Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4231 Take my people away now

An ominous premonition arose in Zhang Yu's heart. He was fully aware that the death of Young Chief Oser tonight would definitely be a major crisis for all the ministries on the island.

Similarly, Zhang Yu was also guessing in his mind, who could have killed Orser?

Obviously, Orser should not have died when the horn sounded for the first time outside the prison. Because at that time, so many people heard the horn sound and would definitely check the situation, and it was easy to see the two bodies outside the tent.

In other words, Oser was most likely killed after Jingdong An and Yadu led people to the Divine Prison. At that time, many people's attention should be on the mountain and would not notice Orser's situation. In this way, the murderer is given the opportunity to kill.

At this point in time, Zhang Yu then thought of a person, and this person was the high priest Wu Sutai.

Under normal circumstances, Wusu Tai's residence is very close to the Divine Prison. After hearing the horn sound, he should arrive before the chief's wife. Even if there is a slight delay or something, I should arrive with the chief's wife. However, Mrs. Wusu was the last one to arrive, and neither Barcelone nor Jingdong Ankuai lived in Qianshan. This is simply unreasonable.

"Wusu Tai..." Zhang Yu murmured in his heart, "The person who killed Chief Bi Si Bang was probably him... Digging graves in the divine prison, what else did he get... If he had time, he would kill Ao He is also the one who belongs to Chief Se... What is the purpose of all this... In addition, Wusu Tai also has a helper. Who can this helper be... He is a person from the island, and there is another person. There are other people...what kind of puzzle is this, what kind of conspiracy is hidden..."

"Barcelon! Did your people kill my son?" Just as Zhang Yu was thinking about it, Jingdong An's cry of grief and anger suddenly rang out in the tent.

Immediately afterwards, Basilon said aggrievedly: "Jingdong'an, don't slander anyone. I am seriously injured now. Why should I kill your son..."

"Even if you didn't do it yourself, you still have something to do with your tribe!" Jing Dong'an shouted angrily again.

"That's a bit too much to say. Before, people died outside the Divine Prison, and you blamed our Bathron Tribe. Now that Young Chief Anjia of Jingdong is dead, and they say it was us, what evidence do you have! Also! , Jingdong An, you have to know that after our two families heard the horn sound, they rushed to the divine prison almost immediately. When did your son die, you can blame our tribe!" This time, Big Priest Yun Kil began to complain.

"Then tell me, when did my son die!" Jing Dong'an said immediately.

"It's very simple. Orser's body is still warm, which shows that he died not long ago. We all came to the prison almost together. Our chief also had some small quarrels with Chief Rice, and it delayed some Time. Later, we went into the Divine Prison to swear an oath together, which also took a certain amount of time. After the oath was completed, Buer came in to report that there was a trumpet sound, and we came out of the Divine Prison and rushed to your camp together. , this will take a certain amount of time. Although I cannot make a determination on the most specific time, in my opinion, most people will die around the time we enter the divine prison to swear an oath. In addition, as for Young Chief Osel, he will die before I am very curious about this point in the tent. Because the first horn sound was sounded not long ago, and even if Young Chief Osel did not accompany him up the mountain, he still had to sit in the camp and respond at any time. How could he die in his own tent? There are only two guards standing guard inside and outside. Doesn't this make sense?" Yun Kil said immediately and slowly.

Zhang Yu heard his words clearly from outside.

Whether the relationship between deaths analyzed by Yun Geer is correct or not cannot be commented on. But the doubts Yun Kil mentioned were indeed real. The horns were sounding, and Chief Osel was sitting in the camp. He should be there to respond at any time. How could he die in the tent with two guards around him.

Jingdongan immediately shouted: "Who was the first to discover the young chief's body!"

"It was Mrs. Didi and I. When I saw the horn sound stopped, I waited for a while and thought it might be okay, so I retreated from the defense area above. When I returned to the outside of the young chief's tent, I saw Duosen and Ruisi dead. Outside the tent, I came in to check and found that the young chief had been killed." A person following inside the tent said cautiously.

"Then you blew the horn right away?" Jingdongan asked again.

"Yes." The person inside said quickly.

"The young chief is stationed in the camp here, and you are all his guards. Didn't the young chief go out to check when he heard the horn sound?" Jing Dong'an asked again.

"The young chief was happy today. He drank wine in the evening and was sleeping soundly. We heard the horn sound and came to report to the young chief. The young chief was sleeping soundly and did not wake up at all. There was no other way, so a few of us went to check the situation. Already." The man said.

"Drink!" Jingdong An said bitterly: "Who let him drink when he knew that the enemy was at hand! Moreover, he could sleep until he was unconscious! Bastard! Bastard!"

No one said anything in the tent, and it was obvious that no one dared to answer this question.

However, after hearing this, Zhang Yu, who was standing outside, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

The horn sounds, which is a top priority. After the young chief hears it, he will definitely get up to see how he can still be asleep and unconscious. If this is the case, how much alcohol did you drink?

Of course, Zhang Yu couldn't ask or determine how much he drank.

"Chief Jingdong'an..." Yunjier's voice rang again, "Just before I entered the tent, I glanced at the dead bodies of the two guards outside. Their throats were also pierced by eagle feathers. Of course, This person may be our Indian, or he may be an outsider, we can’t tell yet. Based on what happened outside the prison before, I can definitely conclude that someone is instigating our tribes, for fear that we will not be able to fight each other. Get up. No matter who this person is, he obviously has a bad intention, and in this case, we must not fall into his trap."

"Chief Jingdong'an, I think what High Priest Yunjier said makes sense. The death of Young Chief Osel is indeed outrageous, but now is not the time to get angry. The real murderer must be found. Between us If we are suspicious of each other, the final result will only be to kill each other, allowing those who want to destroy us to get a ready advantage." Wu Sutai's voice also sounded.

Immediately afterwards, other chiefs and high priests, including Chief Bisibon's wife, also began to persuade Jingdongan not to be impulsive.

After these people's voices settled down, Jingdongan smiled coldly and said: "Don't be impatient, kill each other, that's what you said! I came to help, and my son also came here before he arrived. Everything was fine, the result was great, but he died so inexplicably. Do you know how to tell me to calm down, so that I can calm down? Alliance! Bullshit alliance! I see that you all have your own agenda...Kill my son I will definitely find the murderer, and I will definitely avenge this! I will never stay in this broken place anymore, so I will take my people away..."

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