Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4299 The property returns to its original owner

Zhang Yu didn't hear any movement above, so he began to use the firelight to check the situation around his head. You can follow the steps all the way to the top, but the top is sealed with a stone layer. Zhang Yu groped carefully, looking for the mechanism to open the stone layer. After searching for a long time, he couldn't find it.

"No..." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart and took two steps upward. His head could basically touch the stone layer above.

He raised his hand and pressed it against the stone layer above, trying to use a little force. Good guy, it's okay if he doesn't use any force. With just a little force, he can feel that the stone layer is a little loose. See what this means, if you use more strength, you can completely lift the stone layer above.

"It's not a mechanism..." Zhang Yu was able to confirm this directly, which made him a little timid, because once he pushed it away, he couldn't tell what it would look like above.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu raised his other hand and pushed upwards with both hands. Sure enough, although the stone layer was relatively heavy, it was gradually pushed out of the gap by Zhang Yu. Zhang Yu could feel a heat wave coming.

He continued to push upwards, lifted up a piece of the stone slab, and peeked outside. There was a dim light outside, which was definitely the light of fire. He didn't know how thick the stone slab could be, but since it could be pushed up, it was definitely not particularly thick. He wasn't noticed right away, so there probably wasn't anyone around him.

Zhang Yu looked carefully and soon saw a haystack in front of him, which looked like a place for sleeping.

"Is this really Yunjier's tent..." Zhang Yu took a breath. He really didn't expect that the entrance to this passage would be inside the tent.

"Yun Jier isn't here anyway, what's there to be afraid of!" Zhang Yu gritted his teeth again and simply lifted the stone slab above his head.

Good guy, the stone slab weighs almost fifty kilograms, and the area is really quite large, at least nearly one and a half meters wide. After Zhang Yu lifted the stone slab, he slowly walked upwards, along the steps under his feet, and walked up forcefully.

His movements were very light, and he basically made no sound. After going up, he summoned the Yellow Turban Warriors with a thought.

After the yellow scarf warrior came up, Zhang Yu handed the stone slab to the yellow scarf warrior, and then the two of them started working together before slowly placing the stone slab on the ground.

Zhang Yu reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief and began to look around carefully. This should be the inside of the tent. There is a black cloth in the middle as a partition. The firelight is transmitted through the bottom of the black cloth, so it is relatively dim.

There was dirt on the ground, and there was also a layer of dirt on top of the stone slabs. It was probably because the seams were tight and the stone slabs were a little thick that they were not discovered.

Not far from the entrance of the cave, there was a red stone. Zhang Yu could recognize it at a glance. It was the Fire Essence Stone.

Zhang Yu was secretly happy in his heart. As long as he could hide the Fire Essence Stone, Jisha would not be able to find it by then, and he would probably not be able to meet the conditions reached with some people. Then Jisha's conspiracy would probably not succeed.

He didn't hesitate, and with a thought, the Yellow Turban Warrior immediately came to the side of the topaz stone and directly reached out to lift the fire stone. This fire stone is very heavy and requires several people to move it, but it is nothing in front of the Yellow Turban Warriors.

The yellow scarf warrior walked slowly along the passage, holding the fire stone. Zhang Yu kept looking around. After all, he was a thief, so he had to be careful.

There were also some wooden boxes placed inside the tent. Zhang Yu thought that these items should be more important, otherwise they would not be placed in Yunjier's tent. Zhang Yu simply walked over. As soon as he reached the box, he could feel that there was a strange aura inside. In addition to the weird aura, there is also a familiar aura.

This familiar smell came from the first box on the left. Zhang Yu came to the box. There was no lock on the box, only a lid. Zhang Yu gently took off the cover, looked inside, and felt happy.

No wonder I felt a familiar feeling. It turned out that the box contained Zhang Yu's copper coins, Huangquan Ling, and Yuxu rope.

Zhang Yu grabbed all the things, put them on his body, and then closed the lid. Although it is easy to expose one's identity by doing so, when one sees one's magical weapon, who can care about that. Furthermore, if he dared to steal the Fire Essence Stone, would he still care about this?

He then looked at the hole. If this hole was covered from below, it would definitely be easily exposed. Because the soil will loosen and leave an obvious mark, you can definitely find it with just a little attention.

Zhang Yu frowned at first, then smiled, "I'm afraid others can't do it without leaving any traces, but for me, it's a piece of cake."

With another thought in his mind, he asked the yellow scarf warrior who had already gone down to put the fire stone down, and then he walked up again. The yellow scarf warrior lifted the stone slab on the ground. Zhang Yu first walked down the steps, and then the yellow scarf warrior handed the stone slab to him.

Zhang Yu only needed to gently fasten the stone slab underneath, and the rest would be left to the Yellow Turban Warriors. He could hear a slight sound, which was the yellow scarf warriors working on it, smoothing the gaps in the soil.

After a while, there was no movement, and Zhang Yu was sure that the yellow scarf warrior had finished the work.

"You can disappear first." Zhang Yu muttered in his heart and walked down the steps.

When he came to the bottom of the steps, there was a fire stone on the ground. Zhang Yu took out a two-piece talisman paper connected together and summoned the Yellow Turban Warrior.

In the past, although he also used the Yellow Turban Rikishi, he had never used it so frequently. So all the talismans that were stamped in the past were kept on my body.

With a "pop", the Yellow Turban Warriors appeared out of thin air. Zhang Yu only needed to command the Yellow Turban Warriors to take away the Fire Essence Stone.

Things were done very smoothly, and I quickly entered the agency portal. Nini didn't think anything of it when she saw the Yellow Turban Warrior coming in with a big stone in his arms. Shao Weige, on the other hand, was shocked when he saw this and couldn't help but said: "Fire Stone! Where did you get this?"

"It's right above our heads." Zhang Yu said.

"This, this... why is this Fire Essence Stone here..." Shao Weige really couldn't imagine why the Fire Essence Stone would appear here, and why it would be easily obtained by Zhang Yu.

"Your yacht was burned, and the person who set it on fire would naturally have a way to take away the Fire Essence Stone." Zhang Yu said.

"In other words, you just went up and stole the fire stone from the hands of the person who set the fire." Shao Weige said still very surprised.

"Isn't this a piece of cake?" Zhang Yu said carelessly.

"No... Daozhang Zhang... that... you stole this... those people haven't searched everywhere... I, wouldn't I be more dangerous..." Shao Weige said nervously.

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