 20 million chips again.

Those watching nearby saw Zhang Yu buying the banker, and they quickly followed him to bet on the player. As soon as the dealer opened the cards, Zhang Yu lost again.

A handful of 20 million yuan only takes three to five minutes, so it’s not a quick loss. In the blink of an eye, Zhang Yu gained 100 million and was gone.

One hundred million!

"Zhang Yu, do you still dare to gamble?" Wang Zhongshu shouted again from the opposite side.

"Am I afraid of you?" Zhang Yu pretended to go to withdraw money again.

At this time, Fang Tong and Xiao Jiejie were a little confused. What happened to Zhang Yu today? He seemed different from usual.

Brother Da Biao was anxious. He stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Yu's arm, shouting urgently: "Brother, stop gambling!"

"Get away!" Zhang Yu's eyes were red now. How could he listen to Brother Da Biao? He just pushed hard and pushed Brother Da Biao staggering.

Brother Biao naturally did not dare to take action against him, he was anxious and had no choice. He had no choice but to look at the two girls and said, "Stop him!"

Fang Tong quickly grabbed Zhang Yu and persuaded him softly: "Stop gambling."

Xiao Jiejie also grabbed it and said, "Zhang Yu, stop gambling, let's go back."

However, Wang Zhongshu said angrily: "Zhang Yu, if you don't dare to gamble anymore, go back quickly!"

Zhang Yu seemed unable to hear other people's persuasion, and was particularly sensitive to such stimulating words. He pushed the two girls away and said, "Leave me alone! I can still lose to this kid!"

After saying that, he went straight to the code changing table.

"This" and "this" the two women suddenly didn't know what to do, as if Zhang Yu was so strange at this moment.

Jiang Yuting saw this and said deliberately: "Jiejie, look at him, he turns out to be a gambler. He won 10 million from someone before, and he doesn't know his last name."

"What's your job?" Xiao Jiejie said angrily.

Zhang Yu withdrew the money very quickly. Within a moment, five more waitresses accompanied him back. It seemed that he had withdrawn another 100 million this time.

Seeing Zhang Yu taking so many chips, everyone present couldn't help but look surprised. Is this guy so rich?

Withdraw 100 million at a time, twice in a row!

"I bet on the banker!" As soon as Zhang Yu sat down, he looked like a machine, staring at Wang Zhongshu, and pushed out a box of chips.

"I'll bet on leisure!" Wang Zhongshu immediately bet on leisure.

The gamblers at the surrounding gambling tables were also alerted at this moment. They discovered that there was a casino light on the table and quickly counter-betted. Sure enough, Zhang Yu lost.

"I bet on the banker!"

"I bet on the banker!"

"I bet on the banker!"

"I bet on the banker!"

Zhang Yu continued to bet on the banker. He pushed out the boxes of chips in front of him and lost them all again.

He stood up suddenly and walked towards the changing table.

"What are you doing?" This time, Xiao Jiejie couldn't bear it anymore and suddenly stopped in front of Zhang Yu.

"I'm going to get the money!" Zhang Yu said directly.

"No more gambling!" Xiao Jiejie shouted sternly.

"The money is mine, I must win it back, don't stop me." Zhang Yu said, pushed Xiao Jiejie aside and continued walking forward.

Seeing this, Wang Zhongshu shouted excitedly: "Take more, don't lose if you don't have enough, I'm waiting for you! Follow you to the end of the world! Don't dare!"

Jiang Yuting frowned and said, "Jiejie, forget it. Leave him alone, he is just a gambler."

"No!" Xiao Jiejie saw Zhang Yu walking further and further away, and she gritted her teeth and chased after him.

In the blink of an eye, she rushed in front of Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu was now possessed. When he saw her blocking the way again, he said, "Why are you..."

But before he could finish his words, Xiao Jiejie jumped up and slapped Zhang Yu firmly on the face with a loud "snap".

Zhang Yu was caught off guard. Xiao Jiejie's words almost used all her strength to make Zhang Yu sit on the ground.

"Stop betting! Did you hear that?" Xiao Jiejie stared at her eyes and shouted sternly.

When everyone behind saw this, they were instantly confused. Brother Da Biao hurriedly chased after him, but did not dare to make a sound. Fang Tong also rushed over, hurriedly helped Zhang Yu, and said, "Why are you beating him?"

"I'll wake him up! Why are you gambling so hard!" Xiao Jiejie said sadly, with tears in her eyes.

Zhang Yu sat on the ground, his mind went blank at first. He murmured to himself, "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with me?"

The scene of gambling just now was clearly in his mind. He had experienced it personally. In fact, the whole process of losing money was vivid in his mind. He knows how he lost money and how much he has lost successively.

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