Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 4228 is clearly sowing discord

"Are you kidding me? Mrs. Chief Bisibon, people from our tribe have never attacked people from your tribe. Are you mistaken?" Chief Rice's voice came from the woods.

"Wrong! How could it be wrong! The people of our tribe were stabbed to death by javelins shot from the woods, and the woods in front of us happened to be your tribe's defense zone!" the chief's wife said loudly.

"Then did you see who shot the javelin?" Chief Rice's voice rang again.

"This..." After hearing this, the chief's wife subconsciously looked at Priest Boer aside.

Priest Boer whispered: "I didn't see anyone shooting the javelin..."

The chief's wife immediately looked towards the woods and said loudly: "The people coming are carrying out a sneak attack in the woods, how can we easily see it! Furthermore, the woods in front are your tribe's defense area, and everyone in your tribe is there, right? Whose family could your people be from?"

"Why can't I explain this clearly! Mrs. Chief Bisibon, you insist that it was people from our tribe who attacked your tribe, but what reason does our tribe have for doing this!" Chief Ness said loudly.

"This is a divine prison! You should know why you did this!" the chief's wife shouted.

"Mrs. Chief Bisibon, what you said is wrong!" At this time, an elder's voice sounded from the other side of the woods ahead.

As soon as she heard the sound, the chief's wife could tell that it should be the hollow voice of Aisha, the high priest of the Rice family.

"What's wrong?" asked the chief's wife.

"Although I arrived a step later than our chief, I did understand what the chief's wife said. It was nothing more than that someone guarding outside the prison was killed, and the chief's wife believed that it was our tribe. The so-called identification of the murderer The evidence seems to be the javelin that shot your tribe members to death. I wonder if the chief’s wife can let me and our chief go up and have a look and make it clear.” Aisha said hollowly.

"Okay! You two come over! But no one else is allowed!" the chief's wife shouted.

When she spoke like this, it was obvious that she was still wary of the other person.

"No problem!" Aisha said hollowly.

Soon, footsteps sounded. Aisha Dongkong and Chief Rice walked out from the left and right sides of the trees below and walked up together. There are no mountain trails here, but the slopes are gentle and easy to walk on.

Chief Rice and Aisha Dongkong quickly arrived in front of the Divine Prison and met with the chief's wife and others. Everyone in the Bi Si Bang family was on guard, as if they were afraid that these two people would suddenly take action.

However, these two people seemed very calm. As soon as they arrived in front of the chief's wife, Aisha Kongkong said directly: "Mrs. Chief Bisibon, you said that people from our tribe suddenly attacked people from your tribe. Can you let me see you?" Where did the person die?"

"Right here!" The chief's wife immediately pointed to the place next to the cave.

The others stepped aside, revealing two bodies lying next to the cave. These two corpses still had javelins stuck in their chests and had not been removed.

Aisha Dongkong walked over first, Rice followed him, and the chief's wife and others also came together.

Arriving in front of the corpse, Aisha Kongkong only took a cursory glance and couldn't help laughing, "Hahahahaha..."

"Why is the high priest laughing?" asked the chief's wife.

"This is clearly someone who is sowing discord!" Aisha said bluntly.

"Sowing do you say this..." the chief's wife said again.

"How should I put it..." Aisha smiled hollowly and said: "Now I would like to ask the chief's wife to answer two questions for me first..."

"What's the problem?" said the chief's wife.

"Chicai Chief's wife said that the reason why our tribe launched a sneak attack on your people was all because of the Divine Prison. Then Mrs. Chief, tell me, if our tribe really launched a sneak attack, would it be able to occupy the Divine Prison now? The second question is, if it was really a sneak attack by our tribe, why were only two people killed? Is it possible that our tribe was so incompetent and planned a sneak attack? Don’t we have the ability to kill all of your people?" Aisha was empty-handed. Said arrogantly.

"This..." The chief's wife couldn't help showing hesitation when she heard this. Just as Aisha Kongkong said, if the Rice tribe really took action, how could it be possible to kill only two people. If he really wanted to occupy the Divine Prison, he should have been able to occupy the Divine Prison by then.

Upon seeing this, Chief Rice immediately said: "Mrs. Chief Bisibon, I think this is definitely a misunderstanding. Someone is clearly deliberately trying to sow discord. Please don't be fooled, Mrs. Chief."

"Yes." The chief's wife nodded and said, "If someone is said to be instigating dissension, who could it be?"

"Isn't this simple? It must be the Bathron family." Chief Rice said directly.

However, just as his words came out, he heard chaotic voices in the woods in the thorn, "Chief Barcelon!" "Chief Barcelon!" "Chief Jingdongan!" "Chief Jingdongan!"...

Accompanied by shouts and noisy footsteps, it was obvious that many people came over after hearing the horn sound.

After a while, the crowd at Bi Si Bang's house separated to the left and right, and four people walked through. Just at a glance, it was Barcelon and High Priest Yunjier, Jingdong An and High Priest Yadu.

As soon as he saw them coming, Rice deliberately said: "Look, the real master is here, don't let our family take the blame."

"Mrs. Chief Bisibon, why are you blowing the horn?" Barcelone was the first to say after seeing the chief's wife.

He ignored what Rice just said.

Jingdong An also said: "Yes, Mrs. Chief, why did the horn suddenly blow at night?"

The chief's wife pointed to the corpse on the ground and said: "Not long ago, in the woods in front, someone suddenly shot a javelin and killed two of my tribesmen. The Boer priest guarding here immediately blew the horn and asked for Increase staff.”

"You mean the javelin was shot from the woods in front..." Barcelon pointed to the woods in front.

As soon as he saw his actions, Chief Rice said coldly: "Barcelon, are you trying to say that this is where our tribe is stationed, and that someone from our family made a sneak attack?"

"I didn't say that, it was you who said it." Barcelone looked at Rice.

"The high priest has just said that if our family really wanted to do this, how could it be possible to kill only two people? Everyone here would die at that time. Therefore, the purpose of the sneak attack in the woods was basically To sow discord. However, his method is not only despicable, but also too stupid. Even children can't hide this trick!" Rice said loudly and proudly.

"Chief Rice, are your people stationed in the woods below?" Barcelon didn't follow Chief Rice's long remarks and just asked lightly.

"What's wrong? What do you want to say?" Chief Rice said, staring at Barcelone.

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