Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4261 Someone

Nini and Zhang Yu returned to the passage where they came from. Nini used some strength when she climbed up, but it didn't take much effort.

However, when she crawled on the ground, she still kept gasping for air. Unexpectedly, she thought she had run for several kilometers.

"Whirring whirring……"

Zhang Yu came to Nini's side and whispered: "Nini, now we know the general situation... let's go back..."

"Yes." Nini responded softly, but her body did not move.

Zhang Yu also knew that Nini might not have recovered yet. He stretched out his hands, held Nini's arms, and slowly helped her up.

As soon as Nini came along, she leaned weakly into Zhang Yu's arms. Zhang Yu quickly hugged her and whispered: "What's wrong with you?"

"I...I suddenly feel so tired...I have no energy at all..." Nini said pitifully.

The Bathron family's warehouse is connected to their own, and everyone knows what this means. Obviously, the Barcelon family's javelin was most likely stolen by their family. In this way, the javelin of the Bathron family is just right, and it is already clear which family is missing the javelin.

It is indeed difficult for Nini to accept this reality, but she has to accept it.

Zhang Yu could completely understand Nini, and he could also feel that Nini was exhausted mentally and physically. This kind of exhaustion is definitely not something a girl can bear. Maybe it would be better for Nini to be heartless and not know anything, but the appearance of Zhang Yu made Nini know a lot of truth.

However, Zhang Yu also knew that this was not a place to stay for a long time. The two of them could not stay here all the time. They still had to return to the Bathron family's warehouse. Otherwise, once someone goes to the warehouse and finds no one inside, they might become suspicious.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then put his arm around Nini's shoulders, bent down, hooked his other hand around Nini's knees, and lifted her up. Nini seemed a little at a loss when she was picked up by Zhang Yu, but then she began to enjoy the feeling and took the initiative to reach out and hug Zhang Yu's neck. She said in a very low voice: "It would be great if you were not an outsider, if there weren't so many disputes, and it was just the two of us..."

"Actually... the dispute should be resolved soon... and everything will return to normal..." Zhang Yu whispered as he walked away.

"After returning to normal, will you still be by my side..." Nini whispered again.

"I..." This question made it difficult for Zhang Yu to answer, because he wanted to return to Zhenhai so much, how could he stay here forever. But he also understood what Nini was thinking. If he told the truth, he might cause great harm to Nini.

Fortunately, Zhang Yu reacted quickly and quickly thought of a way to change the subject. He then said, "By the way, did you hear what Mrs. Wu Su said to the people watching the warehouse outside the warehouse just now?"

"I heard it, what's wrong?" Nini said in confusion.

"I heard Mrs. Wusu say at that time that the two people who were originally guarding the warehouse were not the two people now guarding the warehouse, and the people guarding the warehouse now also said that they were transferred to guard the warehouse just the day before yesterday." Zhang Yu said.

"You mean uncles Yiluo and Cangpu... they are my mother's brothers..." Nini said.

"What about the two people who were responsible for guarding the warehouse before?" Zhang Yu asked again.

"The person who guarded the warehouse before was also very reliable... I don't understand why my mother was suddenly replaced..." Nini said in a low voice.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu understood. This so-called very reliable, mainly depends on who is right. The two people who guarded the warehouse before were probably very reliable to the tribe. But the two people replaced now should be very reliable to the chief's wife.

This made Zhang Yu even more puzzled. Why did the chief's wife change the person in the warehouse at this juncture?

Zhang Yu was getting more and more confused now. Normally, there must be a person on the island who joined forces with the person outside, and the two of them killed Bi Sibang. The probability of Wu Sutai is very high, otherwise why would he be sneaking around in the divine prison and digging graves. But now, the chief's wife has done something puzzling. The warehouse is the entrance to the Bathron family's warehouse, and it is now in charge of the two brothers of the chief's wife. In other words, most people think To get in, you have to pass through these two people. Rao was Wu Sutai. From the tone of his voice, it seemed that he had just learned that there was a new person in the warehouse.

Zhang Yu was a little confused as to what mystery was hidden here.

He hugged Nini and continued walking. He didn't meet anyone when he came, so it was basically unlikely that he would meet anyone when he went back. It was so dark in the passage that you couldn't even see your fingers. Nini in his arms was pressed tightly against his body, and a pair of jade arms were wrapped around his neck.

Nini rested her cheek on Zhang Yu's shoulder, staring at this man with her eyes, as if she hoped that this passage would never end. Because once she reaches the end, maybe at some point, this man will leave her side.

"Cough cough... cough cough cough..."

Suddenly, Zhang Yu suddenly heard a coughing sound coming from somewhere. The coughing was not loud, and it seemed that the distance was not far.

Hearing this voice, his heart tightened and he hurriedly stopped.

Nini in her arms clearly felt Zhang Yu stop, and Nini whispered: "What's wrong?"

Her cheek rested on Zhang Yu's shoulder, and her mouth was very close to Zhang Yu's ear. Her breath sprayed on Zhang Yu's earlobe when she spoke.

"Did you hear a cough just now?" Zhang Yu also lowered his voice and said.

"No..." Nini became obviously nervous when she heard this.

If there is a cough, it means there must be someone here.

"You come down first." Zhang Yu said, slowly putting Nini down and blocking her behind him.

In his left hand, the Seven-Star Sword already appeared. He closed his eyes and used his inner eye to feel everything around him.

The coughing sound just now did not reappear, and he did not hear anyone's breathing.

Zhang Yu knew that this was a long corridor and it would be difficult to hide if there were people in front of him.

After listening carefully for a moment, Zhang Yu still didn't hear the sound, which made him somewhat worried.

Although the cough just now was not loud, it was so real. Therefore, he was absolutely sure that there must be someone here, and that person never moved again.

Zhang Yu did not dare to move forward easily. After all, the corridor was so wide. If he stepped forward rashly and was suddenly shot with a cold arrow by the opponent, it would be difficult to escape. Even if she can dodge, Nini may not be able to dodge.

After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Yu showed the Transformation Mirror again and put it in front of him, then whispered: "Nini, use your fireball to hit the front."

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