Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4314 Comparison

As soon as Zhang Yu's words came out, the eyes of everyone present suddenly turned to the chief's wife. Including Wusu Tai, who was standing next to the chief's wife, also turned to look at the chief's wife.

The chief's wife just smiled slightly and said: "Wusutai also said before that this blue bead must be swallowed into the stomach, and can only be spit out before death. I have swallowed the bead into my stomach, If you want to take it out, you have to wait until I'm dying. do you want me to take it out..."

"That being said, everything seems to have come to light..." A confident smile appeared on Zhang Yu's face.

"What truth has been revealed? Nini, come here quickly, don't believe an outsider's words!" The chief's wife looked at her daughter and said in a deep voice.

"Mom! He is helping us find the murderer of my father. I believe what he says!" Nini said immediately.

"How can we believe the words of outsiders!" the chief's wife said, pointing down the mountain and said sternly: "Did you see it! The outsiders' ship has already arrived! They are going to the island to kill us all! We are all here! How can you still believe the nonsense of an outsider!"

"I..." Nini glanced at the boats coming up and down the sea, and said with a flat mouth: "Octopus said that he will not let us fight with outsiders, and there will be peace..."

"Nini, don't be stupid! He can't protect himself right now, so he is here to sow discord, hoping that we will kill each other! In this way, when the outsiders on the ship land, they can kill us all!" Jisha took the opportunity! said loudly.

"Hahahaha..." Zhang Yu couldn't help laughing after hearing this. He said in a deep voice: "Chief Jisha, what you said is really interesting. Since you clearly saw the ships with outsiders below, Why don't you prepare for battle at the foot of the mountain, but go to the mountain to look for Nini? In fact, the answer is very simple, that is, you know that Nini and I know your secret! When you asked the chief's wife to order the priest Buer to follow you The purpose of coming to hunt me is to hope that Nini and I will not come back."

"You are an outsider. It is not normal to kill you. What do you mean by hoping that Nini will not come back! I think your words are already a little incoherent!" the chief's wife said angrily.

"The reason is very simple. I think you should have discovered by this time that there is an underground secret passage in the tent of High Priest Yunjier." Zhang Yu said calmly.

"That's right, what's wrong?" Yun Kil said directly.

"The high priest once discussed an issue with Chief Barcelon, that is, merging the four tribes into one tribe. Moreover, the high priest's statement is reasonable. After all, it is impossible for four tribes to be stationed on the same island for a long time. It won't be long before the problem of not enough food arises. There are two solutions. One is to go our separate ways and return to their original islands. The other is to merge into a tribe and work together. If we go our separate ways, we may be defeated by others. , it is safer to unify into one tribe, but other tribes may not agree. High Priest Yunjier is still very smart. He believes that the interests can force Jingdong An and Chief Rice to agree, that is, everyone will go to the Divine Prison together. , to see who can obtain the Mayan inheritance. The person who obtains the inheritance will be the merged tribal chief. Of course, the high priest has the confidence of the high priest. After all, he is the number one master among all tribes, and the chance of obtaining the inheritance is high, even if If you can't get it, you can still solve the problem through strength. But the high priest never expected that I heard about this, and then told Nini, and Nini told her mother..." Zhang Yu's face changed at this point. He smiled and just stared at Yun Kil's face.

Yun Kil took a breath and said, "What's next?"

"After Nini told the chief's wife about the matter, she then said that she would go to the Dumu family's island to check it out. The chief's wife agreed first, and then she had to discuss with Jisha what to do? Originally, according to Jisha's intention, she planned to provoke Each tribe took action with the Basilon tribe and profited from it. Because the things outside the prison were caused by Gisha, and the javelins used were also from the Nini family. After Nini proposed to count the javelins of each family, At that time, Gisha used this secret passage to steal two javelins from the Barcelon family. Not only that, Gisha also hid the eagle feathers that were originally used to kill the four guards outside the prison. Inside, I hope that once Nini finds out, she will immediately expose the matter and cause a fight." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"There is such a thing... Outsiders, but you should know that the entrance to the secret passage is in my tent. My tent cannot be entered casually..." Yunjier said deliberately.

"The secret passage in your tent is just one of the exits. Jisha may not even know that the exit is connected to your warehouse. And the other exit connected to your warehouse is in Bisibon's warehouse. Cave. Using this secret passage, Jisha can easily steal your javelins and put them in the Bisibon family's warehouse. In this case, the number of javelins in the Bisibon family will be just right, and the two extra javelins will be murder weapons. On the contrary, your family is inexplicably missing two javelins, and the probability of being the murderer naturally increases." Zhang Yu said slowly.

After hearing what Zhang Yu said, Yunjier couldn't help but smile and said: "Ji Sha, Ji Sha, you really have all your tricks! It's a pity that you were exposed by an outsider."

"Yunjier, I advise you, it's best to say less." Jisha said coldly: "Outsider, you are somewhat capable, and you can actually find such a secret passage. But why do you say that I stole it?" Do you have any evidence that the Barcelon family's javelin was taken away?"

"The evidence is actually very simple, that is, the two javelins used to commit crimes outside the Divine Prison are fundamentally different from the javelins of the Barcelon family. The barrels used in the javelins of the Barcelon family are all made of materials on their island, so the barrels are lighter. As for the Bisibon family's javelin, the barrel is made of materials from their own island, so the barrel will be heavier. The difference between the two javelins may not be visible on the surface, but as long as you hold it in your hand and look at the weight, it is easy to Distinguish it." Zhang Yu said confidently: "If you don't believe it, you can take a look now to see if this is the case."

"Bring me your javelin!" "Give me your javelin!" "Yours, yours, and yours, show me your javelins!"...

Good guy, as soon as Zhang Yu spoke, the scene immediately became lively. Basilon, Jingdong'an, Rice, and even Wusu Tai began to greet the tribes of Basilon and Bisibon tribes, and asked people to hand over the javelins in their hands for weight comparison.

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