At this moment, Dajitu could be said to be very proud of himself. In his heart, the chief after the merger of the four tribes was naturally none other than his father. At that time, he, as a young chief, was not just a young chief of the Basilon family, but a young chief of four tribes. It is absolutely self-evident how prominent his status will be.

After he finished speaking, seeing that Nini remained silent for a long time, he couldn't help but said: "Nini, what are you thinking about?"

"I didn't think about anything... I just thought... how could the four tribes suddenly merge... Is this okay..." Nini hesitated.

"How could it be bad..." Dajitu said proudly: "After the merger of the four tribes, they will definitely become stronger..."

"Then... I hope so..." Nini really didn't want to talk to Dajitu, and continued: "I came all the way back, and I still have something to tell my mother, so I left first."

After saying that, she lifted her legs and walked away.

"Nini!" Seeing that Nini left immediately, Dajitu immediately shouted.

But Nini had no intention of paying attention to him, so she just walked towards the mountain. Zhang Yu followed Nini and naturally remained silent.

Dajitu saw Nini leaving like this. He stamped his feet in hatred and cursed in his heart: "Just wait! When my father becomes the chief of the four tribes, then I will be the chief of the four tribes." Young chief of the tribe, how will I deal with you when I see you!"

Nini and Zhang Yu went up the mountain. Above was Jingdong Anjia. After passing Jingdong Anjia's camp, they came to Nini's camp.

When she arrived at her camp, the Indians who saw her immediately greeted her. Nini just nodded and took Zhang Yu to the cave where she lived.

There were female Indians standing guard outside the cave. Nini sent them away and then led Zhang Yu into the cave.

At this time, Nini said: "Octopus, how come that Jisha suddenly came back and became the chief of our tribe...the merger of the four tribes...why was it implemented all at once...this, this now what to do……"

Nini was already panicking. She had been able to restrain herself when she was walking up the mountain. Now that she and Zhang Yu were alone, she finally lost control.

Zhang Yu connected the output device and said, "Nini, it seems it's time for the decisive battle."

"In the decisive to say this..." Nini said nervously.

"The person who killed your father should be Jisha. And the person who joined forces with him to attack your father... was either your mother or Mrs. Wusu... it might even be the three of them who did it together..." Zhang Yuman He said helplessly.

" is this could my mother kill my father..." Nini couldn't believe what Zhang Yu said.

"It's not certain at the moment, but one thing... that is, the merger of the four tribes was obviously proposed a little early... According to Basilon's plan, he planned to fully restore his witchcraft power before bringing it up... But now , but it was established in advance..." Zhang Yu said seriously.

"What's the point of this?" Nini said in confusion.

"The reason is very simple, that is, after you told your mother the news, your mother most likely told Gisha. At this time, Barcelon really couldn't refuse the tribe merger in advance, because if he refused this time, Barcelon It would be inconvenient to bring it up again in the future. Although he did not regain his witchcraft power, Barcelon finally compromised. This shows that Jisha is still very afraid of Barcelon. The other two families weighed the pros and cons, plus they could go to the Divine Prison to obtain the inheritance. We have to agree to the opportunity in the end." Zhang Yu said slowly: "We went to Du Mu's house and were attacked by the Boer priest. Naturally, it was Jisha's plan. He didn't want us to come back, because in this case, you would They will know about the tribe’s early merger, and they will also have doubts about it.”

"That makes sense, it's true..." Nini nodded, and then said: "Then what should I do? Whether it's my mother or my father who was killed by Wu Sutai and Jisha... I'm afraid I won't be able to take revenge..."

By the end, Nini was almost crying.

"What to do..." Zhang Yu turned around twice. To be honest, it seemed that the situation in front of him could not be changed at all.

After pondering for a while, Zhang Yu said: "Then we must start from the true purpose of Jisha..."

"The true purpose of to explain this..." Nini said in confusion.

"Gisha's goal must be to kill your father, become a chief, and obtain the Mayan inheritance. Naturally, he has accomplished so many things that he cannot do alone. There must be strong foreign aid to promote this. In my opinion, whether it was your mother or Wu Sutai, the reason why they helped Jisha kill your father must have their own difficulties. When things have reached this stage, Jisha is actually not very good either. End, because in my opinion, the people over there..." Zhang Yu analyzed slowly. At this point, he slapped his thigh suddenly and said, "I know what's going on!"

"What's going on?" Nini asked quickly.

"Our people will eventually have to fight to the death with the people on your island to steal the fire stone! Otherwise, someone will be unable to deliver. Gisha also saw this and let Barcelon steal the fire stone. , in fact, the purpose is to let Barcelon keep it on his behalf. Gisha did not kill the man trapped in the secret room of the cave, and the purpose is also to use it as a bargaining chip in the final negotiation. As long as we have this man and the fire stone in hand, we can He negotiates with others and finally achieves all his goals!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"I still don't quite understand what you mean..." Nini is naive after all, and it is really difficult for her to understand the conspiracy theory analyzed by Zhang Yu. Nini pursed her lips and said, "Just tell me, what should we do now..."

"What to do is actually very simple. As long as we can take away the bargaining chips that Jisha used to negotiate. Once he loses these bargaining chips, the war will break out. At that time, we can stand up and reveal the whole truth. Yes!" Zhang Yu said solemnly.

That's what he said, but Zhang Yu was not completely sure. But right now, this should be the only way.

He took Nini's hand and said, "Nini, is the Bathron family's warehouse still guarded by your people?"

"I'm not sure about this..." Nini said.

"Go and ask if Quilin is there, if she is still at the Bathron house. If she is still there, the warehouse is still in your hands, and we will follow the warehouse and get everything done." Zhang Yu said .

"Okay." Nini nodded.

Zhang Yu took off the output device and followed Nini out of the cave. Nini walked towards the camp, saw the men on night duty, and immediately inquired about Quelin's situation. The theory obtained is that Quilin is still at the Barcelon family, responsible for guarding the warehouse, waiting for the young master to return.

Upon hearing this, Nini was overjoyed and immediately led Zhang Yu towards the Basilon family camp.

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