Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4302 Shimen

Nini received Zhang Yu's promise, and a happy smile immediately appeared on her face. Her face was red now, but her smile was very charming.

Zhang Yu is still thinking about how to make Nini's body normal. Nini is not sick or in trouble, but the aura in her dantian is too strong and exceeds the range of her dantian.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yu had an idea in his mind and said: "Nini, the current situation is caused by the strong Qi in the body... In your words, the witchcraft power is too strong... I think you must be able to Once the witchcraft power in the body is consumed, the physical condition will improve..."

"The magic power is too strong... So if I continue to use the necklace now... will it be the same as before..." Nini said a little worried.

"This should not be..." Zhang Yu said.

"Then, let me try..." Because the surrounding temperature was very low, although Nini's body was still hot, she was no longer as breathless as before.

Zhang Yu took out Nini's skull necklace and put it in Nini's hands. Nini sat up from the ground, put the skull necklace on her lap, and made strange gestures with her hands.

Soon, the skull necklace was seen floating from Nini's legs, then came to the top of Nini's head and slowly rotated. In a moment, the nine skulls became the largest one, emitting a blood-red mist.

Not only was this mist very strange, it even gave Zhang Yu a sense of oppression. It is not easy to make Zhang Yu feel the pressure, especially the current pressure is much stronger than when Nini controlled the red skull necklace for the first time.

Zhang Yu was absolutely certain that Nini's strength had made a qualitative leap forward. How powerful Fei Yue is can no longer be described in words.

As the mist dispersed, Zhang Yu felt that the temperature in the stone chamber began to rise. Originally, the temperature in the stone chamber was extremely low, but now, it has increased by at least ten degrees.

Looking at Nini again, at this moment, there was countless sweat on her head, it was like rain. Seeing this, Zhang Yu couldn't help but feel nervous, and then he saw Nini falling to the ground.

As soon as she fell, the skull necklace above her head also fell to the ground.

"Huh...huh..." Nini began to breathe heavily and seemed to be out of breath again, "Hot... I'm so hot... I can't stand it anymore..."

"How could this happen..." Zhang Yu was stunned for a while, because under normal circumstances, Nini would definitely consume a lot of witchcraft power when activating the skull necklace. As the witchcraft power is consumed, the Dantian should become more balanced and the body should not continue to feel hot.

Zhang Yu couldn't figure out why it was like this. He quickly grabbed Nini's wrist, and the temperature of Nini's body that had dropped actually rose again, no less than when she was in the secret room of the warehouse cave.

Not only that, Nini's pulse was still strong, and the energy in her body didn't seem to be depleted much by activating the skull necklace.

"Nini, just hold on..." Zhang Yu said, simply picking Nini up from the ground and placing her on the ice stone.

Not to mention, after Nini sat on the ice stone, the temperature of her body gradually dropped, and she felt much more comfortable. As time passed, the temperature in the stone room gradually dropped.

It has to be said that the ice essence stone is the ice essence stone, and the heat it constantly emits is definitely not comparable to the heat emitted by Nini. Not only that, but the color on Nini's face and body, who was sitting on the ice stone, gradually became normal.

Zhang Yu observed Nini's appearance and finally breathed a sigh of relief. He grabbed Nini's wrist again. Nini's pulse was still strong and had not returned to normal due to the drop in body temperature.

"Why is the pulse still so strong..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart.

Nini also looked at Zhang Yu and said: "Octopus... sitting on it... I feel much more comfortable... I don't feel hot anymore..."

"Don't worry, continue to sit for a while, and then come down when you feel cold." Zhang Yu said softly.

"Yeah." Nini nodded and said, "It's really strange...why does my body suddenly become so hot as soon as I use the necklace..."

"This..." Zhang Yu was also confused and couldn't figure out what was behind it.

At this stall, a voice suddenly sounded from behind Zhang Yu, "哐!"

Upon hearing this voice, Zhang Yu was startled and quickly turned his head to look. Just by looking at it, everyone was stunned. It turned out that the stone door, which was originally open, closed automatically at this moment.

Nini also saw this, and she couldn't help shouting: "Door! Why is the door closed!"

"Did it close automatically, or did someone close it..." Zhang Yu said, turned around and ran to the stone door.

If someone said that the stone gate was closed from the outside, Zhang Yu would not believe it, because there was another mechanism in front of the stone gate. With my own hearing, if someone opened the mechanism in front of me, I would definitely hear the sound. Moreover, in a place like this, it is impossible for him not to hear even the slightest footsteps.

The most important thing is that he also discovered something wrong, that is, when he closed the stone door in the past, the stone door seemed to close very slowly, and no such "clang" sound was found. With such a loud sound, it was obvious that it bounced back at once, not closed slowly.

Nini also got off the ice stone, ran to Zhang Yu's side, and said nervously: "This door... why did it close suddenly..."

"I don't know, but this door was not closed by others from the outside. It should have been closed by oneself." Zhang Yu said.

"I closed it by myself...why can I still close it by myself..." Nini said in confusion.

"I don't know either..." Zhang Yu said, unconsciously turning his head to look at the skeleton leaning against the wall in the stone room.

When Nini saw him turning to look at the skeleton, she also turned to look over. At this moment, an ominous premonition arose in Nini's heart.

"You said...the old priest...could it be that the stone door closed on its own...and was trapped to death..." Nini said nervously.

"This stone gate can trap others to death, but it may not trap me to death." Zhang Yu said and began to look for the mechanism.

In Zhang Yu's view, others might not be able to find the trap, but it was almost impossible for this Shimen to trap him.

He kept patting and searching next to the stone door. He searched over and over again but could not find the mechanism.

Nini kept looking at him. Nini believed that Zhang Yu would be able to open the stone door. But as time passed little by little, Nini began to worry, and the sweat that had subsided began to flow down unconsciously.

On the contrary, she felt hot, but Zhang Yu started to feel cold. The temperature here is really too low. With his cultivation level, there will be no problem if he persists for a while, but if it lasts for a long time, no one can bear it. After all, Zhang Yu is also a human being, and he will feel cold in such a low temperature.

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