Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 43 It’s really cold

"This is the amount you can apply at one time, no more." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Why?" Yang Ying asked.

She just applied it very well, and she didn't use much, that is, she only applied five or six points, but it didn't feel like she used as much as her own facial cleanser.

"Didn't I just say that if you take too much, your body will feel very cold." Zhang Yu said truthfully.

"Is it cold? Why don't I feel it?" Yang Ying said disdainfully.

She still feels very comfortable now and doesn't feel cold at all.

"Don't you use a lot?" Zhang Yu looked at Yang Ying in surprise.

"I don't think it was much. It was just that much at one time. I dipped it five times in total." Yang Ying said truthfully.

"Then wish yourself good luck. At the beginning, there won't be a strong reaction yet. After two or three hours, you will feel cold." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I can't wait to sleep in an ice cellar now. It's cooler and I can wear two more clothes." After Yang Ying finished speaking, she pouted and walked toward the balcony.

There was the kitchen, and the strong sunlight came in and fell on Yang Ying's body. Yang Ying didn't even feel hot, but felt particularly comfortable.

Naturally, she wouldn't think Zhang Yu's words were alarmist, but on such a hot day, wouldn't it be nice to feel cooler. And there was no uncomfortable feeling at all. It was as if my body was wrapped in ice jade, and there was an indescribable coolness.

In the summer, having this kind of comfort on your body is better than air conditioning.

Ten minutes later, the noodles were ready, and she and Zhang Yu each ate a plate. At this moment, there was still no reaction, and she became even more disapproving. Instead, you lied in front of Zhang Yu, saying that even if you apply a bottle of cooling ointment on your body at one time, it is probably not big or small. You are probably just stingy and don't want me to use it more.

Zhang Yu said with an aggrieved face: "Although the formula of the cooling ointment is a bit complicated, it doesn't mean it is very precious. Auntie can use it if she wants, and I don't say I won't part with it. But I have done experiments and found that if you apply too much, You get really cold."

"Tch. I went inside to play. Your little aunt is in good health and has strong firepower, so she won't be afraid of the cold." After she finished speaking, she went into the room to play with her mobile phone with her face raised.

Time passed little by little, and there was a thermometer on the quartz clock in the room, which showed 32 degrees. Every time she sees the thermometer, Yang Ying feels happy. She feels so cool on such a hot day. It's like a fairy.

But after waiting for more than two hours, Yang Ying suddenly found that her body was getting colder and colder. She could no longer rely on her autumn pajamas alone, and she began to shiver.

"Why is it so cold... What this kid said is true..." Yang Ying's teeth were chattering. She wanted to go out and ask Zhang Yu what to do, but she had lied before. Wouldn't it be awkward to go to Zhang Yu now? Shameful.

She remembered Zhang Yu saying that if you apply too much, you will feel cold, but there will be no side effects. So I decided to bite the bullet and carry it on.

She found some winter pajamas in the closet and put them on, but unfortunately they were of no use and she was still cold. She also had thermal underwear. She found it and put it on, but it still didn't work. Finally, they put on their down jackets and were still shivering.

The feeling on my body at this moment is no longer the crisp autumn air, but like falling into an icy abyss.

"Well, well, it's so cold..." Yang Ying, who was wearing a down jacket, crossed her arms and jumped up and down on the ground.

She couldn't bear it anymore and finally opened the door and ran out.

Seeing Zhang Yu lying on the sofa watching TV, she immediately said aggrievedly: "Xiao Yu, I'm so cold... what should I do..."

Judging from her expression, she seemed to be about to cry.

"I can't help it. I applied too much when I was experimenting. As a result, I couldn't bear the cold, so I struggled for a day. But don't worry, there are no side effects. It's just a little colder, so you won't catch a cold, and it can also exercise your body." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I don't need to exercise, I'm freezing to death! Is there really nothing I can do?" Yang Ying shouted anxiously.

"There is really no way... I have also tried to resolve the cold nature of Hanshucao, but I can't do it at all. Because Hanshucao is not poisonous at all, and the cold air on it can also strengthen the body." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"What is Hanshucao?" Yang Ying asked.

"This is the main formula of the cooling ointment." Zhang Yu said.

"Ouch..." Yang Ying jumped up and down from the cold again, but she immediately thought of an idea. I'll take a hot bath and wash off the cooling ointment on my body.

With that said, he rushed towards the bathroom.

"It's useless. After the cooling ointment is applied to the body, it will enter the skin along the acupuncture points. It is useless even if you soak in hot water, let alone taking a hot bath." Zhang Yu said seriously again.

But Yang Ying no longer cared about this, she didn't even care that Zhang Yu was at home. She closed the bathroom door, took off her clothes, and the sound of water started to sound.

It's not that Zhang Yu doesn't care about Yang Ying. In fact, the cooling ointment is really not harmful to the body, but actually beneficial. If it is applied to the body in large doses for a long time, it can even resist the cold. In winter, you will not be so afraid of the cold.

But when I applied the cooling ointment at first, no one could bear it, even Zhang Yu would feel very cold.

Sure enough, as Zhang Yu said, there was no hot shower. Soon Yang Ying rushed out of the bathroom wearing a down jacket and ran back to the bedroom. But this time she thought of a way, found an electric mattress, spread it on the bed, and lay on it.

Sleeping on an electric mattress in the summer is a strange thing. Even so, she couldn't feel the heat, and she was still shivering.

"Xiao, Xiao Yu... I'm freezing to death... Come in and save me..." Yang Ying couldn't help shouting again.

Zhang Yu entered the bedroom and saw Yang Ying covered with a quilt. Because her body was shaking, the quilt was shaking.

"Auntie, I can't help it... That's what the cooling ointment is like..." Zhang Yu looked at Yang Ying and said with a flat mouth.

"I don't care, I don't care... Please save me... I can't bear it..." Yang Ying shouted in a coquettish tone, almost crying.

Looking at her pitiful look, Zhang Yu thought for a moment and said, "Then I'll give it a try. I'll use acupuncture to calm your nerves and help you sleep as soon as possible. Then I'll use a foot massage to stimulate your Yongquan point, so that your body can Producing heat to compete with the cold air should offset part of the medicinal effect of Hanshucao."

"Okay, okay, okay... don't talk about that, I don't understand either, just do it quickly..." Yang Ying shouted eagerly.

Zhang Yu really couldn't resolve the effect of the cooling ointment. Fortunately, he could think of other methods. As long as the person fell asleep, it didn't matter whether it was cold or hot.

He used silver needles to prick several acupuncture points on Yang Ying's head, and then massaged Yang Ying's Yongquan point. As expected, Yang Ying quickly fell asleep, and her feet were no longer cold, so she finally fell asleep.

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