Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4318 Chief Nini

When Yun Kil was severely injured by Ji Sha, he had already discovered that he had been tricked. Now that Zhang Yu directly exposed the matter, even Yun Kil felt relieved. Yun Kil said deliberately: "I can testify for outsiders about this. When Gisha took a few outsiders to our island in a boat, they burned a boat halfway and robbed the fire of the boat. The sacred stone. Because Barcelon and I took advantage of him and expected that he would not dare to lie to us, we set out to snatch it. Unexpectedly, after that, there would be constant troubles, and those outsiders kept harassing us. "

"It turns out it's because of you." "It turns out it's you who brought the outsiders here!" "Kisha, it turns out you're colluding with the outsiders!"... Everyone present looked at Kisha with anger on their faces. .

When Zhang Yu saw everyone like this, he continued: "That's not all. You all still remember the words of Ni Weng, the young chieftain of the Dumu family."

"Remember!" "What happened to this?" "Yeah, what's the connection?"... Everyone said curiously.

It was Yunjier who said: "Needless to say, the person who went to the Dumujia Island with outsiders at that time was naturally Jisha. Chief Dumu was kind enough to help, but in the end, Jisha repaid his kindness and destroyed his tribe. "

"Nonsense! I have never been to Du Mu's house at all. What do you mean by repaying kindness with enmity? Do you have any evidence?" Jisha shouted angrily.

"Evidence! Isn't it evidence..." Zhang Yu smiled faintly and said: "This Fire God Stone actually belongs to the Du Mu family. You should all know that the Du Mu family's tribe has always been hot and very weird. That's not because Otherwise, it’s because there is a Vulcan Stone on the island. By the way, after the Vulcan Stone arrived at Chief Barcelon’s place, wasn’t it very hot in the surrounding area? And this time Young Master Nini and I went to Dufu At home, Young Master Nini also found that the Dumu family was no longer warm...Obviously, the Vulcan Stone was snatched away...Gisha could know that there could be such a thing as the Vulcan Stone on that ship, if he had not participated in the robbery How do you know about the Fire God Stone..."

"Good luck to you, Jisha! It turns out that everything was caused by you!" Jingdongan pointed at Jisha and shouted bitterly.

"I did it all, so what can I do!" At this moment, Jisha was completely angry, and he also knew that at this moment, no matter how he defended himself, it was useless. He shouted angrily: "outsider, I will kill you!"


As soon as he finished speaking, the skull necklace in his hand hit Zhang Yu directly.

Nini had been staring at Jisha. When she saw Jisha making a move, she knocked out the red skull necklace from Nini's hand before Zhang Yu could say anything. At the same time, Nini shouted: "I will kill you to avenge my father!"

The bone-skull necklace that Jisha produced turned into nine skulls, surrounded by blood mist and blue airflow. The red skull necklace that Nini hit also turned into nine skulls. The red skulls were wrapped in red mist, which was full of weird aura and a sense of oppression.

Seeing this, everyone stepped back in unison, and everyone couldn't help but exclaimed, "Mayan inheritance!" "Mayan inheritance!" "This is Mayan inheritance!"...

Amid everyone's exclamations, two streams of red blood mist collided. Immediately afterwards, there was a shattering sound of "crack, crackle, crackle".

Just at a glance, all the white skulls were smashed into pieces by the red skulls. The red skull, wrapped in the red blood mist, continued to hit Jisha with unfailing momentum.



With a scream, Jisha was immediately thrown backwards after being hit. The body in mid-air was followed by another "pop" sound, and it exploded into a bloody mess.

Among the flesh and blood, a dazzling blue ball of light stood out. The blue ball of light did not fall, but flew slowly towards Nini. After a moment, it came to Nini.

Nini subconsciously stretched out her palm, and the blue ball of light fell into Nini's palm. The red skull necklace quickly flew back on its own and landed directly on Nini's neck.

When the tribesmen of the Bisibon tribe saw this, they all shouted excitedly, "Mayan inheritance!" "It's our Mayan inheritance!" "Young Master Nini got the Mayan inheritance!" "Young Master Nini got the Mayan inheritance!" inherited!"……

The shouts of the tribesmen echoed in the cave, and it took a long time to stop. After the voice settled down, Wusu Tai walked up to Nini in a few steps, then knelt down on the ground. He said respectfully: "The high priest Wusu Tai paid homage to Nini. Mrs. Wu Su did not distinguish between loyal and treacherous, and mistakenly captured Nini." If you give the Maya inheritance to others, please ask Master Nini to punish you!"

"High Priest, get up quickly." Nini didn't expect that Wusu Tai would be so generous, which really shocked her, and she said quickly.

"Thank you, Master." Wusu Tai climbed up slowly, then turned to look at the tribe and said loudly: "Young Master Nini has obtained the Mayan heritage and should become the chief of our tribe! Wu Su Tai pays homage to Chief Nini!"

After Wusu Tai said this, she turned around and knelt down first.

When the members of the Bisibon family saw this scene, they all knelt down and said respectfully one by one: "Greetings to Chief Nini!" "Greetings to Chief Nini!" "Greetings to Chief Nini!"...

It could be said that everyone in the Bi Si Bang family knelt down. However, there was still one person standing, and this person was none other than Mrs. Chief Bisbon. Chief Bisibon's wife was now confused and completely dumbfounded. She didn't even know what to do now.

At this moment, Nini was also stunned. She never expected that Mrs. Wusu would lead the crowd to support her as the chief.

She used to be a young master, but now she suddenly became a chief, so she didn't know what to do.

It was at this juncture that something even more unexpected happened to Nini. Yun Kil, the always arrogant high priest of the Barcelon family, suddenly fell to his knees and said respectfully: "According to the agreement, whoever gets the Maya inheritance will be the chief after the tribe is merged. Yun Kil pays homage to the chief!"

Barcelon was still watching the fun, but suddenly he saw Lian Yunjier kneeling on the ground to pay homage to Chief Nini, which made him a little confused for a moment.

He didn't know why Yun Kil was doing this, but since Yun Kil knelt down to pay respects to Nini, he couldn't help but express his feelings. After hesitating for a moment, Barcelon simply gritted his teeth, knelt on the ground, and shouted: "According to the agreement, whoever gets the Mayan inheritance will be the chief after the tribe merges. Barcelon pays homage to the chief!"

As soon as Basilon knelt down to pay homage to Nini, the people of the Basilon tribe also knelt down quickly. Even though the young chief Dajitu was not happy, he could only do so. They knelt on the ground one by one and shouted: "Greetings to Chief Nini!" "Greetings to Chief Nini!" "Greetings to Chief Nini!" "Greetings to Chief Nini!"...

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