Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4246 Talent

Leader Rice invited him to come to discuss matters, so naturally Nini couldn't refuse and agreed immediately. She took Zhang Yu and Kuilin and headed to the Rice family's camp.

But Nini was also quite puzzled. Shouldn't the meeting go to their big tent? Why did she go to Rice's house this time?

After asking the young man who came to report the news, the young man could not explain the reason. He only said that the chief's wife and the high priest Wusu Tai had gone to Rice's house for a meeting early in the morning.

Of course Nini didn't understand this very well, but Zhang Yu knew very well that this was obviously Chief Rice's desire to establish his authority and exercise his power as leader. But this is really a bit childish and nothing.

As Zhang Yu walked away, he was still wondering about the reason why Rice suddenly held a meeting early in the morning. After thinking about it, I expected that Orser was killed last night. I guess he wanted to know if the murderer was found. Maybe I heard that the murderer was found by Nini, so I wanted to see Nini specifically.

At the beginning of last night, Zhang Yu suspected that the murderer of Osel would be the high priest Wu Sutai. Later, he found that Wu Sutai still did not match up with the time of the crime. Thinking about it now, it made Zhang Yu even more confused.

When the horn sounded, Wu Sutai did not go to kill anyone, so where did he go and why did he arrive at the Divine Prison so late. Once the horn sounded, it was definitely a big event. Wusu Tai had to rush to the scene as soon as possible, but he arrived later than Basilon and Jingdong An.

Recalling that Wusu Tai dug the grave of the high priest who had only been the high priest for two days in the Divine Prison, Wusu Tai must have known some secrets on the island. Zhang Yu couldn't figure out what kind of secret this was, but Zhang Yu knew that this secret must be extremely important.

Zhang Yu could also tell that Wusu Tai did not report to the chief's wife after digging the grave. The reason for this judgment is that Wusu Tai and the chief's wife arrived at the divine prison at a very different time.

As Zhang Yu thought about it, they had arrived at the Rice family's camp. As soon as they arrived, people from the Rice family received them and led them to the big tent. And the person responsible for coming to receive Nini was actually Negus, the young chief of the Rice family.

Negus's face was full of enthusiasm, with a smile on his face, and he was full of flattering words. It can be seen that this guy obviously thinks that he is very likely to get Nini after Orser's death. Considering that there is still competition from Dajitu, it is best to let Nini take the initiative to make the decision to marry him.

Nini's eyes were full of disgust when she saw his look, but she didn't show it in her words. All the way to the big tent, Nicholas accompanied Nini in, while Zhang Yu and Kuilin were still waiting outside.

After Nini entered the big tent, she had to greet the chiefs and high priests first, and everyone was polite. Several chiefs and high priests also praised Nini's extraordinary wit for being able to find the real murderer in such a short period of time.

After talking about similar formulas for a while, Zhang Yu kept listening outside. He could vaguely feel that Chief Rice invited Nini to come this time. It seemed that there was really something important.

Sure enough, at this time, Chief Rice's tone changed and he said very seriously: "Master Nini, I invite you to come here this time because there is something I want to trouble you with."

"Leader, if you have anything to do, just ask." Nini's voice sounded.

"It's like this. Last night, first, people from your tribe were attacked and killed outside the Divine Prison, and then the murder of Young Chief Osel happened. Now the real culprit who killed Osel has been identified by Nini. Young Master has been found, but the person who sneaked into the Divine Prison has not yet been identified. I wonder if Young Master Nini is confident that he will find the person who sneaked into the Divine Prison." Chief Rice said.

When Zhang Yu outside heard this, he said to himself, this is really a coincidence. After he and Nini went back last night, they talked about this matter. Unexpectedly, Rice wanted Nini to take charge of this matter so early in the morning.

That's good, since Nini doesn't need to take the initiative.

"Leader...this difficult to say, but it may also be easy to say..." Nini said deliberately slowly this time.

"Why did Young Master Nini say that? What does it mean to be hard to say and easy to say?" Rice asked puzzledly.

"It's like this. The weapons that killed two people from my tribe were two javelins. I have observed the style of these javelins. They are definitely those used by our Indian tribe. The reason why I said it is easy to investigate is that as long as the chiefs of each tribe We can work together to check whether there are fewer javelins in our tribe, so that we can determine the origin of the javelin, and then follow the clues to find the murderer. The difficulty I mentioned lies in this. If each tribe deliberately conceals its accounts, it will The appearance of these two javelins seems to have appeared out of thin air, so where can we trace the murderer?" Nini said seriously.

I have to say that she is also a smart girl. As long as Zhang Yu is a little bit, she will know what is going on. Just like last night, the real murderer was found only because of Zhang Yu's analysis, but in reality, it was Nini herself who had to face this.

After Nini's voice settled, Zhang Yu could hear that there was a temporary silence in the tent.

But soon, the voice of Chief Jingdong An rang out, "I support Nini's statement. If you want to find the murderer, you must at least know the origin of the murder weapon javelin. Otherwise, where to find the murderer. The javelin is in the tribe. There should be clear records of who gets the important witchcraft equipment and what is left in the inventory. In our tribe, we have special accounts to record these. Our tribe is willing to cooperate with Young Master Nini in the investigation and submit the accounts Compare it with the javelin to see if there is anything missing.”

"Thank you Chief Jingdong'an for your support. Why are our Bisibon family looking for the murderer? Naturally, we are more willing to cooperate." Chief Bisibon's wife followed.

"Our family also agrees with Young Master Nini's statement and is willing to take out the accounts and javelin for verification." Basilon said.

"Since the three of them have said so, I, as the leader of the tribal alliance, naturally have no problem. Young Master Nini, all our tribes are willing to cooperate with the investigation according to your wishes." Chief Rice finally said.

"Cooperation is cooperation, but to a certain extent, it must be done openly and beware of any tricks being played by others." Young Master Nini said.

" do you say this..." Chief Rice said.

"If any tribe lacks javelins, it will inevitably arouse suspicion. Even if it is not the real culprit, it may deliberately modify the accounts to avoid trouble. So I think we cannot give any tribe this time, and the accounts should be updated as soon as they come up. Seal it directly, hand it over to me, and then check it. When you go to get the account, there must be a special person to supervise it." Nini said again very seriously.

"I have said before that although Nini is a young master, she has unique talents. Now that I see her, she is indeed well-deserved. Okay! Just do what young master Nini said!" Rice said loudly.

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