Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4257 The Land of Cave Heaven

Nini took over the warehouse, and she took Zhang Yu in to check it again. The purpose was nothing more than to find out if there was any secret passage in it.

Because Nini is the person in charge of this matter, the Barcelon family must cooperate. Although no one in the Barcelon family knows why Nini is bothering with this, the chief and the high priest allow Nini to toss other things. People don't need to talk nonsense.

For a whole afternoon, Zhang Yu almost touched the walls and floor of the cave. With his ability, if there is a secret passage here, it is absolutely impossible to hide it from him.

Unfortunately, nothing was found.

Seeing the sunset, Nini frowned and whispered: "Octopus, how did you find it?"

During the search process, Zhang Yu did not bring an output system, and he could also see Nini's anxiety. Because he could tell that there was no one outside, Zhang Yu connected to the output system and whispered: "Not found..."

"Then what should we do? It's almost dark outside, and the Bathron family will definitely come to ask... What will I say then..." Nini said a little worried.

"I think you handled it very well at noon." Zhang Yu said with a smile.

Hearing what Zhang Yu said, Nini felt happy and pursed her lips and said, "Of course..."

"When the Bathron family asks when they can find out, just tell them to bring all the javelins back from the warehouse and see if they will be lost again tomorrow morning," Zhang Yu said.

"This...that's enough..." Nini frowned. She really didn't expect Zhang Yu to say such unreliable words.

"Anyway, according to the Bathron family, the javelin was thrown out of thin air. Let's see if we can throw two more javelins out of thin air after one night, or two more. Even if the Bathron family thinks it's unreliable, However, there is no other reason to refuse." Zhang Yu said slowly: "I haven't found the problem all day... It makes me feel more and more that this matter is not simple... Wait until night, I will continue to check carefully …”

"Okay then..." Nini had no choice but to nod, but then she added: "By the way, have you noticed that it's very hot here at the foot of the mountain..."

When she said this, she also pulled her collar, as if fanning herself.

Zhang Yu didn't pay attention before, but when Nini said this, he noticed a lot of sweat on Nini's face and neck. In fact, he is not the same. Zhang Yu said: "Isn't this summer? It must be hot."

"No, I didn't feel hot when I was on the mountain during the day. The longer I stay here, the hotter I feel..." Nini said with a flat mouth.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yu suddenly realized that it was indeed not hot on the mountain and could still be cool. He had never felt hot in the past few days. When we arrived at the Basilon family's camp today, it was indeed much hotter than before. Zhang Yu immediately realized why this was happening, because there was a fire stone in the Basilon family, and it must be the heat emitted by this thing that made it particularly hot. The reason why the mountains are cool is because of the ice stones.

Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't say anything yet. He just said, "I guess it will be cool after dark."

"I hope so." Nini nodded.

Not to mention, just as Zhang Yu expected, it didn't take long for Yunjier to bring someone to deliver dinner, and asked Nini how the investigation was going and if she needed help.

Nini followed Zhang Yu's wishes and proposed to move all the javelins back from the warehouse and wait until dawn tomorrow to see the number of javelins.

Yun Kil was baffled by what he said, but as Zhang Yu said, your javelin was placed in the warehouse by itself, and so many people looked at it. After one night, two javelins were lost. Such a magical thing, I intend to confirm it. one time.

Yun Kil had no choice but to ask for help and have people move all the javelins back from the warehouse. Nini said, I will stay here tonight and your people don’t bother me. Yunjier has no objection, so let’s ask Master Nini to give it a try.

As night falls, torches are lit in the cave. Although it is not particularly bright, you can generally see clearly.

Zhang Yu and Nini stayed in the cave. Nini seemed very tired, with sweat on her face and body. She sat down on the ground, then simply lay down, fanning herself with her hands, and said: "Octopus, do you think we can really find something... I doubt it, and I won't wait until we find it." What, it’s so hot here first..."

Zhang Yu sat down next to her and said, "This place is really weird, and I'm just wondering what the problem is..."

"You always say there is something wrong, and you don't know why. It makes me more and more scared..." Nini said suddenly worried.

"Why are you still afraid?" Zhang Yu asked with concern.

"It's like the Dumo family... all the people are gone at once... only Niong and a few others are left... I'm worried whether our family will be like theirs..." Nini murmured .

"When it comes to the Du family, I am actually very puzzled. I really want to go to their tribe to see who is responsible..." Zhang Yu said.

"You seem to be very curious and want to know everything... I guess it must have been done by outsiders..." Nini said with a flat mouth.

"That may be the case...but...Nion also said that among the people who came to the island at that time, one of them was an Indian and knew Chief Dufu..." Zhang Yu said.

"This is really a question, who could this person be..." Nini frowned and said, "The more I think about this, the more nervous I become..."

At this point, she unconsciously held Zhang Yu's hand and said softly: "You also lie down and talk to me..."

Seeing her like this, Zhang Yu had no choice but to lie down next to her and said: "This person may be the real cause of the whole thing..."

"The real cause? How to tell?" Nini asked curiously.

"I'm not sure yet... If we can go to Du Mu's house and have a look, maybe we can find some clues..." Zhang Yu said while looking at the top of his head.

The height of this cave can be four meters, and it is also covered with stone walls. Zhang Yu had not looked at it carefully before, but now he was lying on the ground and looking up, and everything could be seen clearly.

Just taking a look, he suddenly discovered that something was wrong with the stone layer above. There is one position in particular that has nine protrusions, just like semicircular balls inlaid on it.

The more he stared at it, the stranger Zhang Yu felt.

Nini didn't notice this and continued: "You really want to go to Dumu's house... If you must go, I can help you find a way..."

After she said this, Zhang Yu made no sound. She also looked up at the roof of the shed. She turned to look at Zhang Yu and saw that Zhang Yu was looking at the roof of the shed attentively, which made Nini a little puzzled.

Nini whispered: "What are you looking at? So serious?"

"There seems to be something wrong here..." Zhang Yu gently let go of Nini's hand and stood up from the ground.

In two steps, he came under the nine semicircular balls. The height of four meters was nothing to him. He raised his leg and pointed at a box standing next to him. He rushed up and reached out. Touch the roof of the shed.

With just one touch, he found nothing. At this time, people would inevitably grab to the side subconsciously, and he immediately grabbed a stone layer.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!" Zhang Yu was overjoyed, and simply used his arms to grab the stone layer, and rushed upward again.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed that his vision went dark. This feeling was the same as when he first entered the Divine Prison. In just a moment, everything in front of me was bright, and there was a long corridor in front of me.

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