Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 430 It seems to be very popular!

In a huge office, a middle-aged man was sitting inside reading a book. He was reading "Thirty-Six Strategies".

At this time, there was a knock on the door, and the man said "come in." Then the door opened, and a young woman stepped in.

"Brother Qian." The young woman said respectfully.

Brother Qian's name is Tu Shangqian, and he is the talker here.

Tu Shangqian nodded slightly and said, "What's the matter?"

"Someone just called and offered five million to be a customer on our Thousand Ships," the young woman said.

"What's your name and what's the details?" Tu Shangqian asked.

"My name is Zhang Yu, the one who just won 10 million on the deck of the ship. His details are not very clear. This is his photo. The man who came with him is called Da Biao, and he is a gangster. A bit famous." The young woman said and handed a piece of paper to Tu Shanqian.

Tu Shangqian took it and took a look. He was stunned and said, "This person looks familiar. Yesterday, someone asked us to take action through our connections. It seems to be very popular."

After saying that, he immediately opened the database on his computer. After taking a look, he nodded and said, "Yes, that's him."

He looked at the young woman again and said, "Who contacted you and asked for this kid Qian."

"Fan Shiji." The young woman replied directly.

"Tell him, five million is not enough, add five million more." Tu Shangqian said.

"Yes." The young woman nodded in agreement and walked out of the office.

"Ring ring ring"

In Zhang Yu's room, he had already put on his clothes. At this moment, his cell phone suddenly rang. He took it out and saw that it was Brother Da Biao calling.

Not to mention, the signal coverage here is quite strong.

After answering, Zhang Yu said directly: "Brother Biao, how are you?"

"I just finished washing, so it's okay." Brother Biao said with a grin.

"It took a long time to soak. Now the muscles and bones are loose, so there is no shortage." Zhang Yu said with a laugh.

Brother Biao went to take a bath with a female tour guide. A man and a woman were alone in the same room. What could be done? Zhang Yu was also a visitor now, so could you be unclear?

"There is no shortage, there is no shortage. Don't tell your sister-in-law about this." Brother Biao said with a smile again.

"Don't worry, I can't say anything." Zhang Yu also smiled and said, "By the way, where should we go to play next?"

"Where are you now?"

"He's lying in the room."

"Why did you go back to your room so early? I thought you could go play with this girl, haha." Brother Biao let out a man's knowing laugh.

Obviously, you are in a hurry too, just in broad daylight.

"Don't think blindly, I have another one here." Zhang Yu quickly explained.

"Fly together!" Brother Biao said.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Yu was confused.

I have never been to that kind of place, so I don’t know the meaning of this word, but Zhang Yu knew that it probably didn’t sound like a good word, so he immediately said: “Let’s talk about where to go to play later?”

"I have two suggestions. Either go to the fourth floor to watch the strip dance, or go to the casino below. You can choose whatever you want." Brother Biao said.

"That dance, let's forget about it. Let's go to the casino." Zhang Yu is so sweaty. Brother Biao is really an experienced driver.

"Then I'll wait for you in the lobby on the first floor." Brother Biao said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Yu greeted the two girls and went downstairs to the casino together.

Zhang Yu's main purpose of coming here this time was to find a con man. He wasn't sure whether Miss Wang was a con man or not. Maybe she was just someone Jiang Yuting asked for help and was not from here. After all, he knew Wang Zhongshu. Wang Zhongshu was also a jockey at the beginning, so he should not be a con man.

Of course, the place with the most scammers is in the casino.

In Zhang Yu's opinion, it shouldn't cost much to go for a stroll. I also won 10 million today, so I can just use the 10 million to go downstairs and play. It probably won’t cost that much.

I'm not good at gambling either, so if I want him to make a big bet, I have to be absolutely sure. Just like going to Longmen Stone Market and swimming just now, he was sure of it.

The two girls had been bickering for a long time, and now they immediately became energetic when they heard that they were going downstairs to play.

Meet Brother Da Biao on the first floor. The innocent girl tour guide is still elegant and generous. From the look of her, it seemed like nothing happened when she went to take a bath with Brother Biao.

When Brother Da Biao saw the girl with an excellent figure that Zhang Yu had brought over, he couldn't help but secretly thumb his thumbs up. She's so cool. I have to spend money to find a sister. You are so good. They are all delivered to your door, and they are also One is better than the other.

Facts have proved that there are still advantages to not getting married, and you can do it in the name of being a virgin! Being married is sometimes inconvenient. If the wife is stricter, she will have to be more secretive.

The tour guide took Da Biao's arm, which was natural. Under her guidance, they turned into the corridor on the right. There are also three elevators there, and these three elevators only lead to the casino below.

As soon as you enter the casino, it's a lively experience.

Rich people only have a few hobbies, such as smoking, gambling, and women. Of course, it cannot be said that only rich people like it, and people without money also like it. Otherwise, one billion people, 900 million gambling, and 100 million dancing. (There are also readers. Reading Lao Tie’s books is a pleasure.)

The entire lower floor is a casino. It's hard to estimate how big the area is. There can be hundreds of various gaming tables, and there is also a luxury VIP room.

Zhang Yu was almost certain that more than half of the people who boarded the boat to play would arrive here.

There are men and women here, old and young. Few couples came, probably most of them were looking for tour guides. But it's really hard to tell who is the tour guide here. None of the women are wearing particularly revealing clothes. They look like chickens, which is impossible.

Most of the people who come here to play are rich and well-established, and naturally have different perspectives. It doesn’t mean that women will look better if they wear less.

Each of these women is elegant, charming or pretty, some are pure, some are cute, some are intellectual, some are quiet.

The tour guide led them to the bar, which was divided into two parts, one for selling food and drinks, and the other for exchanging chips.

In the words of the tour guide, cash is not accepted for playing at the end of the game. When they arrived at the code-changing station, Brother Da Biao immediately took out his bank card. Zhang Yu laughed and said, "Brother Biao, everything you do here is mine!"

After saying that, he put the suitcase on the exchange table and said, "Here are 10 million, all converted into chips!"

Brother Biao saw that Zhang Yu was carrying a big suitcase, but he didn't ask what was going on. When he heard that it was 10 million, he was shocked and asked quickly: "Brother, what are you doing? Why are you doing this?" Withdraw so much money?”

The tour guide couldn't help but be stunned and turned to look at Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu was young. When they met earlier, he brought a little girl with him. The tour guide didn't take it seriously and probably just came to play with him. This move at this moment is really surprising. It seems that this is really a person who cannot be judged by his appearance, and the sea water cannot be scooped. It’s not easy for people to play here.

Zhang Yu laughed and said, "Brother Biao, this money is not mine. I just won it by swimming with others."

"Ah?" Brother Biao was even more surprised, "Swimming."

"Yes." Zhang Yu nodded.

"You can still win 10 million by swimming? Do you have a swimming competition here? My nickname is Crossing the Huangpu River." When Brother Biao said this, he looked at the tour guide.

Zhang Yu is so sweaty, his tone is similar to Zhu Dafei in our store.

The tour guide also looked confused, "I haven't heard of the swimming competition."

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